The Ernest Neuron NFT (The Brain Group 🧠)

The brain is very much interconnected with psychic abilities, so the answer is yes, not to mention Gamma Brain Waves, Conceptual Realisations and Emotional Mastery in this NFT
and also these:

  • Subconscious & energetic integration of humility and integrity.
  • Subconscious & energetic integration of empowerment, trust and optimism, reason and joy

But you need to understand that these skills need to be developed


Great, I want this nft badly
And does this nft contains things more than mentioned here?
like I don’t see brain hemisphere connection


Am pretty sure brain hemisphere is in here because the connections for it is their.

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stimulating the corpus callosum. Will balance the brain hemisphere.

Although am not 100% and am pretty sure someone will correct me if am wrong.


Yup :slight_smile:


I dont really know where to put this, am just going to put this comment in both NFT groups.

My dyslexia is getting better day by day. It actually crazy. Blocks of texting are not scary. It hard to explain, but with dyslexia when we see blocks of text, It like overwhelms the brain. Very hard to explain. Its not like the TV shows where the text jumps about, thats a dramatic version of dyslexia.

Philp you fucking legend man, You said at the start of the year it should help with my dyslexia and it is getting so much better its amazing. :raised_hands:

My results are like 10x with the NFTs while doing the energy course.


My understanding of english has gotten worse over the years, For what i can assume many reasons, like not acutally reading for soo soo long. So It upset me and now am picking this back up again.

Just started working with this again and i just done some meditation to the picture, Head is tingling like crazy. Hopfully my english gets better.

Will update and see how it goes. :raised_hands: excited to see what will come.


By the way,

Anyone got any intresting updates with the NFT?

I was recently Considering selling it but was on the fence about it. (Not selling anymore)


now you should be able to post here

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Look at this living legend

my man


Lol i got this back in my wallet a yesterday and the tirdness is back lol. I slept for 3 hours after i came home from school.
Its crazy how more logcial i got, my younger self would be so happy with the progress I made, But to me it just seems normal, u get use to it.
Not saying am the most logical but its 300% better then it was before.
Deit is so important, i can not stress that much. If ur not getting diet, this NFT will just having a negative affect on u.

Next NFT project by Philp is coming out soon :raised_hands: and i cant wait to combine then with this. I will let u guys know how many exam goes, I have one soon.


This field is a gem. I had felt, with the newer brain fields, that I was feeling more like myself than I had in recent years. This seems to definitely be true for this field. I can’t say that I feel superhuman, but I do feel like I felt 10 years ago and it wasn’t until working with the Brain Fields that I was able to have a more square awareness of the specific things that things had changed.

I don’t know if it was stress, toxicity, or some other factors—whatever it may have been, this field (and other brain fields) are doing good things that I didn’t know I needed.


After months of seeking, finally got this NFT, lol. Feeling movements in my entire brain, seems like a great thing to boost the brain stack, alongside all other fields. Now my stack feels more complete. :muscle:


Where can i buy this…

This project is already complete and was a group project so limited copies. You might find someone selling it here.
Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread


I had psychosis. I caused severe brain damage like depression, lack of cognitive function,emotional blunting, anhedonia,etc. I am healing naturally very slowly will it able to heal me faster… If not what other field can i try? Thank you

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This field is very limited but you can try to find someone selling it on the NFT buying selling thread.

If you’re more interested in an audio, there is a field on gumroad called “smart stem cells” or “how smart are stem cells?” With that audio you get plasma brain of youth as a bonus audio. Great field.

You could also look into the Manhattan Method, also on gumroad.

If you’re looking for something that is on YouTube try brain regeneration to start

would this b too intense if one has most of the brain fields aswell ??

Not rly


how to use the smart coach in this ??
