The Plasma Flaunt

Only if you can afford it…if not then Plasmatron is beyond amazing too as well as Bioactive Beach one if only a $1 on Amazon. There is NOTHING wrong with that!


why Plasma Glass Skin is expensive than Plasma Flaunt?


Because that’s the price that Sapien set for it? :man_shrugging:

Maybe they want to help people’s overall health and decided to make the field for that more affordable than a field which many use for cosmetic reasons? :man_shrugging:


Hey friends, just wanted to let you know, that the Plasma Flaunt healed my neurodermatitis!!! I‘m pretty sure it did!
I was dealing with this since childhood.
It was really bad the last years. Really bad…mostly in the area on the back of my knees and my armpits. Took me about a month and a half with continiously listenig of 3 times a day to get rid of it! I‘m so happy!!! No more itching and scratching…no more bleeding. Wow!!!
Thank you so much Captain and Sammy!


:white_check_mark:Update - Day 148꞉

So, I’ve had this bump, the size of half a Tic Tac, on my scalp. Close my ear, for however long it was there. I’m guessing roughly 3-4 years. I never went to the hospital to check up on it, so I have no idea what it was. But it was soft to the touch, almost like a bigger skin tag on my scalp. I have used the Protocol for it and it kinda helped shrink it, slightly.

But it completely fell off, yesterday. It became scab-like about 2-3 days ago and it just fell off when I washed my hair. Very similar to the way the milia, next to my eye, came off. I can still feel the spot where it came off, but it’s flat now.

*List of things PF helped me with thus far꞉

  1. slight fracture-like pain on my left foot
  2. removal of milia next to my eye
  3. armpit smell
  4. white coating on tongue
  5. frequent urinating issue
  6. skin tag on neck
  7. blurry eyesight
  8. spinal and back pain
  9. ringworm infection
  10. heart rate normalizing
  11. skin tag-like bump on scalp

@Pinnacle Very nice how many time a day you listen ?


And btw
I love the consistency


Well, I don’t follow the recommended 2-3 times a day. I’m not energy sensitive at all. I loop it while I sleep, every day. So, for about 6-7 hours constant loop.


How often are people using this?

I generally do 3 loops back to back, but I notice that overtime it starts to build and become more and more powerful, effective.

So at first it kinda feels like 3 is not enough but within a week of using it daily 3 is really A Lot!

Anyone else had this impression?

I will say though Plasma Flaunt is a really profound healing field but you still need to give it lots of time. If you give it a year time and support it with the necessary diet, and energetic sustenance then within a year or so it can truly transform you.

Skin, wounds, etc you will become beautified!

I’m under the impression from observing it’s effects that it has a generalised effect thorough the whole body, however, it is also SELECTIVE in that it goes after the primary health disturbances and begins healing them.

So as one gets improved and rectified, it will go to next one and so on.

Meanwhile there is a general improvement of health all throughout such as betterment of skin, breathing, organ improvement, cleansing and detoxification, more life force and energy which builds more and more as you proceed with your “treatment”, beyond that there is also an incentive I notice to just become geeked out about health and to eat healthy, workout, implementing certain practises that can improve you more and more — I’d say there is some intelligent entity guiding this process.

Please let the community know what you agree and disagree with and what else you have noticed, how we can benefit more from the audio, etc


I have if for a month now and i have the same experience. It does compound. At first i was able to listen to it more but now 2/3 times in a row and my nose starts burning so i tend to listen to it 2/3 times a day but i spread it out to not have the uncomfortable sensations.


Well, if I listen back to back the field and increases in the power and whatever sensations I’m feeling within the body increase respectively.

This same effect is showcased when running it day after day within a 24 hour time it seems to just increase become more powerful, effective, etc

I just stick with 3x back to back and running it for a few months does so much!

It’s insane how powerful it even is just the first day without the momentum running it thrice back to back.

This field is amazing!

A tip and trick though is to meditate while listening to increase your receptivity.


I absolutely agree with what you wrote; moreover, when it does not seem to notice healing effects, the field continues in its work: then maybe weeks or months later it can happen that one wonders why one has greater resistance and physical prowess, and after a while one understands that they are the effects of Flaunt.


No its just a smart field.

Just a smart field… no entities,
no jinns enslaved,
No demons, not anything chrismous can make up on the monty tree ya forum.


old favourite theme :shushing_face: :roll_eyes:

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Well it is certainly very intelligent because it guides me what to eat, what to drink, what to consume in general and the such.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean.

Little update however, I have not been using the Sapien fields for a good month to just have a break from a few things as I was getting quite exhausted not sure what the cause was so I eliminated a lot of things.

Now, after just 3 loops of Plasma Flaunt such profound changes have happened to my skin it is glowing!


a break from energy work can somethimes be very refreshing when you start using the fields again.

or so i read in this forum.


Thank you Dream and SammyG.

It’s been a year that I am here, I am so grateful for you, because you changed my life for the best…

I wish you and to all the people that love you and Sammy, a happy new year full of love, happiness and joy.

You are the best and you know that man.


Is there anyone else for which this field predominantly affects their brain?

I have sensations all over the brain, always, for months ever since I first used it and it’s still working on the brain.

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Didn’t you have a few brain issues you were wanting to heal with this field? Or an I misremembering?

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so this is a smart field. it decides for itself where and what it will affect. and it seems to be included in this field The Plasma Brain of Youth

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