The Dotto Ring Simulant

I really need to come off of the forum until after the retreat.
All these new releases keep shouting BUY ME NOW!!
I’ll be travelling over to England on a raft made out of plastic bottles and bamboo :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Another amazing concept Cap :dizzy:


Thank You Captain for this awesome healing field :partying_face:




In so many years of watching documentaries and reading stuff, never knew that such a valley existed in Pakistan. Great concept.




The Blossom of Abundance (Mind Program Series 3)

Let’s get all these new fields people!!


I was wondering about this, from a physics point of view, how is a thermal effect supposed to create a magnetic effect? Those are usually completely different things that usually do not affect one another.

After some quick research I then found this:

"The Magnetic Seebeck Effect"

“The Seebeck effect is the electromotive force that develops across two points of an electrically conducting material when there is a temperature difference between them.”

Source and Explanation:


OMG, What a Field!! Wow!! All Hail, Captain!! :raised_hands:



(Someday, a guy named Gheorghe will loop it) :grin:


This subject is fascinating. I remember reading long ago about the Hunza Valley, back when they thought it was the water that was so healing and rejuvenating. Kind of how we explain things in ways that make sense to us, before we realize it is far deeper than we imagined.


Wanted to give a quick initial review:

When I started listening, there was a first very strong reaction, starting in the center of the body and spreading outward. Felt a bit like an attunement of sorts. From there, tingling all over the body, particularly on top of my hands interestingly, whatever that means. After a while, I noticed a gentle pressure, as if a hand was pushing on my upper back on the spine area there. A nice amount of pressure, like a gentle massage. There seems to be a consistent electrical charge throughout the body, however not in an unpleasant or overwhelming way, but rather an energising way. It also creates a very peaceful state of mind after a while even in the face of massive workload. I look and feel younger with it (looks particularly on the face). And after not listening to it, and then restarting after a couple of hours, it instantly started working on my head (right when I was experiencing mental fatigue), which makes me believe it’s a smart field… Thereby it also renewed my focus and felt refreshing overall, yet it still had this notion to push me to also listen to my body and actually take a much needed rest.

Overall, I’m impressed thus far. Another gorgeous creation by El Capitano :pray::muscle::clinking_glasses:


I didn’t know this researcher or the history around this technology, very interesting :star_struck:!!

It would be really great if it was possible to create a pendant item and have this energy on it :blush:

I imagine this combo together: This one + Eternity + sacred flower


This part of the description is worth the price or the field itself.

Definitely a top priority alongside the vibration series, magnetic heart coherence and plasma flower, as well as hard detox.


I see that I need to do some experimenting then ;)


This might help too.

I can also firmly tell you, as a hard fact, that you will live longer if others depend on you in a harmonic way, and if you, yourself, are evolving and expanding your consciousness.

If you persist down the path of spiritual evolution in a balanced way, many “errors” will automatically be reversed.


Negentropic expansion huh

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I do. Even when I’m at the place of others, I tend to clean up/bring it into order. There is this natural urge to “balance” my environment.


The fact that discoveries like these exist only makes me think of all the incredible things we still don’t know about life and this world. The Dotto ring is something transcendental, imagine its application in a distant future where each person has an device like this or an improved version based on its functioning and all human beings live in harmony and good health for hundreds of years.

That future is still very far away but with this field we are undoubtedly getting closer.

Thank you Gianni Dotto and Captain for this.


Now that I have done some research the Hunza valley seems to be a beautiful place, in addition to being beneficial for health, a Portal to this place would be great too :grin:


General healing? faster healing too?

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Since each person heals differently I think the only way to find out is to experience it yourself

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