The Manly Man by Manhattan

:sweat_smile: too true

My beard has grown so much since using this field and

I have stopped watching xxx online, this field just

made me stop being interested in it.

Also i notice hairs in new places.

My voice manlier, my attitude has changed, confidence



much much more .


With all these new reviews I have to get back to listening to this 5x a day :muscle:t4:

Will update back in 1 month of consistent listening

I do have the Lions Mane NFT so hoping I can max out the beard stats using this in conjunction as well haha 🧔🏽‍♂️


Yea only carrying your phone on low volume gives results too. That’s why I’m only listening to Dream’s work cuz (sorry for my language :joy:) you can hear shit, but they still work 100% as even low volume carries their energy. For other creator’s pseudo fields you even need to use earphones so they work. (don’t wanna say names haha)

Welcome man. Thanks for your perspective

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Something I read from dream some weeks ago when I still wasn’t an user here. I think this field wouldn’t even work on your lady as she would reject the field because she didn’t accept to play/hear it. It was an example from the sun free tanning field if I remember correctly. Environmental fields are a different story. But still if you want to be 100% sure, then just use the field alone without any people nearby.

Possibly… not something I’d leave to chance though, especially hormonal stuff.

This enhance and up regulate nitric and hgh receptor in the penis? And enhance the productions of hgh too?

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Wasn’t expceting this benefit but ive started running more and weight lifting less, before i was doing upper, lower 4 times a week now I only go gym 3 times a week doing chest and back once then shoulders and arms another

I’ve somehow gained more muscle tho??? i dont even pay attention to my calories so its defenitley in a deficit but ofc i eat as healthy as possible





So the penis will grow?

I mixed a lot with other fields recent days and didn’t feel big of an impact. Went back to 3-4 fields a day only and it works. Feel more secure and masculine. Also taking bigger risks.

I don’t know if other fields interfere or it’s because i‘m still a beginner with these audios. Or maybe not enough time to play the masculine fields if there are 15 others.

Also yesterday i was exhausted after playing Quintessence of Masculinity a lot. 30 mins is enough for me.

So you need to experiment to get results…


You could also try with double the fields and it should work, always considering not listening to more than 4 physical fields.

What does it mean?

Going more aggressively towards my goal. Not necessarily bigger risk, but just using my skills without denying them and without overthinking it. Just doing it.


Owning this since two days and how to say it ? My body is in ruin, not because it’s hurting or destroying me. It’s because this field works too much right, I suspected a long time ago to have some problems with testosterones (also DHT) because of diseases after messing up with hormonal fields (it was a beginner mistake).

About social interactions, I am fearless now, I was always afraid to talk with people when others were surrounding me, always thinking everyone were listening, judging or whatever bullshit. Now, I don’t give a damn f*ck, I experienced this in real time and was surprised in real life when it happened first time because it doesn’t bother me anymore to say what I think without feeling worried about what people would think of me.

I’m good looking but these last two days people look at me way more, they respect me more, I even see that some people are shaken around me, they seem to literally avoid me. Women started to be more frontal with me, trying to catch my attention and make a move.

I surprised some of them looking at me repeatedly without hiding it, playing with their hair, blushing, readjusting their clothes and make up around me… and even talking to me directly I was like “wtf”. I had a lot of eye contacts with people generally and they often smiled at me or wanted to talk (men too). I had the best conversation I even had since a long time with two homeless guys yesterday, it was very interesting.

Lockdown make them lose everything all of a sudden and they explained to me their stories, we exchanged and they had a lot of knowledge, they were warning me about the errors they made so it doesn’t happen to me too but a lot of topics like Maths, Finance, relationship, society, school, work…

About physical traits, my skin was always damaged, cracked and not hydrated whatever I did was not helping. It seems to be dermatitis or psoriasis start to disappear, skin is very living, hair seem to growing and thickening again in some part of my body even scalp, no results about beard yet since I shave.

I have since the first listening a big boost in general energy, not getting exhausted anymore in the middle of the day or even after sleeping few hours.

It seems that morning wood is stronger than usual, my… has big veins and b… are bigger than usual, I can’t express too much about this since it’s too early but it seems there is an upgrade too.

My glance looks demonic I realize that I look at people with more conviction, my confidence skyrocketed, it’s crazy. No stress, no flight to fight, I’m in full control of my emotions.

I look manlier, less body fat, abs are showing more, shoulders and back are wider AND I had always a weakness in my back, I had gynecomastia too and I CAN SEE it disappear my chest is more square and the gland is shrinking. (my hormonal profile was really messed up but it started when I was a kid)

I have a different smell now but it’s not bad, voice is also deeper, I can hear it myself. Muscles are growing faster and each time I listen to this field my muscles have like “electrical stimulations”, they get sore quickly, the first day I had to spam muscle recovery because it was unbearable. (I’m also using Muscle Beyond Limits)

Also, I’m more hungry than usual with this field and all my body become cold ? I knew this field was the answer when looking at it the first time, I was waiting for a field about permanent hormone changes but without the consequences and it was what I needed.


Things that were hard to start have become easier, just picked this back up yesterday.

Thank you dream and philp, really changing lives


I won’t share more things, it might be “too much” to read as I usually talk too much, so it’s the last update, next one would be in a month or several months if there are things to say (it will).

Last night I had the idea of looping Manly Man and also Muscle hungry for Fat, each one for one hour.

My waist, chest and stomach fat have GONE in the night. My body has more muscle definition, there are muscle insertions I didn’t know existed lol, I never was this lean in my life because the fat around my chest, waist and stomach wouldn’t melt whatever I did.

My skin gets better, stretch marks and varicose veins are disappearing too ! When looking to my face it’s as if I was a better version of myself from 5 years ago but without the high estrogen level.

Something that pops clearly is also the scalp hair thickness and density, my hairline is filling up. (Smart) stem cells, Plasma Flaunt and Blueprint of Life already did work in this area before but I was really convinced I would never be able to recover totally my (body) hair without getting my hormones healthy once and for all.

Hormones are so important and since using this field I sense more reactions from hair related fields in my scalp, that is tingling and hair grow very fast. Blueprint of Life, Plasma Flaunt… are working really good now for my hair but also the skin, blood circulation and what bothered me the most, immune system that I had no control over before but to incur.

Like I said earlier I suspected to have problems with hormones for a long time but have nothing to permanently treat that without potentially messing me up more, so it doesn’t really surprise me to see this much changes in a few days.

This field became my favorite, it means a lot to me, some people with worst problems than me can’t have access to Sapien Medicine but I do, I’m very grateful someone introduced me to SM by pure chance.

It’s only the beginning so let’s see what it does in the long term now.


I wonder if this field can be of use (or at least assist) to help regulate blood sugar levels with IGF and other hormones, etc

Any updated thoughts @DR_MANHATTAN


I shave as well, but at this point its almost pointless. I can literally shave in the morning, and can pretty much shave again in the evening of the same day, as it regrows at an unprecedented pace.

Please do keep sharing. Its wonderful and inspiring to read.


Ive just had a realisation that people should loop this more than 3 times

estrogren is every where man from our food to the the tap water and plastics aswell. even touching reciepts lower your test, its so hard to dodge in daily life