The Platelet Rich Plasma2 Bath: New Release

No. Face Lift and Facial Toning,
Link is down below.

Facial Symmetry is pretty self-explanatory but that one is what makes you the most attractive in my opinion if you have decent collagen. It will also slim down your face pretty well


Tell me what you want to change about your skin and ill try to figure out a stack for you bud


Well basically, I have acne but Iā€™ve got that covered with MEFā€™s field which is amazing, I am mainly dealing with dry skin, texture, sunspots and hyperpigmentation
I appreciate your help
(iā€™ve also got the advanced healing and anti aging fields if that helps? I am yet to try them though)


also infrared helps with water retention and skin ;)


How old are you bud, You donā€™t need anti-aging if you are in your teens



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Yeah you donā€™t need that your skin is still pretty healthy, I say get rid of MEF Acne field and put in
Acne Ablation, This will completely give you a glow in your skin and remove all the blackheads and whiteheads whatever
Than Collagen Booster to enhance your face collagen
Platelet Plasma Bath is still a field, you can experiment with it thatā€™s new but you can replace that with Facial Toning or use Facial Toning.
As for Hyperpigmentation, It depends on where, If itā€™s dark circles and eye bags, You have the dark circle removal.
If itā€™s between cheeks and body and side of the face and mouth, Skin Regeneration.

Infrared Therapy is good choice too or kidney and adrenal audio, Stop bloating.


Acne Ablation is fairly cheap as well(Only 40 bucks)
Especially if you are lightskinned(White,etc.) who are more prone to acne,etc. I am ethnic so I donā€™t really have the acne problem.


Do you really think Acne ablation will work fast? iā€™m a bit cautious about it because I havenā€™t seen many reviews on it and im a bit short for cash

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Yeah, It is probably your problem fixer depending on what you told me.
Combine that with Plasma Bath or Face Lift and Toning or Both, Ablation probably boosts collagen.


Does this has the same effect as PRP injected on scalp for hair growth?


Do you know which audio could remove blackheads from the body, like stomach and back areaa? the ablation one targets the face only, l think.

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Hey, I just would like some really clean and smooth skin. Iā€™m a guy btw


this too can help along with the other suggestions.

Just dont over use the collagen one since you are dealing with dry skin a couple of times is enough and drink more water that you can charge with the infrared plasma drink


thank you but I already have a pale skin tone and I donā€™t really want those affects

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Well if you want to get rid of sun damage and hyperpigmentation without whitening all the face then get a cream to put on the specific places :woman_shrugging:t2:

These audios not gonna turn you into Caspel the ghost but they would even your skin so once you get the desire results you can stop


Any new updates on this field guys!?! Excited to hear the testimonials haha, even though I know it already works


My skin was not in a terrible condition because I was already using skin-related fields + other care products. Still, after having added this one to my night stack (x2/night), I feel a deeper kind of nourishment for sure. Donā€™t know how to name it exactly, other than what is already in the description. As inside, so outside lol.

I often have small scratches due to my cat friend (heā€™s a nice fellow but sometimes he becomes a wrestler when we play lol). These are healed faster now.

However, I was still having some dryness from time to time, due to the hard shitty water in my city. This aspect has been solved after Iā€™ve added Carboxytherapy to PRP2.


Iā€™ve already asked this but just saying it again, can PRP2 boost/increase blood count, or anything related to blood!? I would appreciate an answer! God bless everyone!


From the description:

Platelet = thrombocytes = part of the blood. Iā€™ll let the health-pro-members better explain the mechanism (I think this was discussed in the general album thread already?).

Also tagging @Alexander because he always comes up with fancy articles :)