The Jawliner Community project nft

how much you paying for it? send me a pm.

Full detailed description that was submitted is here!

Part 1:

The field will increase the speed of the jawline growth to its fullest. Some jawlines arenā€™t fully grown out and this field will help in making the best out of your jawline-genetics.

Subfield 1: This field will increase the amount of Hgh and Collagen in the jaw-and cheekbones area. There will also be a boost of ojas targeted to the jaw.

Subfield 2: This field will act as a smart field and increase the amount of the following hormones only in the jaw- and cheekbones area depending on the gender:

-DHT in males
-Estrogen in females

Subfield 3: In occasions of jaw- or teeth injuries, the field will further increase the bodyā€™s capability to heal and recover to its preinjury-state.

Part 2:

Your jawline will get more defined. The excessive fat from the cheeks, neck & skull will be transformed into stem cells leading to a leaner face. This field will also remove double chin.

Subfield 1: As an addition, the jaw will be symmetrical with the same concept as facial symmetry and body symmetry, especially targeted to the jaw- and cheekbone area, the chin and the mouth. Any unalignments concerning the jaw (overbite or underbite) will be fixed. The bite will be perfect. Also any jaw related illness/ problem like temporomandibular disorder or temporomandibular joint etc will be healed.

Subfield 2: This field will transfer excessive water from the face to more suitable body parts.

Subfield 3: Endocrine system rejuvenation targeted to face

Part 3:

The nft will help in adjusting the bone lengths and angles to an attractive, sharp bone structure. It differs from the optimal male face and the optimal female face and will work depending on the ownerā€™s gender accordingly as a smart field.

For the males, the following adjustments will be set:
The mandible will be straight and grown forward, with a 10Ā° angle to the horizontal plane. The chin to philtrum ratio will be of 2.5 : 1. The gonion is undercutting the mouth, with an angle of 110Ā°, and the ramus will be long. There will also be chin projection.

For the females the ramus length will be adjusted optimally depending on the body height and the length/height of the skull. The ramus will be shorter and the gonial angle higher (135Ā° and above) compared to males.

Subfield 1: The cheekbones will look higher set, the smart field can identify when this goal is reached and can also differ from the male and female goals. In females, the cheekbones should show more emphasis than in males. In males they (the cheekbones) should be more subtle. The zygomatic arch bone will be slightly moved laterally forward in both genders.

Subfield 2: This field will also have the automated Mewing field in it

Subfield 3: This field will also have an automated workout to strenghten the jaw-muscles leading to a sharper look.


Another Big shoutout to @repperfreak for making it happen by starting and creating this proect.

And to those who had helped to form the script along the way !

And to Captain for putting a gigachad to the image and creating the field. :ok_hand:


Does anybody know when this actually mints?

In a week or two

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Testimonial 01 - From human to Chad :facepunch:

From the very first day, I started to experience movement in my jaw muscles & especially my tongue.
The noticeable effects that I have for the moment :

  • A better definition of my jaw
  • A more tightened skin giving slightly more defined facial features.
  • I feel like I breathe better, probably the auto-mewing.

Iā€™m waiting to see how it all evolves but as far as I understand it
The muscles of the face, neck and tongue will be strengthened to bring the bones into the optimal position and grow in proportion to the development of these muscles.
The fields in this NFT (hormone) will promote and accelerate the process!

I will let you know when I have a big change :sunglasses:

See you in a few weeks :wave:


Is this minting tomorrow?


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Is someone selling this item? I would love to buy itšŸ˜ƒ

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So far whats im noticing is Iā€™ve been mewing automatically a lot more without effort. Where before I couldnā€™t get myself to do it for to long as it didnā€™t feel natural


Is this minting soon?

Well it should have been minted one week agoā€¦

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It did, people were selling on Venly.

It hasnā€™t showed up in my venly yet and I bought it on the first drop.

They might have transferred the nft of the 2nd drop (solana) to venly and sold it there.

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What collection is this under? I donā€™t see it anywhere on Venly.

Considering getting this one, thankful that you guys made this!
It couldā€™ve been the ultimate Chad nft with height and symmetry features not just jawline!

It does have symmetry targeted to the jaw included @mtoner26

Yes Iā€™ve read that in the description. Iā€™m saying this could have been the Gigachad NFT with body symmetry and other hypergamy advantageous traits

Yeah I understand, it could have. But if that were the case the effects for the jaw would be weaker which is why we focused on the jaw only