The Legion Insider #1: The Holographic Mind Series

The Legion Insider : The Holographic Mind Series

They are integrated and projected as a whole

(Credit to @Pano for the illustrations)

Let’s talk about the Holographic Mind Series of brain fields released by the Virtus Victoriam Legion.

As you may know, our universe operates on the holographic principle: all 3D information is encoded on a 2D surface and projected holographically. Essentially, the reality we experience is a projection from a lower-dimensional reality.

In a holographic world, three-dimensional information is encoded on a two-dimensional surface and then projected into the 3D reality we perceive. Our minds, the seat of human consciousness, operate on a similar principle. Complex neural networks—comprising our inputs, processing units, and outputs—are essentially projected into the 3D space we experience as our conscious reality.

Here’s where it gets fascinating. When we enhance or modify these neural networks, the changes are not just isolated tweaks. They are integrated and projected as a whole, altering the entirety of our consciousness. Think of it as upgrading the projector’s film: the entire image sharpens, not just individual parts.

To achieve this, Dreamweaver employs meticulous energetic nano-surgery. This advanced technique allows us to construct highly specific circuitry at the cellular level, down to individual axons and synaptic connections. It’s a precise art, ensuring that every new pathway seamlessly integrates into the brain’s existing network, enhancing the mind’s overall projection.

Our “Holographic Mind Series” leverages this principle. By implementing targeted enhancements, we project comprehensive improvements in cognition, perception, and overall mental acuity. These enhancements are not mere superficial adjustments but deep rewiring that affects our consciousness as a whole and who we are.

This is what is meant when I say “Brain fields compounds”.

However the peculiarity of this series is in how we break down the circuits at the base in order to improve and innovate in a way that trickles down to all successive steps as they increase in complexity up to our conscious self. We can add complexity on top or zoom in to add improvement down below.

We’re presenting a transformative approach to neural enhancement, grounded in the holographic nature of our reality. It’s a holistic upgrade, refining the very essence of how we think, perceive, and experience the world.

More short articles like this will be released overtime. Hopefully they draw a clearer picture of how the Legion approaches brain-space enhancements on behalf of the wider community.


Is this element specific to the Holographic Mind series, or is this a part of other brain fields?

By any chance was this method also included in Koritsudo? I know that’s not technically part of the Holographic Mind, but I get the feeling there was some special sauce added there as well

all wiring fields, it wouldn’t work otherwise

I didn’t make that distinction clear enough.

In the holographic series we break down the natural aspects you already have.

The mind being an hologram of the brain, all brain wiring fields have to take that into consideration.