The Internal Alchemical Crucible

During, same for emotional release (which i played before this)

I actually chose to play it again lol and I’m definitely in a better mood now lol, boutta keep it looping it


Let it all out bro, everything will be okay


I’m feeling a strong heat sensation in my belly area going upwards after two rounds of this.
I forgot how good this feels after Ojas :fire:


Internal Alchemical Crucible

Here’s some more explanation:

Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara bandhas are three specific yogic practices that involve contracting and engaging specific muscle groups in the body.

Mula Bandha is a practice that involves engaging and contracting the muscles of the pelvic floor. This practice is believed to help build physical and energetic strength in the pelvic region, which can help with stability, balance, and grounding.

Uddiyana Bandha is a technique that involves engaging the abdominal muscles, pulling them inward and upward towards the rib cage. This practice is thought to stimulate the digestive system, enhance circulation, and increase energy flow in the body.

Jalandhara Bandha is a practice that involves contracting and pulling the throat and neck muscles inward towards the spine.

This technique is believed to stimulate the thyroid gland, improve the function of the respiratory system, and help balance the energy flow in the body.
Together, these bandhas can be used to activate and balance the flow of energy throughout the body, enhance physical and mental well-being, and cultivate a deeper connection to one’s internal energy.

It can be seen as an internal basal energy transformer.

The term “internal basal energy transformer” refers to a process or technique that involves transforming the basic or foundational energies within oneself. “Basal energy” refers to the fundamental, underlying energies within the body and mind that support physical and mental function.

An “internal basal energy transformer” is a process or technique that works on these foundational energies to purify and transform them, resulting in a higher quality of energy and greater vitality.

The goal of an internal basal energy transformer is to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being by improving the quality of one’s internal energy.

The idea behind this field is also is that negative thoughts and energy can accumulate within oneself and create impurities that block the flow of energy and reduce overall well-being. The phrase “the core of your being” refers to the deepest, most fundamental aspects of oneself, where negative patterns can take root and affect one’s entire being.

The statement suggests that these impurities can be gathered and burned, which means that they can be acknowledged, released, and transformed through a process of purification. By burning these impurities, they are transformed into a clarified nectar, which represents a higher quality of energy and a more purified state of being. This purified state of being is then compared to a lake of the mind, suggesting that the mind can be clear and serene, like a still and tranquil body of water.

The “transforming and transcending the level basal energies” suggests that this process involves not only releasing negative thoughts and energy but also raising the quality of the basic, foundational energies within oneself. This transformation involves elevating the level of basal energy, turning it into a more refined and purified state, and using it to enhance overall well-being. The idea behind this is that by purifying and transforming one’s internal energy, one can achieve greater clarity, peace, and vitality in all aspects of life.


As I venture forth in my journey, the more I realize the importance of digesting the feelings from the experiences I’m entangled with. Let it come and let it go, you know? The Internal Alchemical Crucible does just that for me.


For those who get herx reactions, this brings relief


Maaan this came in clutch today. Helped where PoNR didn’t. This is a crazy life lol, great thing we have fields.


Bro that is crazy I was just looping this yesterday after having it randomly come across my mind after months of not using it.


I used it this morning too after a very long time and this is a masterpiece.
I would say a must after shadow work/trauma healing/reprogramming fields that bring negative feelings to the surface. Top notch mental clarity and inner well being :ok_hand:


Why did i avoided this field :grimacing:
I started to use it two days ago twice a day.

I’ve NEVER noticed such a mood switch after any field in such a short time.

I was very stressed lately and i was overthinking to much especially negative scenarios in my head.

Guess what… no negative thoughts anymore. I can’t wait for long time results.

Mastepiece :dizzy:


I listened today about 6+ times and boy am i hot right now. Yesterday when i used it once it really calmed my racing mind and body. I don’t know why but i am very aware of my nose right now :sweat_smile:


We are connected. I used it the day before as well. :muscle:

Hahaha, I did my fair share of amygdala healing that day, and shamanic blend and project mental health on top of it and surely, it was a necessity.

Yaaaay the Cat Queen is happy!

Lol it surely “burns up” a lot doesn’t it.

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Lol :rofl: :blue_heart:
Thank You :green_heart: @Jojo

If Mr. " i have a fried brain after looping but i’m still sharp af :boom:" is happy then im happy too :kissing_heart: