The Elemental Alchemist (Servitor ability)

Every ability is a pure dope.limitless potential…

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It’s already sold 16 times. Are there any testimonials? Has anyone experimented with physical objects causing changes in their structures?

yeah, i think im the one who accidentally have a hurricane coming to my home town this weekend

In all seriousness i did what you pmd me and removed earth element the item felt heavier. . Testing air element and how do ee reduce a storm? Which elements to test, prevent any further accidents


Welcome, real-life Aang!
what could be some life-enhancing use cases of this one? :thinking:


this one is next purchase, I can’t wait to have it


@Dreamweaver Could this skill allow servitor to change the molecular composition of air or water. For example, change the temperature ,create ozone or water vapor , is that possible?

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I am hearing the sounds of an experiment! Look at the tools you have been given here. Elemental Alchemist! :slight_smile:

bon appetit! :mage: :partying_face:


I’m not sure I understand lol. all this remains in the invisible world. manipulates these elements but it can’t be seen, felt. he won’t be able to make a flame appear visible to the naked eye? or blow air on my face like a fan? I’ll just feel it energetically? a sensation of heat or tingling.

well I think it’s time for me to go to bed lol, brain rest lol

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I tested this numerious times but outside since it would make more sence to experiment with a physical element instead of invisible. The wind blew very strongly on me all the times I have tried


It’s not easy to understand the language of alchemy lol

so it can act on the physical world. it would also be possible to extinguish a candle by controlling the air around it.

if this ability is able to do the same thing as “bottle lightning” i will buy it :slightly_smiling_face:

have you tried asking chat gpt?

Yes. he makes a link with a video game lol

We will see with time according to the testimonies.

I will concentrate on other areas

Does anyone have this on Zen Lion?

Some of the features overlap. Eg: the protective aura/shield, the mental clarity/calmness, etc.

Will this improve those in Zen Lion, or is it for servitors which don’t have such ability already?

Resistance: +2 | Mental Peace: +1

That sounds like upgrade, but I want to be sure. :slight_smile: