The Hard Detox

Toxins are any substance that can be poisonous or cause negative health effects. “Toxin” refers to all the metals, chemicals, pollutants, artificial food ingredients, pesticides, and poisons that cause the body harm. This audio works with the body’s natural process to remove these from your body, So be careful as body odor and waste may have a higher smell than usual during the detox process and you may also experience sickly or flu like symptoms.

This is an enhanced version which also induces the production of CYP2C and CYP3A which speeds up the breakdown of drug products and by products (Be careful if you use medication)

It is all plasmafied as well. Be careful as you can get ill with the enhanced and speeded detoxification of the body.

Use as you are so guided


Be careful if we use medication? So if we do, then we probably shouldn’t use this at all, correct? @Dreamweaver


Interesting release, I wonder if is gentler than the Full Body Detox one.

I purposely abused that field once going a little bit more than what was recomanded, and unsurprisingly I got KOd the next day but it was way better the days after, I’ve felt so light and cleaned

That being said keeping up with the recomanded listening time it’s very important for this kind of fields




If home alone ahahahah

Otherwise your house fellows would be intoxicated with smells of putrescence by going to the toilet after you🤣

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With our ready-shoot-aim approach to technological growth, the cost of the pollution is not calculated in timely fashion, as that would slow down growth and might even put a nation at risk to fall behind in global competition. And so now pollution is ubiquitous; you can’t hide from it—not anymore—surrounded by plants, beach weather or waterfalls. It’s everywhere and it’s can’t be filtered.

You can think of this pollution as a tax, a hindrance, a drag on all of your other fields or life efforts in general. But now there’s a good, cheap way to get ahead of it.


Wow this is a must!


This is a must indeed

Thanks captain :D


Yes definitely a must field at a great price! Thanks Dreamweaver. :+1:


It’s called HARD detox and there are several warnings in the description

I don’t know for sure of course, but…



Since I got mythic and comes with detoxed plasmatron, wonder if I should get this in the future?

Any testimonials?

Real-time review.

Strong field. Some electrical/pulling sensations that are consistent in some areas. Other areas might have a momentary sensation. The field does move around. I had some early sensations in the gut, now it’s working the head—first addressing the brain, and then moving through sinus cavities and the oral cavity. Vibrations now in the throat, though the areas activated previously are still engaged somewhat with the field. Not a complete downward sweep, as right hand and thigh have just joined with field.


You know what i think is a good idea? Loop it.
Im gonna loop it 4 hours straight while i fall asleep on the train.


:open_mouth: Damn! That dude got knocked out cold!


This is what could happen if you listen too much, not listening in a loop.

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Not disagreeing as a general matter re: looping detox fields, but I’ve been able to loop this field without problems. If this had been my first detox field, I wouldn’t have tried doing that, though.

So turns out I have lived my life completely ignorant to the mercury content of tuna. I have eaten a minimum of 1-3 cans a day for probably the last 4 years. Upon some research, the upper limit is 3 cans a week. Safe to say, I likely have my fair share of heavy metals to eliminate from my body.

Just bought this so I’m going to make sure I get 5x loops daily, followed by a handful of antioxidants to hopefully aid the detoxification process. Below is my current stack:

The Hard Detox x5
Hydrogen fission x2
Resveratrol (PU) x2
NAC + Nigella Sativa (with HGF) (PU) x2
Mito Q x3
L-pyroglutamic Acid + Hesperidin (PU) x3
NadH Boost (PU) x3
NMN to increase Nad+ x1
Savior of the world x3

Unsure if they are all on topic but thought it wouldn’t hurt to get some anti-aging in there too. Ran this stack yesterday and didn’t get much detox symptoms other than feeling a bit of a weird jittery feeling to the outside of my body. Also woke up with an uncomfortable stomach this morning.

Would love some more pointers for the stack, thinking maybe throw in a blood detox (blood purifier or negative ion plasma blood) after the hard detox?

Once I know how I consistently react to this stack, on days I have the time I will increase the loops of Hard Detox, and leave the other tracks as they are.