The Discourse of Chakras

Seems I have a few chakra blockages, would you suggest the Sapien Medicine course audios or chakra ones? I ran the former for a bit, but to no avail


Yoga helps too.



Very interesting information and thank you for clearing up the ‘fear’ based beliefs with chakras here in the western hemisphere.

I recently bought the solar plexus and heart chakra and today felt different.

People from my past are coming back.

I feel like my inner guidance may be slowly leading me to obtain all the chakra audios eventually.


Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing with Growth and Stimulation

i was walking with my dog this morning and what is usually a 15-20min walk turned out to be an hour! i listened to this on loop while letting my dog walk me lol.

the walk started out with misty rain, and like a movie, the more thoughts i cleared out, the sunnier it became.

at one point i stared at the sun and the thread on how the sun sees planets reminded me that the sun only sees us as light. beautiful perspective!

my awareness gradually expanded and it felt like my vision went from seeing through a peephole to my full vision and i was hearing sounds farther from me.

i woke up this morning feeling like i didn’t have enough time to fully relax before the next ‘objective’. i came back home from the walk feeling like there’s enough time to breathe and relax and go at my own pace.

the walk reminded me that when i go at my own pace, it’s also the pace of the universe.


Feburary 6, 2021

i slept with only sacral and base and heart and solar plexus chakra audios looping.

i started having romantic visuals that made me genuinely smile. no forced smiles! hearing a crush call me by my name was very sweet.

i was dreaming that i was playing games with my friends. i progressively felt higher and higher. it makes me wonder if i really need marijuana if i get the same effects with the audio and no drowsiness or paranoia.

i got so high at one point in my dream that i woke up. usually it’s the other way around lol.

i woke up to my crush texting me and our conversation felt so natural.

i felt very confident and just told him exactly what my heart felt like telling him. the way he texted gave me a feeling that he was excited to talk to me. a reason why i feel this was is because he texts differently in our group chats.

with conceptual realizations audio, i’m starting to understand the timing between me and my romantic interest. there’s definitely reasons to why we aren’t connecting at the times i really want to connect.

i grew up always putting my crush on a pedestal and being like:


with all these awesome morphic fields i feel like i am more confident to tell my crush how i really feel about our relationship even if i’m scared of how he will take it.

when it comes to everyone else in my life, it’s so easy to reach out to them. when it comes to romance, there’s so many thoughts and beliefs that block me and i have to go through them to connect with him.

i feel like no amount of reading and watching romance will ever match up to actually talking to the guys i like and spending quality time with them.

again, these chakra audios are so amazingly affordable. they were the ones i always wanted to get, but for some reason never did until now.

i’m going to buy the final two as i was reminded of memories in high school that related a lot to my right brain and ‘alien’ visuals and feelings.


@Maoshan_Wanderer I saw you’re explanation of the Sri chakra, and it got me curious about your perception of the other “extra Chakras”. If you were able to, could you offer your insights on some other Chakras for me, and whether you personally believe in them or not?

  • Earth Star
  • Soul Star
  • Higher Heart
  • Sacred Heart (Hrit)

There are 72,000 nadis and 108 chakras - so I am pretty sure there’s enough room to accomodate all/any chakras haha. I don’t see any issues with these chakras. PI, for some of his claims that I disagree with, does borrow Hrit Chakra (hrit = heart) from Ramana Maharshi’s teachings and Maharshi describes this chakra based on his practical experience.

Chakras are a construct, often a useful way, to interact with the energy body. There is a lot of flexibility in approaching them, as long as we are not going totally outlandish :slight_smile:

We need to abandon all constructs at some point, the key though is to do that only at the right time, and not throw the baby out with the bath water.


I think a point you may be missing and misled by all the other channels you go too,
is improper understanding and an imagined understanding.
Also remember, these are also part of your body’s normal functioning, while, they digest and redistribute energies to the organs that they are also attached too.
The word open and closed is also loosely used by everyone,
but if a chakra was truly closed then you should expect non functioning organs there.


Energy also follows thought.

chakras even look different on various people, influenced by their beliefs.
It is influenced by your mental states and ‘spiritual practices’
some people deep in tantric arts will have chakras which look like flowers and contain other energies within it, introduced from an outside influence or their own influence… to grow along a specific path.
But is everyone’s chakra a thousand petalled lotus?
and while originally these are more metaphors to describe the characteristics and functions, a lot have imposed this literally,
and sometimes even extended work can influence its ‘look’.
Now here is some food for thought.
Following the inner world and outer world being seamless.
a lot of rituals and practices are symbolic, because the older scholars thought that the common man,
would not be able to understand the complicated nature of the universe and spiritual growth.
But an external ritual, symbolic in nature will reach the subconscious mind, using the imagery they are familiar with, therefore they will be able to get the deeper meaning of it by using the symbolic ‘language’ of the subconscious.


I mean There’s a maitreya audio for 114 chakras, a Spirituality Zone audio for 88,000 chakras, I don’t even think there is any valid number anymore lmao


We use a practice called Nyasa - which is uttering a specific mantra, and mentally place the seed sound in each of these 108 centers. The goal is for the centers to vibrate through intent (chi goes where the mind goes) as well as the seed sound. Unfortunately, the manual is in Sanskrit. Let me try and see if there are any other resources detailing this practice.

But the six centers/chakras and the eight crown are called “major” for a reason. They pretty much map to other centers as well. In my limited opinion, if one works with these, the rest are also automatically worked on.


Well the Google translate phone app can scan text and translate it on a screen into your native language

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Not Sanskrit though, the translation is terrible haha…Also the texts use a language called “sandhabhasa” - the twilight language. The seed sounds are never revealed explicitly but only in code. Unless one is familiar, you don’t get it right off the bat.


yeah Google treats text actually isn’t reliable. Hmm, yeah Idk what to do lol

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Mmmm…peharps a field can be made from Captain to help with this process!! :thinking: :blush:


Soul of India audio!


Those chakra 2.0 audios or the vibration series ,can evolve and awake s flame energys ?

Had an interesting conversation with my teacher yesterday, it started when my cat kept interrupting the normal conversation.

I’d mentioned cats seem to never get enough pets or treats. So he replied, do you think she’s not happy? I do not, actually, as she was purring loudly. Overall, that is a sign of pure contentment, bliss.
He said, that’s from her chakras!

Then I thought aloud, well I have chakras too, none that purr though! :thinking:

Apparently they can! He mentioned such.
And last night, when I woke up, I felt the same as I’d experienced once before, doing a Vipassana retreat: vibration!
Whole body had a light, slight vibration; at the feet it was more intense… and as it was so quiet, there definitely was a hummmm noticeable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m sorry, what? :joy:

They do that on purpose as they breathe… lol

Anyway that doesn’t discredit your feeling of vibration, which can happen :wink:


If I repeat mantras for the chakras (like Lam, Vam, Ram, etc.) just in my head, while watching the corresponding color(s) on my phone (or colored/colorful physical objects), would this stimulate the chakras, even if just a little bit?
Sometimes, I have to be silent, I cant go “Laaam” if there are people near me lol.

I wanted to make a chakras thread, but there are plenty already.

OT but just imagined this and think you should. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I remember years ago being high as a kite, dancing in somebodys apartment and starting larynx singing and beating on my chest.

It probably looked ridiculous but I´ve had a blast

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