The Honored Ancestors

Wow, i love this field. Perhaps i even have died before this life.


Wow, how apt…I’m visiting my father’s ancestral home…weird things have been happening…got locked out first night, front door slammed locked behind me…had to scale a wall to get back into the family home. My father built the home himself on family land. Most of his family passed away when I was a child, so never met them in person. 2nd day I am here, had a tropical storm that knocked power for a day, and everything is shut down. Neighbors look out for each other here, it’s a simpler way of life, shows me how much we take for granted. I was given food, water by strangers. I was looking for a way to honor my ancestors…this is so perfect. After looping this, felt calm and less stressed, and less feeling like a stranger in a land, that is actually my home…


Stunning :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck:


This one is Deep, and should have a little space within the weekly stack.

Nonetheless it feels amazing :heart_eyes:
Almost giving some sort of psychedelic effects.


I just finished listening. I am still processing… it’s hard to describe. Peace, emotions, belonging. Forgiveness.

When the video ended I noticed I had water running through my nose. Water. I wonder what it’s means… Perhaps nothing really, but it had happened to me the same in very particular situations during life. Situations where the “line” between life and death was thin.

Thank you so much for this opportunity for healing our life and beyond.


What would you like it to mean? (Go with that. :wink: )


:blush: Thanks friend.

Hm… It’s their presence.


Perhaps the water provided “the bridge” for the communication you sought.


That’s perfectly put :slightly_smiling_face:

But in those situations I mentioned, I was not seeking for any communication. It just happened. In the presence of some people who were close to experience death. Maybe the presence of some high beings who were there to facilitate the process, idk.
But I was not seeking to sense or communicate anything. I just noticed that and felt it had a connection.

But I understand your point.


Thanks for this Captain, I had a sense of relief and a connection with grandmother while listening to this.


I tried this yesterday, the anniversary of my father’s death.
I immediately felt so much love and gratitude for him. Normally my mind struggles to see him as a good father, even though in the last few days let’s say I’ve paved the way for this field (thanks @_OM ).

Later the sensation expanded to the image of my mother and gradually to other less and less known “figures”.
At the end of my session the feeling was one of great lightness, release and stillness like a calm sea.
Thanks @Captain_Nemo


Thanks for that beautiful sharing Akkar :pray:

My 3 days testimonials:

I have been meditating with it 2-3 times a day since its release.

Like most of us here I guess, I come from a very heavy lineage (war, sexual & mental abuses, addictions, etc.), the experiencing with this one is quite something, almost psychedelic at times.

I am experiencing so much compassion for my ancestors and realized how much disrespect I had for them, neglecting all the things they had to go through.

If our current reality is tough, imagine decades ago (and beyond): barely any women rights, works that we could call slavery, all form of abuses on a daily basis…

So perhaps, ancestors were not slowing down my spiritual growth, but I am the one slowing it down by holding on to my pride and not seeking their assistance.

On a more grounded basis, I am currently being at my parents’ and I have noticed that the two of them are much calmer, and less prone to the usual fights.
They even woke up during the “2-5am download window” and reported “something weird happened” :rofl:


Exactly, or better, mind is doing this.
Forgiveness, gratitude and lovinkindness gradually release the contraction of the small self and one recognize the illusion of a limited Being.

Ancestors are You :grinning:


Cool reply :grin:



It’s like a new type of peace.
I started listening thinking “ok, grandpa , it’s you and me” but on the third listen I had this image of him disappearing. Like what was supposed to happen just happened. No need to talk. I don’t feel his “judgement” whether it came from a “spirit” or my own projections.

Edit: I thought again about what happened and this time instead of what I assume was his logic it’s like I got his explanation. His side of the story. It’s like finding the alternative ending to an old movie.
The issue is solved, couldn’t have bad thought about him even if I wanted.

I might have gotten a message, an unexpected one. It was actually nice.

Anyone got a message from a dead relative ?


I shared this link to one of my sisters because… shes the one that has had a hard time letting go of our late Dad’s memory or more like healing from his absence.

I honestly didnt ask her if she was listening to it, but today she messaged me and said, " i think is this audio, but ive been feeling Dad closer to Me, and as I was parking at x place i saw this and I knew it was him confirming his presence"

" GFS " are literally in that order the initials of his name and both last names (in latin countries you use both parents last name) and that number was always his favorite number to play lottery etc which he got a few times (small prizes but still)



Yes! My ancestors are quite active with me, especially my Dad. My Dad died in 2012 but still contacts me plenty! He’s especially skilled at using electronics to help him “show up”.

As recently as July 2021 when he showed up, for the first time in my insurance renewal as a member of my household - unlicensed, single but employed (!) 1. He’s never been associated with my current house in any way 2. he was licensed when he died. 3. He was married when he died and 4. He was retired when he died. It was great!

He’s showed up in other “documentable” ways as well. For example, Shutterfly has this feature (and now so does OneDrive) where it send you an email of pictures with the subject line “From this day [X} number of years ago”…Pops almost always features in the selection in one way or another. He’s showed up in one of those emails in a picture with my Uncle on my Uncle’s birthday (keep in mind the featured picture wasn’t taken anywhere near my Uncle’s birthday so it was a wide mispick by the algorithm).

From time to time I even get “gifts” on my birthday & holidays; things that I buy for myself, using a credit card, that never end up showing up on any credit card statement…the list goes on.

Besides my Dad, I have other Ancestors contact me as well…so much so I now get “assignments”. It’s the craziest thing…but I love it!

Have you had any contact in the 16 days since your first post?


Nah, I figured I was good with all my ancestors so I stopped. Only felt my Grand father and my great grand mother to some extant, but it’s related to why I had a problem with him.

I did not se my dad, but I didn’t have a problem with him so :man_shrugging:
I did feel the urge to go back to france and spend time with my last grandmother before she pass away and I totally disconnect from that family.

Oh, I felt something with my great grandmother. She was 100yo, but she was the one nice person, very christian, but in the do like Jesus type, not praying. She wanted to help people, she would give away her money and pressure the church to do some volunteering work. She was nice and positive, very active at her age. Watching tv ? Also knitting clothes for the homeless. She wouldn’t stop her “fight” lol

I felt some inspiration to be nicer, like I don’t have to be a jerk just because people are and use it as an excuse. Being a good person is a proactive business.


Would you like more contact?

If so, maybe you could ask them if there’s something you could do for them? That seems to be what keeps the ball rolling for me.


Nope, I’m fine

I’d rather not lol
But thanks, I’ll keep that in mind just in case