The Manhattan Method


When you feel comfortable you can up the listening time to almost 24h. More superhuman genius and acetylcholine, more wiring time, a little bit more of plasma brain.


I looped Manhattan method for 16 hours, and it was the most exhilarating experience. Loved it. I started from 3 listen then increased it gradually everyday. I just canā€™t get enough tbh.

16 hours was a one time thing since I wanted to test my capacity.


So listening to it stacked with Brain Key which includes acetylcholine, could I listen to it for the same amount of time as you indicated?

A little over 4 months now and Iā€™m still listening to this field. Iā€™m reading pages of a book once and can recall a lot of the information 1 week later. Combined with EVP, my memory has already upgraded considerably. Itā€™ll be interesting to see how much Drops of Memory will further compound this when I eventually get it.


Thanks for your reply, was planning on upping things at some point, guess itā€™s time to start. Feels like being in a rocket waiting for blast off, haha

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Hello everyone, i received an update from my professor and I got a 86 on my exam. I thank this field very much. Before I would have to study a lot m, meaning take notes, repeat flashcards, Feynman technique, etc just to drill all the information in my head which only lead me to 70 to mid 70s.

This field really produced the thinker in me, I was able to pass just by tuning into the lectures and just reading the information from textbooks and connecting the concepts together. No note taking at all :metal:

Hopefully when I get all the brain fields, it will be next level for me.




I hope youā€™ll keep going.
I want someone to reach the end of the Manhattan Method


@Fender_Cad yes

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Itā€™s amazing because even after looping for hours upon hours and with Brain Key it still seems to be getting stronger for me. I was doing a lot of programming today and itā€™s far easier than it used to be. I donā€™t get tired either.


Thank you.

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Iā€™m def exploring all the possibilities with this field.

ā€œNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert youā€ :musical_note:


Be blind? How?

Wellā€¦ the optic nerves are considered to practically be parts of the brain that happen to poke into the eye socketā€¦ change a few wiring patterns and things might not function the way theyā€™re supposed toā€¦

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The brain processes visual informations, even with good eyes and optic nerves, you can be blind or see twisted reality. Some people canā€™t recognize faces.


Hey I have a question,
New brain fields are mostly wiring fields, do they have the stimulation of new neuron/neuron growth like in the old fields such as creativity one or adhd one ?

Thatā€™s how wiring is done


So I have some results after using this field for a couple of days. After using The Brain Key before this, and I have noticed that new abstract concepts no longer feel ā€œfar fetchedā€. Itā€™s like I already obtain a piece of each concept and am just applying past knowledge to add the slightly new concept into my already stored information hard-drive of though processes. Like when studying upon axons, neurons, etc. I was easily understanding the topics whereas in the past other brain and body cells and functions were harder to learn. When talking to people I feel as though I already know what they are going to say or how they are going to respond. I found myself finishing my coworkers sentences because I could digest their possible thought patterns. This field is literally insane and canā€™t wait to get more!


Wow nice results Iā€™m experiencing very similar results myself. Iā€™m just connecting concepts and understanding things waaaaay easier. I used to feel ā€œdumbā€ in public because of my ADHD and it would make me overly self-conscious and nervous to look like a fool, but now I donā€™t care what anyone thinks because I know that Iā€™m making the best decision possible because I just understand things. My boss asked me for 2 items yesterday at work but called them different names and I instantly knew what he wanted. His response, ā€œYouā€™re the best thank you.ā€


Its been just a few days ive got this, tho i want to give reviews with good amount of weeks or even months, thiis 1st thing ive noticed i do want to share now because i find it super cool and something i havent noticed with any other field that can give me some sort of "extraā€™ insight or directly working with the brain.

I was expecting to notice the ā€œsomethingā€ new that i would recognize right away but noā€¦ nothing. Tho the past few days i havent done much, and have a few days off work, not even using many fields or thinking much just laying low observing some process that is unfolding in my path.

However at some point i was in bed staring into my empty mind just existing in my dark room when i said to myself, ā€œwhat is there for me to see or noticeā€ and then i felt something like

giphy (2)

Literally like a radar scanning my present life and pointing things that showed up just by flashes of images, nothing else, said nothing about them, the radar was just showing me where my focus should go (i suppose) so i did, i chose one, and focused on it with intend and once i did that it zoomed in rapidly and displayed what about x thing and details explained, rapidly understood.

So i continued doing it like that. It was so weird because in the past days ive felt a bit out of me almost even feeling like i could die at any moment (not kidding, and thats why i took some days off)
So all this process felt like if i was somewhere else not fully present in the moment but like weaves of information trying to make way through my consciousness to snap me out of whatever or wherever place i was or ive been.

Basically how im feeling this field is not automated (at least not in my case, or maybe since other fields do that then i dont notice this one could do that) but once i focus on something it displays a whole study of the matter, like a full disclosure of anything related to whatever i ask my mind to show me.

It feels like i could have access to any info i want, but it not only shows me the detailed description of it but the implications and different avenues with results of whatever i could do think feel or react to that thing. Like possible outcomes even.

And its been just 3 days, with me like half way here half way gone still noticing it.

Looking forward to enjoy the beauty of this field in full once im back :sweat_smile: