The Qilin (starter servitor, 2 slots)

New to these types of specialities? just wanna try it out?
These base beings are designed as smart field and beings, when made and worn, it envelops you like a suit, you can mentally command it to do its functions.
This a smaller base ‘starter’ type, depending on your budget.
then these starter editions are just what you need.
This one has two upgrade slots.
Its perfect for creating a specialized being for two specific upgradable tasks each once these slots are filled it will not be able learn anymore. (upgrades, base ones come with seven)
when not worn, it will take the appearance ethereally as the creature it is shown as.
In the captivating practice of chaos magic, servitors are crafted by blending the attributes of various beings to create entities with unique and profound influences. Imagine a servitor formed from the essence of a Qilin, a mythical creature often depicted with a dragon-like head, a deer’s body, and hooves or scales, symbolizing purity, wisdom, and protection. This extraordinary combination results in a servitor that embodies grace, spiritual insight, and divine protection, offering transformative benefits to the individual it accompanies.

The most striking effect of this servitor is its enhancement of wisdom and spiritual insight. The Qilin, known in myth as a harbinger of peace and good fortune, embodies deep knowledge and understanding of universal truths. This servitor instills within the individual a sense of higher wisdom, guiding them toward clarity in their thoughts and decisions. The Qilin’s ethereal wisdom enables the person to approach life’s challenges with a calm and enlightened mindset, finding solutions that are not only practical but also aligned with their higher self and spiritual goals.

Simultaneously, the Qilin’s protective nature brings a powerful sense of security and balance. Traditionally believed to appear only in times of great harmony or under the rule of a just leader, the Qilin symbolizes the protection of purity and goodness. This servitor acts as a guardian, shielding the individual from harmful influences and negative energies. The Qilin’s presence ensures that the person feels protected, creating an environment of peace where they can focus on their personal and spiritual development without fear or distraction.

The servitor also promotes a deep connection to purity and moral integrity. The Qilin is often associated with righteousness and is said to bring blessings to those who lead virtuous lives. This servitor encourages the individual to act with kindness, compassion, and integrity, fostering a strong ethical foundation. It helps the person align their actions with their moral values, ensuring that they maintain a clear and virtuous path in both their personal and professional lives. The Qilin’s influence creates a powerful sense of internal harmony, where the individual feels in tune with their inner sense of justice and goodness.

Furthermore, the servitor’s influence extends to enhancing the individual’s sense of compassion and empathy. The Qilin, as a gentle and peaceful creature, fosters a deep connection to the well-being of others. This servitor encourages the person to act with compassion and understanding in their relationships, promoting harmony and peaceful resolution to conflicts. The Qilin’s nurturing energy helps the individual cultivate stronger, more meaningful connections with others, based on mutual respect and care.

The servitor also enhances the person’s ability to navigate complex emotional and spiritual challenges with grace. The Qilin’s otherworldly nature and divine associations empower the individual to transcend difficult emotional states and spiritual blockages. This servitor helps them process emotions and challenges with patience and inner strength, fostering a sense of emotional clarity and spiritual alignment. The Qilin’s calming and nurturing presence ensures that the individual can rise above emotional turbulence and maintain a balanced, centered state of being.

In terms of physical well-being, the Qilin’s connection to health and vitality is a prominent influence. In many myths, the Qilin is seen as a symbol of longevity and well-being. This servitor can inspire the individual to maintain their physical health through balanced and mindful living, promoting overall wellness. The protective nature of the Qilin also helps to shield the person from physical harm, creating an environment where their health and vitality can flourish.

Socially, the presence of the servitor enhances the individual’s ability to inspire and lead others with kindness and wisdom. The Qilin’s association with nobility and fairness ensures that the individual acts with humility and grace in their social interactions. This servitor fosters respect and admiration from others, enabling the person to lead by example, with wisdom and integrity. The Qilin’s influence promotes harmonious relationships and a peaceful presence in any social or communal setting.

The servitor also fosters a deep connection to the natural and spiritual worlds. The Qilin’s mythical nature and connection to divine realms encourage the individual to seek out spiritual practices and deeper connections with nature. This servitor helps the person cultivate a reverence for life, the earth, and the spiritual energies that guide existence. The combination of purity, wisdom, and protection makes this servitor a powerful guide for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment.

In essence, a servitor combining the attributes of a Qilin creates a powerful and transformative influence. It brings together spiritual wisdom, moral integrity, divine protection, and emotional harmony, fostering an environment where the individual can thrive in all aspects of life. This harmonious blend of qualities empowers the person to navigate life’s complexities with grace, purity, and enlightenment, leading to a more balanced, virtuous, and fulfilling existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)


WOW! I’ve been thinking about the Qilin alot lately. Indeed, Qilin are majestic creatures. Thank you Captain :raised_hands:


Cool! Esoteric Arts has a raffle all set up for it!


Are we gon have new abilities?!!

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Lol so op.


Wow I am overwhelmed even before reading the full description :star_struck:. I was deeply wishing for a servitor with this kind of stats and cap made it a reality now. Other servitors had part of their stats interesting for me but this one is :100: literally every single word in that description resonates with me and I am very great full for making this with two slots but I wish in future cap make one ability like respawn to upgrade starter servitors to base level :pray:


Also increase wealth, fertility, career

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That would be really great! There are several positive testimonials about the “Start Edition” servitor, especially Shorse.

Over time, users become increasingly attached to their servitors (like me :grin::heart:), and I think they are ready to invest in an upgrade feature to gain more slots.

At first, we choose a servitor for a simple specific task, but over time and with experience, we would like to add more skills so they can perform additional tasks. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi everyone!

I was away from the forum for a while. And have not been very actively posting since my return, but reading and catching up on a lot. Very excited about the newest direction the forum and fields etc are developing into. Loving the creation of the new servitors!

I was debating which servitor to purchase, and then this one showed up. It felt like the right choice for me! It appears I’m the first one to have bought the Qilin. So I’ll do my best to update here once I start noticing the progress with my new companion.

Not yet sure what will go into its 2 slots. Lets first feel Qilin like it is. :grinning:


Hi there @Radiance!

Nice Pink Tara


Thank you @Rosechalice. It’s good to be back :white_heart::pray:


I’m planning on acquiring The Quilin and putting The Elemental Alchemist (Servitor ability) in one of the slots. How incredible!

I’m excited to try this combination! Thank you for these profound blessings, Charlie.0!


Great idea @Premintarsia :+1::bulb: I think :speech_balloon::thinking: will do the same :smiley:

Amazing :heart_eyes: gift :gift:




For a starter/base servitor, this one sure has many features! (just commenting on the description).

I think this is going to join my family in the coming months. :slight_smile:
I still have other plans for the next few months.