The Law of one book states that a harvest into 4th density would happen in 2011. How would you know if you are in that density, I assume we are not, is this correct?
No we are not.
It said in the book it was an approximation and depended on some factors.
I’m pretty sure a transition will be noticeable
When the Harvest comes, not everyone will go into 4th Density, (either 4th D. positive or 4th D. negative.) Those who have not made “The Choice” will have to go through 3rd D. again. Also u wont be sitting in a chair and then a moment later be on a 4D planet. To be harvested to either of the 3 Choices, U will have to go through the process of physically dying.
yes, i read
At the time the info was given an approx. of the date of the Harvest is 100-700 years.
You mean the length of the harvest? Or the date could move by this much?
Yes, the date could move this much. This is from the starting date of 1981-1984 + 100-700 years.
apparently there will b more alien contact this year because of the amount of light on the planet rn and the yearning to making a connection and that the qaurantine over the earth has been lifted which I think refers to the van alan belt… meaning more 4th dimensional energy will be seeping in so things will become more dreamlike + more et appearances/big foot/blah blah blah etc
I assume u didn’t get this from The Law of One material.
Well, the question was about the Law of One material.
It states that 8-9% of wanderers remember themselves in 1981, then that would be around a few million, so there are still lots who remember. What’s the take on if they try to somehow explain the context to the public wouldn’t that accelerate the public’s understanding and thereby their progress? It would be a win-win.
What does it mean that they remember themselves? I don’t remember this part of the book so probably I haven’t gotten there yet
Could it just mean they hear/feel a calling? Like a lot of people on this forum? I’m not sure it means they would really literally remember their past (lives). That would be a bit extreme and if they started talking about it they would probably quickly be dismissed as crazy
I don’t mean their lives. Just the general story of what’s happening.
this is where it’s weird, they themselves said that in truth there is no positive or negative, it’s the same in the bigger picture. how will 4d negative or positive be different?
Service to self Vs service to others.
Service to self is what they refer to as negativity but it is just to signal polarity.
Service to self is I think possible until 5D or 6D but it is very rare that negative polarity could be held there. Quite a lot of the second part of the 1st book addresses questions around polarity
More than a calling, although a calling or urge usually starts it off. Usually experience, memories, dreams, or a vision, things they see/understand during meditation.
Scott Mandelker has a good book about this called “From Elsewhere”
During 6th Density STS to progress has to change to STO.
“The Law of One”. Yes in truth all is one.
However, everyone is on a road back to the Creator. They have a choice how to progress. First they must in 3rd Density make The Choice. When they qualify and after The Harvest which occurs after 3 sections of 25K years=75K years everyone is harvested and put into their choice to progress further except those who don’t chose (which according to Ra is the majority of people on Earth now), they have to repeat 3rd Density and will keep repeating it until they make the choice (by the total of their thoughts, intensions, words and actions)
how does one not choose? if its by their thoughts, intentions, etc…
and who is “the creator”, why do we have to “return” to him?