The Negentropic Fool Tarot

Is it an audio or image?

I had to do mine on the computer. I couldn’t figure out a way on the phone either.

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Audio Here …

And NFT over there …


The fool doesn’t know failure…

Im curious if anyone has read “He” and the importance of the fool in the grail myth?


I have a very basic question.
Do I need a wallet to download? Never touch NFT before.
Thanks in advance for your guidance

The email you recieve will guid you through the process of setting up a phantom wallet.

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Thanks. Must it be phantom wallet or other wallet work also?

As long as it’s a solana network compatible wallet.

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I thought we could just be getting the Fool from the earlier tarot album… Then the Fool in Immutable happiness… Now I thought we’d stop at that

I’m soo sooo happy I was wrong!! :smiley:

Not in my wildest dreams I’d think I’d wake up to see a Negentropicccc version of one of the most fundamental Archetype in the deck!!

“As the journey starts with The Fool, and ends with The Fool”.

I listened to this one last night only once! The feelings of all what was behind melting away… And all at once… was fascinating.

I was on phone then and on the topic of ‘all what’s been going on’, keeping it as brief as I could, not wanting to open up, wanting to just skip that part into the answer and the ‘next practical step’

But then shortly after the first listen all of this changed, I started talking about how great Tarot is :smiley: and what it represents, I was so carried away that I just forgot all the events that I did not want to be happening or talk about!

But what was actually impressive for me was how all my reluctance and avoidance of that expression made a whole flip into actually talking everything out! Into letting it all out and acknowledging how I’ve been feeling about it, while also being clear about my emotions. I was able to know and tell (2 different things!!) why it’s been affecting me, and how it’s been making me feel, what my wants were in the situations, and how I’m seeing the better way to go about them, despite all the effects.

It was particularly interesting to me how I planned my whole future related to the situation in 4 specific goals whilst I’m talking it all out :D when before I ‘knew’ what I had to do, but because it was a lot of steps it just sounded like a ‘few big details’ in my head than actual detailed goals.

Being able to see this while being emotionally expressive is a huge detail. Because as pleasant or not as it gets, emotions can be a little bit too “clouding” when they are excessive. And it goes the same way for joyful and unpleasant ones alike.

So this double clarity is something that is really appreciated.

Negentropy is so cool :D


Stack for starting a business:
• The Torsion Field
• Wealth Mantras Meditation
• Woven Worlds-Millions
• The Negentropic Fool
• The Guided Path
• Well of Creativity
• The Unbreakable


I hope people use this more and the results and different perspectives pour in.

I think I could listen to this once a month at most. I’m kind of scared of this one :laughing: I sense a big power in it. But it may just be me.


Very powerful. Most great experiences for me but I can see wheel of fortune aspects to this. IE you may seemingly lose something you never needed before having it replaced with a blessing


This is exactly the sort of feedback I wanted, thank you. I hope the blessing becomes even bigger than it seems now :pray:


Im surprised this gets no love, no one likes fresh starts, opportunities, and possibilities? The artwork too is . Whoops meant the NFT


The yt video and music is next level


Here’s to fresh starts!


The fool feels no fear.


Does anyone know the answer to this question?


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It actually got substituted. The song/video in that album is now the negentropic fool (in youtube, may still be as it used to in spotify).

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Amazing music