The Crucible of Mental Space

Hi, @gibi group welcome 2


@Eli, @WellBeing , @Rosechalice, Thanks for the welcoming ;-)

Great outlook, makes me feel warm and sad at the same time !


Of course it is mainly working on mental space as indicated in the name, but it is also transmuting basal energy of the body to higher mental energy. As said in the description,

So yes, I do feel this internal process of transmuting poison in body, and I do have sensations in my stomach while listening to this. I feel it works on a deeper level than that of the yt version which involves mind of course, but also includes a deeper transmutation of the poison in the whole energetic system which affects physical body as well. Mind and body works together anyways. As mind purges negativity, the body does too, it is just more comprehensive.


Should we have the crucible of Emotional Body next @Captain_Nemo :slightly_smiling_face:?

Transmute pain, depression and anxiety into peace, love and euphoria


the description of the field which concepts and ideas are used is put in the description of the field that uses them

but the ideas and concepts are used and targeted towards a specific purpose
just like the crucible of stored trauma which has the original crucible concepts ( just targeted at the traumatised cells but doesnā€™t do the whole body alchemy )

here it is only targeted to the mind

( so shouldnā€™t do a do a body alchemy like the original crucible )


Just saying that alchemy in the mind would cause alchemy in the body automatically, as a felt effect.


sure glad youā€™r having your mind influence your body that fast ( which makes sense to me ! )
I wanted to make clear this field didnā€™t have the body alchemy etc from Crucible. ( as your quote from the original description may make it seem ) :).

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You are right and I know your point. I quoted that just because I felt it made sense in this case too in terms of the effect. I know it is not the decription for this field, but I somehow feel it is still related, as I straight away feel sth in my stomach together with my mind while listening to it.

Btw it is a strong field I feel, I listened twice a day for 2 days and now I need to take a break. I donā€™t want to list the effects I am not sure yet because the mental world is personal for each person and for each of us to explore. But it feels intense both mentally and physically from my perspective :stuck_out_tongue:.

I feel it combines well with the Alchemical Holy Light btw.


in my case it seems to have crucibled many blocks, my mind is much more receptive to fields now ( any spiritual / mindset field ). much less resistant to change. which makes me enjoy themā€¦ much more. ( thatā€™s a lot of much, vocabulary eh :p ).
my interpretation is that it acts like a sort of crucible for limiting beliefā€¦ ( just subjective newbie interpretation !! )
Also Iā€™ve always identified with my ego voiceā€¦ It changed. I donā€™t consider it me anymore. Iā€™ve played this field a lot, about 3 hours the first two days
so probably aware about very little of what is happening in the background of my mind ( my mind may be on the verge of !caboom! but well:D ) because it so much change for it ? will see

So it seems to have removed a lot of limitations.
well thatā€™s my short subjective experience / interpretation for now
very curious about others experiences


What is the difference between this one and Youtube one , both looks same to me or I am missing somethng.

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Interesting! It put you into limitless state.


i`ve listened to it for about 30 minutes and it felt like a plow was going back and forth through my mind and getting to the surface old roots of negative thinking to be removed.
then listened to the Alchemical mind expansion blend, and it felt very different than when i previously listened to it, great combo.


Thank You All for your amazing testimonials! Thank You Captain & Crew for these Masterpieces!

We have been listening to the Crucible of Stored Trauma for 10 days to help us prepare for this Field! I just purchased this Treasure! We will add it to our Healing Stack tomorrow morning!


There will be upcoming dreamwavers with this, conceptual realization, BoL, BoP major/minor and mind expansion blend.

Very sure other creators wouldnā€™t even dare to make something like theseā€¦
(Only if they could that is which I doubt)


add in the mix the Soul Restoration (Brow/Forehead Storage Center) and see all the negative thoughts go away


Use after any of the emotional release audios :)


Someone else hearing Billie Eilish - ā€˜No Time to Dieā€™ in this soundtrack? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This makes me wanna buy it
I listened to that song on release like a hundred timesā€¦


then there will be no mind left :partying_face: but you will probably end up with a unpleasant detoxification :nerd_face:


No. I heard no Bille Eilish.