The Ernest Neuron NFT (The Brain Group 🧠)

Just another opinion .
I dont have any “problem” with this NFT.
Initially I was a bit more tired, but that lasted about 5 days.
I find I had to drink a bit more water too.


This seems it would be great for someone with neuropathy or many other nervous system disorders, right?


Sense of smell has gotten stronger

stop carrying this with me for a while now and am not sleep as much.

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Would love to hear updates on your progress with this NFT. Please

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Stoped carrying this with me because got overloaded with VOC will update you on my results when am stable enough to carry this.

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been carrying this with me again today and interested in all the new effects everyone is getting.

If u have any new things update

Head buzzing came back. :man_shrugging:

am intrested in how this works. Does it do it at certain times or how does it work

Horus as well :D


One effect am noticing with using the NFT is that my understanding of lagnauge is getting better, It is in no means perfect but i was rereading the Torsion Desc and I could understand and comparend what it meant.


Is this available to own it

Vishal lol bro go check the buying and selling thread lol
Because yes lol

Might get a better response if you post in the Buy/Sell thread:

Does this increase psychic abilities too?

I ordered this as a tag instead of the arc brain.

For a lot of reasons. Which I will explain later on.

But am exited and it will mean I will be carrying this 24 hours a day.
And hopefully be updating more.

Anyone wanna share new experiences with this NFT? Am just really pumped and exited to see how everyone is getting along with this. Because it gives me hope for the future.:raised_hands:


The brain is very much interconnected with psychic abilities, so the answer is yes, not to mention Gamma Brain Waves, Conceptual Realisations and Emotional Mastery in this NFT
and also these:

  • Subconscious & energetic integration of humility and integrity.
  • Subconscious & energetic integration of empowerment, trust and optimism, reason and joy

But you need to understand that these skills need to be developed


Great, I want this nft badly
And does this nft contains things more than mentioned here?
like I don’t see brain hemisphere connection


Am pretty sure brain hemisphere is in here because the connections for it is their.

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stimulating the corpus callosum. Will balance the brain hemisphere.

Although am not 100% and am pretty sure someone will correct me if am wrong.


Yup :slight_smile:


I dont really know where to put this, am just going to put this comment in both NFT groups.

My dyslexia is getting better day by day. It actually crazy. Blocks of texting are not scary. It hard to explain, but with dyslexia when we see blocks of text, It like overwhelms the brain. Very hard to explain. Its not like the TV shows where the text jumps about, thats a dramatic version of dyslexia.

Philp you fucking legend man, You said at the start of the year it should help with my dyslexia and it is getting so much better its amazing. :raised_hands:

My results are like 10x with the NFTs while doing the energy course.