The DNA Repair System

Ye since there is always renewal ,if your new copies of your cell are prepared and the “sperms” you give are created with the new fixed pattern.

(Induced by the THE DNA REPAIR SYSTEM )

Then it should prevent sharing any “baggage” on your DNA patterns , because now its fixed.


Hi , just wanna know when and how much did you play the astral primer with regards to your stack , cause I’m dealing with fatigue as well from this field. Thanks :pray:t5: :blush:


I wonder how this will affect your current kids


Hey, sorry for late reply. I remember I looped it, but I couldn’t remember for how long. I think it was overnight. The second time, I looped it again, but only until I felt better. Hope you recover soon :pray:


Hey no worries, thanks for the tip , really appreciate it :blush:


I have the impression that this is one of the most powerful fields. A lot of hidden tensions are melting away when I listen to this field. And I think this can even prevent skin cancer. If our DNA can be repaired, then that will surely have a huge impact (positively) on our health.


Hey sister

Hope you are good

Kindly send me the link to search butt enlargement.

Patreon updated list.

Thank you

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Here it is


Could this file be played after the vaxx to undo any of the nasty gene modification that might be going on from it ?




Hi @Bobby271 ! hype-zone-welcome


This field almost healed my sight (vision got better) :slight_smile:

The thinking part also got improved.

2 times a day for 3 weeks still 1 week coming for 4 weeks.


How is this supposed to affect the skin, bones, organs, etc? According to research I have just done and that I already knew DNA is the blueprint of our body and all it entails, so the entirety of our body; organs, bones, blood, etc is grown from the blueprint in our DNA. A scar, an injury, etc anything that changed the physical body SHOULD NOT affect the DNA blueprint.

So then, how is this DNA repair supposed to aid with healing scars, tissue, organs, etc if the damage is not directly related to DNA mutation, damage, or alteration?

I’m just using logic and rationale here, I’m open to anything just looking to understand so I know whether it is a viable addition to my stack.

OR is this specifically programmed to firstly repair the authentic DNA blueprint and then use that blueprint to modify and change the physical vessel according to it’s original state?

And what if someone came with BAD genes? How about a field based on Epigenetics where we take control of the genes and change the blueprint to the healthiest state? @Captain_Nemo


4th week, mood enhanced


The blueprint field will be able to do it i think.

DNA repair system will correct DNA to what you have when you were born. If you were born with faulty genetic, sadly they will stay as there is no healthy state before when you were born.


I’ve taken all information on the fields, perhaps here and there some others will chime in and leave some extras.

Currently, I’m just focusing on health – physical, mental, and spiritual.

Then again, I’ll be using the fields and leaving my own reviews. So far I’m pleasantly surprised, I highly prise Morphic Fields and I’m of the opinion that for most objectives it is far better than subliminal programming.

@Psimindset, I’m just curious because I feel this audio has many unlisted benefits so I’m going to add it to my stack for a month or three.

I listened to it thrice today and it gives me an uplifted and playful mood hee hee.


I feel like i want to start saving your Welcome gifs and pics haha

And you know, even tho i am not new in the forum, every time i see the ‘welcome’ sign from you i feel it like if it was also for Me almost like a good morning have a great day… you are always welcome around here

It feels good :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the good vibe you bring to the forum



Would this field heal injuries to the skeletal system that have been sustained? I fractured my ankle in may and I’m still having problems with what I think would be my bone alignment. I have pain and limited range of motion while bearing weight on my ankle. If not this field any other field suggestions would be appreciated.
I already have tried plasma 1 and smart stem cells a bunch


Hello! I think DNA Repair is a great choice for your family, after all it also works on pets and even aliens :laughing:

For you and your husband, maybe add Anti-aging, Chi and Jing.

There is also Animal Regeneration for your pets.

Apart from being burnt out do you have any issues you want to solve in particular?


You guys look amazing! :scream: :blush: :blush:
And the doggo too hahaha