I got this field since it came out, and I’ve been playing it for around 10 hours per day on average.
And my experience with it has been very interesting to say the least, here are the benefits I noticed, I am much less emotional, and I can think very clearly in every situation. It’s like I can control my urges and things don’t get to me as much, my motivation has increased, my drive to work and my discipline has improved a lot.
BUT this is very weird, I am a lot less h*rny, idk if it is my libido taking a hit for spamming it, or maybe it’s healing my trauma and that is affecting my sex drive. not really sure but I know for a fact that my performance has decreased, I will keep spamming it and we’ll see, hope this doesn’t continue as my body gets more attuned to the full benefits of this field.
Another thing I noticed was the first day using it I was EXTREMELY down, it’s like having a big load of junk being thrown away, probably the trauma, the day after I felt amazing,
Also my muscles are FULLER oh my days, I feel pumped 24/7, my hamstring was sore and I didn’t even work out my legs yet. Then a day after I had my leg day (it was hell lol). But funny enough, I didn’t feel as sore as I would expect. This shows that my recovery has improved a lot. Also I am not gaining fat as fast even though I am eating a lot, so I can say that the fat burning potential of this field is strong.
So yea all in all, positive review. I just need to be mindful if my libido and performance in bed stays like this or not, we’ll see.