The Ernest Neuron NFT (The Brain Group 🧠)

That was from before. Now I do that communication usually once a day. I can establish it again by calling their name a few times and thinking of them (the NFT artwork). I still dont have them printed out. I have successfully established communication with them, using that method when I was on the avenue, about 5 blocks away, waiting (sitting down) in a drugstore.

BTW everyone has their own way of establishing communication, u use what works best for u. However I find it works very well to say/think a “thank you” on a regular basis or any other way to show appreciation to them.


Yeah i always try to feel gratitude when trying to connect like somone said on the thread.


Took you guys advice and drink water ate some nuts and got some omega 3 and no more headaces when waking up. however, Very tried really tried constantly. And there 2 possiblites for this. Maybe beacuse i have an engertic overload or maybe beacuse this field is taking a lot energy (physical wise).

am starting to reailse i dont really notice an issue with executive function anymore. Some times i would really really want to start an action and I can’t. That has seem to went.

My next goal hopfully would be the improvement of understand and explaining concepts if anyone got any ideas on how i can improve then please reply :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:. Wether is has to do with the NFT or actions i can take.

I do want to mention that i do have chrion. So I dont want to seem like the effects could not be from him, however, this is the only one I carry and sleep with. I use a Pciture on my pic for chrion that i medaite with.


I´ve used fields for many years and I never sleep with them. Don´t push it if you get adverse effects.

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Yeah i understand you. Learnt my lesson with playing the Chrion audio too much. :upside_down_face:

This NFT isnt an audio.

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This is very hard on the brain. I have had it for a long time but when i start working with it theres past couple of weeks Its kicking my ass. Yesterday i was only awake for like 6 hours then I just fell asleep for 2 hours then went to sleep 6 hours later.

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I guarantee they got some next Einsteins using this one. It’s designed by the one with the big dome. Lol. Like you know, dome as in brain. Lmao. Brain fields are the best. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yesterday or the day before (Hard to keep track of time when ur constantly sleeping) I was carrying ernest and same thing happend awake for 7 hours went to sleep for 3 then awake for another 6 hours I think.

Today I slept with ernest and what happend was crazy. When i tell you this dream was so vivid it was actually crazy. Am not tallking about them dreams were peoples face are blurry. I mean talking about great detail in my dream. I was at the mall inside my dream yesterday and every single person had a face that was clear.

My brain gave the environment so much detail its so hard to explain. But the detail was so crazy am talking about the products on the shelf the colour of the ground the clothes of people it was all their, everything.

I was chasteing somone with a gold chain in a big crowd and I had to outsmart him to find him. :sweat_smile: :rofl: I did find him lol. And then my brain remember it was dream so the dream turned “half” lucid and i started to fly. then other things happend in the dream but one of the most crazy was. I saw a women and her face was so clear and I only ever saw her once in my life it was crazy.

I am really greatfull that philp took me in on this. This product is way to advance for my level lol. I was talking to borisju who also had a role in the making of the NFT and he was also saying that this was way to advance and that it was like starting the gym on heavy weights.

So shout out to anyone in the group and the man who made it all Dream.


Just another opinion .
I dont have any “problem” with this NFT.
Initially I was a bit more tired, but that lasted about 5 days.
I find I had to drink a bit more water too.


This seems it would be great for someone with neuropathy or many other nervous system disorders, right?


Sense of smell has gotten stronger

stop carrying this with me for a while now and am not sleep as much.

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Would love to hear updates on your progress with this NFT. Please

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Stoped carrying this with me because got overloaded with VOC will update you on my results when am stable enough to carry this.

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been carrying this with me again today and interested in all the new effects everyone is getting.

If u have any new things update

Head buzzing came back. :man_shrugging:

am intrested in how this works. Does it do it at certain times or how does it work

Horus as well :D


One effect am noticing with using the NFT is that my understanding of lagnauge is getting better, It is in no means perfect but i was rereading the Torsion Desc and I could understand and comparend what it meant.


Is this available to own it

Vishal lol bro go check the buying and selling thread lol
Because yes lol

Might get a better response if you post in the Buy/Sell thread: