The Quasi Crystal From Khatyrka Meteorite

This thread was sleepy like a bear in winter for 74869 months… look at it now. Ahh Quasi Crystal <3 = ultimate portal


I can’t believe that I missed @Soul_Celestial’s great feedback…

Also lol at the mess we’ve created in this thread. But again, anti-examples can serve progress sometimes. So I won’t delete the idiotic posts. After all, we are what we (still) are, what we’ve been, and what we’ll be. Denial or acting as if it didn’t happen by pretending having angel wings that would have suddenly blossomed on our back never helps inner integration.

Anyway, after all this time:

  1. Still one of my musically favorites along with Jing v1 in Internal Alchemy Series and Navigator of Awe (dizygotic twin of Ambrosia). The ambience (and the essence itself) is just… Just how? Here:

:arrow_up: That’s it… Space Odyssey.

  1. Still a facilitator for meditation. Especially for the sessions that I do without any field or music playing along, I can still get distracted sometimes. So this one serves as a pre-med basis.

  2. Still a valuable element of my brain stacks. Again, a matter of integration (= integrating the benefits of the other brain fields).

  3. And that’s also why it helps for my job as well. The job in question requires me to write about many different things in a structured way. This field seems to make me find those structures more easily.


The weirdest thing happened to me when using this audio last night. I was using this while I was falling asleep and with my eyes closed I saw what I was seeing before I closed them, but the vision seemed to be flashing back and forth as if it was being edited. Kind of confused :thinking:


Had some VERY strong releases with this one. It feels alien-like that’s for sure. Very interesting.


Can this be use for breaking old patterns?


This reply seems to suggest “yes:”


Bumping this thread.

Has anyone experienced anything crazy with this?

Quasi Crystal From Khatyrka Meteorite

"This video is programmed to infuse with the energy and power of this crystal that is literally from out of this world.

I personally think it would allow you to be able to shift your own patterns or give you the ability or information to be able to move past what is normal for humans to do.
Why be limited within a certain framework of being?

Be sure to post your experiences as this is almost a brand new experience and at the moment cannot be experienced anywhere else."


I wıll try it also. I discovered taaffeine crystal and after taaffeine ım gonna give a try quasi. I am both curious and fearfull. But ı will follow my curiosity … share your mystical experiences in this topic guys just to encourage other.

It ıs workıng best in sleep. I saw two different dreams in two days. I saw my enlightened master first day. I saw my old friends second day. This is enhancing 3rd eye abilities also releasing subconcious stress via dreams.


I’ve Quasi Khatyka and Pietersiet custom items made, & have been wearing them most of the time since years.
Primary evident effect is I could feel them in the higher chakras, act as psychic amplifiers and, my head spins If I wear them after a break even today. Affect my perception of time, a bit slower probably.
Over time they brought me into higher consciousness, meaning u don’t see low of anything in the universe. I feel grounded too at the same time that probably bcz of pieterseit…
feeling nostalgic, good that u reminded this precious gem :person_in_lotus_position:


Any boosted results from this like KQC & KQA?

1 Like

its different, this one is very strong but for itself not to enhance other audios like KQC or as an aid to absorb more fields like QKA.

However it could be used tho as energy clearer, because it does clear all kinds all blockages in the body, energy systems, mind, heart etc which in a way would open the paths for us to accept/embrace the fields. Almost like a Subconscious blockages removal + ego dissolution combination, and we know those are pivoltal in the quest to get results from fields.


After using this, just when I entered sleep(ing), I saw myself in the future, I was a father, there was a woman near me and we were taking care of a child.

This field is Wild!




Roseline George3 months ago



@projetonovaterra20304 months ago

Cats :heart:it


Muhsin Doğru6 months ago

I saw my master in my dream.


MorphicRealm7 months ago

The concept of this crystal’s power is like a key that unlocks a secret door to a new dimension. It’s like a portal to another world, filled with possibilities beyond our wildest dreams. Just as a magician can perform extraordinary feats, this crystal has the power to transform our reality and allow us to do things that were once thought impossible.

It’s like a supercharger for the human experience, giving us the ability to break free from our limitations and reach new heights of consciousness. It’s like a rocket fuel that propels us towards our goals and dreams, enabling us to achieve things that we once thought were out of reach.

Think of it like a powerful computer program, running in the background of your mind, constantly updating and enhancing your abilities. It’s like a secret weapon that gives you an edge over everyone else, allowing you to excel in ways that were once unimaginable.

If you’re feeling stuck or limited in your current state, this crystal can help you break free from those patterns and unlock your true potential. It’s like a powerful tool that enables you to rewrite the code of your life, creating new possibilities and opening up new horizons.

So, even if you’ve never experienced anything like this before, by using these metaphors, you can begin to understand the incredible power of this crystal and how it can transform your life. Just imagine what you could achieve with this new level of energy and insight!


Tammy Lodgea year ago

Try lightly tapping the basal ganglia part of your brain, above the ears and slightly back. This is the habit part of your brain, so let’s see if we can make this frequency a natural part of who we are and how we operate. :crossed_fingers:


Tammy Lodgea year ago

This feels so pure. Clears the mind and returns a sense of lost trust and innocence. Nice work! Much gratitude. x :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Love, Rosiea year ago

Listened to one minute, then had a very vivid dream that i was a sorceress, which is a common dream, but this one felt real :sweat_smile:


:ringer_planet: 𝙉𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 :flying_saucer: a year ago

This is absolutely wonderful.


zoey youngblooda year ago

Is there one for the crown chakra and root chakra?


Faraha year ago

I feel like I’ve been intrusted with a mission to save mankind, or taking care of an alien baby

either way I’m stoked to see how this pans out


Enzo Cerrudoa year ago

This one is like cosmo volt in some aspects, its seems this gem opens some sort of channel for outer space/extradimensional energy and data, wonderful.


$SacredFire182 years ago

I have less fear surrounding my vulnerabilities


Susan M2 years ago

It’s ok, didn’t help or harm.


Tina Bravard2 years ago

Entire body pulsating!


Vegan Vocalist2 years ago

Thank you <3


Jenny A2 years ago

Wow, I felt an intense calm throughout my whole body while listening to this, I felt as though the frequencies were permeating right through my body.


old tiger2 years ago

Ancient indiens Spears an older race Liviu and their bodies as diamond structure, is benefits one Field…thanx​:raised_hands::grey_exclamation:


Teoman Uçar2 years ago

Thanks for giving me a little hope.


Mara H2 years ago

The only thing that happened was my left eye started twitching very quickly, like just rapid twitching. I wonder what it means, but I do feel lighter now.


Serrano3 years ago

Based on using this a ton, so far what this seems to do is give you a look at other worlds through dreams. I’ve dreamt of walking around seeing all kinds of planets. I also dreamt of having an aquarium with all kinds of sea creatures, alot of ones I’ve never seen before and learning about how to care for them. I think every time I sleep with this on loop, I get a very clear movielike dream that shows me things I’ve never seen before. Like as if seeing another world or different reality. Very interesting!


Belle R3 years ago

I listen to this, moldavite, pietersite and taeffite energies. Please, can someone tell me if this is okay to do? I read somewhere that it’s better not to use certain crystals together)


Earth Goddess Uchechi3 years ago

i listened once and i feel incredibly still


Jonathan carter3 years ago

This is incredibly powerful in and around the 3rd eye, it pulls through any blockages from the pineal gland . I see so many comments on this Crystal section of your video’s regarding dreams people have when using these frequencies and that is because they all have one thing in common and that is they open the 3rd eye. Beautiful, thankyou.


Abundant Abbey3 years ago

My patterns have definitely shifted. I feel so much better. One of my patterns was not trusting people and staying in my shell no matter what. This has shifted me back to my old teenage pattern of being friendly with anyone and everyone around me.


Chaitra Amarnath3 years ago

i so want to use it but my playlist is full


Daphne Gerry3 years ago

Love this one also!! Thank you!!! :pray::pray::pray:


3 years ago (edited)

I had two seperate nightmares.
I woke up between.
But the second nightmare followed up where the first one ended.
I hope those things will never happen in real life.
But in some way they already have.
It made me scared but also realize one important thing to be grateful for who and what I have.
Before you know it, all is gone.


AlKiMisT11113 years ago



MR ENTERPRISE3 years ago

This ones not fair not sure if i can post results. Email me if you would like to know the outcome.


sh 943 years ago

My third eye is hurting


Pasindu Kaumada3 years ago

Why doesn’t this video show up when I search in YT search ? :thinking:


Jennifer Dowell3 years ago

Danke ~


Anastasya G3 years ago (edited)

Ok so the third or fourth time listening to this I saw a snake like in mid air circling and forming an ouroboros sign. Kinda freaky. I don’t know what this means.


bb3 years ago

Happy 11.1 subscribers :first_quarter_moon_with_face::star:


Oscar Covarrubias3 years ago

My left hand pinky got really seriously numb while listening. Does anyone know what that means?


The Alan Corp.3 years ago

I fell asleep and woke up in Minecraft.


Serrano3 years ago (edited)

I’ve tried sleeping with this multiple times but don’t get the kinds of dreams other commenters get. Mine are random, or just perverted. I was thinking maybe it doesn’t work for me but decided to keep trying and so I played it while going to sleep and felt something shoot out of my back. Then saw a bright light (my eyes were closed).
Not sure what that was. I’ve had some lower back pain today at various times, so maybe stress or something was being released. That’s it so far, I’ll keep trying and see if anything happens. I also feel like I’m swaying back and forth while listening, but I always feel that when meditating or listening to calming music and stuff while going to sleep.
Updates in comments


MR ENTERPRISE4 years ago

Hit by tha Love bug Sapien! This is encore material.


Mr. Sub lover4 years ago

Can someone tell me what activate do this I read the description but I not understand please tell me


Martin Luther King4 years ago

Great. Some things were bothering me. It was anger, frustation, rage. I was upset. But I felt relief, calmness and patience after few listens. I felt heavy in my throat and I started yawning. I felt that something evil or bad entity is trying to leave my body. Thank you so much.


Louise Powell4 years ago

My dearest sapien you are wonderful and an angel (of the Good)!!


Lucky Link4 years ago

I seem to come up with more original and detailed ideas when I have this playing ^^ It’s cool


Roku4 years ago

Home sweet home…


Mx Ruwa4 years ago (edited)

I’ve found peace, my hurt turnef into patience and understanding and last night I did a whole body healing and cleanse. With help from Spirit for the nastier bits, it was exhausting but the idea I couldn’t or that it was greedy to do it just wasn’t there.

19.3.2020 update Lads, lads, lads, :grin:

Thank you Sapien


MR ENTERPRISE4 years ago

Had a dream I found a real rare stone once. I think this is close enough. Haha


diane anka4 years ago

And sage smudge


diane anka4 years ago

Make one for carpal tunnel too pls


Jayant4 years ago

Any results?


Michael Nikolai4 years ago (edited)

Intense but I love it. Crystals and stones are lovely and bear a lot for us to discover e.g. topazes and saphires of different colors, morganites, carneols, etc.I will stay tuned for more of this kind of videos and fields.


mild depression4 years ago (edited)

Why i feel like home with a unknow extraterrestrial minera ●—●


Zay FX4 years ago

Too powerful for me i started hearing voices i turned this shit off immediately


beba snekk4 years ago (edited)

Listened to this three times moments ago. It curled in my inside, nested so dearly. I feel like an adult - such a filled feeling of presence.

When I did drugs before, and I was an addict (speed, LSD, ecstasy, weed), I was searching for this. This sober love. It was the most brilliant change, when I started meditating, I saw not a single drug can replace the sober mind. And this here, allowed for something just deep. What a presence.

I heard one yogi once, they said, “Universe has the power to make all your beautiful dreams come true.” Just hearing it gave me strength to live, when I was broken in suicidal madness. Hang in there, you sweetheart people, dreams really come true. With the help of all these magical moments science is bringing, and with the people behind it, you are never alone.

Edit: Before last night, I had many nights, one after another, of nightmares. Not just scary, but I dreamed of other people sexually, not my sweet twin flame — my partner. It was painful in the beginning, but then I realized, it must end one day, and it is just something stuck in me. Never worry of these things, stay positive (a pun!). Mantras to aid sleep helped, and negative energy removal too, dreams were coming clearer. But last night, and I cannot say if this video was the reason, because of prior healing, was my first pleasant dream after weeks. I dreamed of my love, like I did once. It was beautiful. My dream was dreamy again. I loved it! If you have bad dreams, aim to resolve them, yet stay softly understanding of them. It truly comes to light, to kind weightlessness. More crystals, for sure! :heart:



Kimberley Aultman4 years ago

and f i r s t. T H ERE. was. M O L d a v I t e. A M A Z I N G. S A P I E N!!:crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face::crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face::crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face::crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face::crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::stars::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_asia::earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_americas::earth_asia::earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_americas::earth_asia::earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_americas::earth_asia::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig_nose:999 888 777 666 555 444 333 222 111 HAPPY ECLIPSE FULL MOONISH TO ALL


Mary August4 years ago



josiestwisted4 years ago

Idk what happen to all u, still this wut happened to me , I was listening to rock music ( three days grace ) out the iPhone speakers , every “time” I opened my mouth I heard radio / mixture frequency in my ears n it felt as if they were popping , n it shuts off when I close mouth, begins again when I opened. Enjoy n np for sharing , I encourage all to share as well.


Yoda the Force4 years ago

When you say it gives the ability to shift our own Pattern or give us information to move past what is normal for humans do you mean over time it will create some kind of genetic changes?


Icarus Wings4 years ago

My third eye center is pulsing really hard like his third eye chakra audio. Must have some vibration effects that are similar to crown and third eye


Ada Maria4 years ago (edited)

Incredible game changer. Listened to it yesterday a few times. Felt like my anxiety was getting out of my system together with my ocd and my fears. Today I have some headache but overall I feel profoundly happy. I can’t stop smiling. Will do it again probably tomorrow. I feel like resting for today.


Fghmail Fghgmail4 years ago (edited)

So I’m gonna try to post my result.
I been listening to day one this vids came out till day after yesterday. I kinda want to take a break because there so much change in my spiritual or maybe my thinking perspective? But I kinda feel the change from listening to this.
(Oh and I never listen to this vid just once or twice. I listen to it more than 5 times or you can say I just keep this video on repeat mode)

First day when I listening to this somehow my curiosity about information is higher than usual. Not something that abnormal like I want to know everything or every details like nerd or something like that. It’s more normal than that.

Usually when I see Kurtgerz video or philosophy videos or any informatif information on YouTube I’m just gonna skip it. Sometimes I click it and listen to it for few minutes then I got bored then I just close it.
Except for a few information that I really need it that is.
But that day and now when I see that kind a videos I want to click it and actually listen to what they were saying. In the first day listening to this videos I wasn’t bored of every information that I get, I even read a ridiculously long comment but actually interesting and im actually impress by the information that some comment section got. Usually if you guys or girls like me, I don’t really like reading that very much, especially when that comment section has long paragraph and bad grammar just like what I actually wrote right now. And usually even I didn’t trust and really understimate the comment that they actually wrote. But now somehow I kinda different, I respect them and I actually read and impress with what they write. It’s quite sudden change for a first day.
If it’s actually change my pattern life style or something like that it could probably true too, since usually I always imagine myself to become a person who likes reading books and collecting information, then again it’s not like I want it but just imagine it.

Second third and next day I kinda forgot but I dunno if it’s actually related or maybe it’s because I’m doing the new manifestation technique or probably both of them. Because when I doing the new manifestation technique that I just know few weeks ago this videos came out (but then again Sapien and dream seeds somehow always know the right time to publish something), and then I listening to their vids too and somehow it’s keep attracting the information that I needed or somehow like this day my situation life and psychology make me want to do some maditate for quite few hours, before this day I never try to do it, probably just a minute or 2 minutes top.

Well yeah there’s alot of thing that change about me, not like I become a different person or something like that but it’s more like my skill is increasing. For example like when I thought this skill and technique is right for me then again when I actually try it for a few hours or a day it doesn’t actually apply for me and so on and so forth.

I don’t know if it’s because of this vid or it actually a normal evolution change for me but to tell the truth my changing pace was never this fast before. And If you ask about the energy that I feel after listening to this, I feel a tingling feeling in my upper hand or sometimes hot in my left leg, and if I remember there is a tingling feeling in my forehead too. I kinda forgot about it and I didn’t explain the location of this tingling feeling better because I didn’t have that many English vocabulary for our human body.

I dont know the reason why I need to remember it too, because I don’t really know what it means if I feel it in certain location after all.


Leo Rantanen4 years ago

Do not build a house on a bridge. Keep on moving. With trust. :heart:


Leo Rantanen4 years ago

Full power. Those receptive. :heart:


Ruthless Ruler4 years ago

I don’t know how to explain this but there was this massive white energy ball up my body and two more of my bodies one above and one below me and it was shifting I’m not into meditation that much but wtf is this.


4 years ago

Dream Seeds/ Sapien Medicine you are a miracle worker.


I Am No One4 years ago

How many of these crystal energy tones can one listen in a day… Are there any limits… How many times should one ideally listen… And for how long… Please answer sapien… Thanks…


Kenya4 years ago

Wow …this is so unique. Thank you so so so much

I have a doubt why u dont post this kind of content in sapiens medicine?


Brooke Little4 years ago

I feel like my breath is sparkly and full of change. Each fill of my lungs energizes my soul and gives me new ideas for positive change. Very much appreciated, as with everything you share. I don’t know who you are, but you help me and I am forever grateful.


Bart Everaert4 years ago

Has anyone been feeling this as a grounding stone ? I feel it is healing the root chakra as well.


Bart Everaert4 years ago (edited)

This is is extraordinary ! Thank you so much Sapien. After listening for a few times, I felt extremely productive and clear in the head.

If you ever consider, making a citrine or ruby frequency audio, I would pay you for it :)


Marzz 4444 years ago (edited)

Home vibe! don’t know why but it feels good and safe! My mindset got super positive :pray:t3::hibiscus:
:heart::pray:t3:Thank you Dream seeds​:heart:


LS4 years ago

I’ve been really sad this week for several reasons & this is the first thing that’s giving me optimism.


Gabriel Matys4 years ago

I had a dream where I been a member of some secret society and they were testing me and showing me things about myself
It was such intense and realistic dream I reallyfelt weird after waking up


Isla Miln4 years ago

I felt this to be very expansive in the third eye area, and more… I’ll be curious as to what today brings!


Julian Gregg4 years ago

I like the feeling. thanks. how come you used a picture of a different tektite, though?


su2sa1li44 years ago

could you make a video to enhance focus and self control by enhancing pre frontal cortex and slowing amygdala down a little?


Rockit Science4 years ago (edited)

The “rare crystal series” is a gift that keeps on giving! Oh my. With this one I got a very light feeling somewhere around the solar plexus, and got wide-eyed (and still am). It’s like it’s an energetic expression of what I’d always known - patterns are but… patterns. And they’re subject to change as much as anything. Patterns guiding patterns guiding patterns guiding patterns etc. etc.

I believe this could be most beneficial not just for the funky sensations, but as a de-patterning tool to be used f. in. before using, say, Sapien Medicine vids, especially ones you find yourself resisting (it’s not yourself resisting even, it’s just a very stubborn… pattern, or structure, that’s trying to hold stuff in place [in statsis, a. k. a. homeostasis ;) ]. Morphogenetics and all that).

In other words, niiiiiiiice.


jay pat4 years ago

whoa whoa whoa so bold and beauitful and energy is so fine … would this allow to manifest in the now all our desires ?


Youniverse4 years ago

I fell asleep for 2 hours listening to this on loop. I just woke up, and I have to say that I never dreamed that much on a such short amount of time. Theses dreams we’re all crazy, intense and I can still feel in the deepness of myself that they wasn’t just some normals dreams.
I feel asleep on this and I’ve experienced something that CURRENTS human words can’t describe.

I could try to describe what it was, how it felt, but I’m pretty sure that I would simply appear as a total fool and non-sense human in his sayings.

But one thing is sure. I know that I am not crazy. I know what I felt, and what I SAW.

I’ve approach the truth. No. I lived the truth for a moment.
From miles appart from what our conditionned minds are programmed to make us THINK and so by extension FEEL. ( Because what we think and feel construct our reality* )
From miles appart from the lies of the government, media ect.

It would be a waste of time and energy to go more further in my explanations.

I love you, no matter who/what you are.

I have now the answer to a question that so many of us are still searching for : What is a Human Being ( Or what could be the INFINITES possibilities for a Human to Be ? )

As English isn’t my first language I hope that I what I wrote was enough clear for you, my reader to understand that this audio isn’t something that you must UNDERSTAND but EXPERIENCE and LIVE.

The lives that we are living in this “modern” world are antrophied by all the lies that we are living in.

Everything is in us. We’ve got to believe in us and in what we are.
Not in all the lies given by a bunch of peoples who don’t whant you to be free. Because then we would all be equals, free and happy.

They are making us living through lies because this is how they can keep us in an ignorant state. And living a life while being ignorant is equivalent as being blind. You can’t walk in the direction ignoring what is in front of you. You can’t even have an inkling of which direction you have to go because you never experienced a SIGHT of light entering in your eyes.
And I’ve Never had a SIGHT of TRUTH since I could remember until I wake up from my nap ahahah.

To the being(s) who created this audio.
I must imagine that you know how I’m feeling right now. I’m infinitely grateful.

Thank You


Intuitively Magician4 years ago

Any more info on this


Intuitively Magician4 years ago

Make one for citrane


Leo Rantanen4 years ago

This is So precious :pray::heart::raised_hands::heart::pray::rainbow:Thank you dear! :tada:


Tiffani Nichole4 years ago

I feel this strongly in my solar plexus chakra. Don’t know what that means, but I know it’s doing something! Thank you for another amazing crystal energy video!


Lihaz4 years ago

Helped me see the bigger picture.:heartbeat:


jvanwoesik4 years ago

Ok so first off. Its getting rid of my anxiety.


jvanwoesik4 years ago

Whoah! Ok this is a little out there for me… Jus kiddin this is Awesome!!! Im excited to work with this! Thanks Dream!


Rebecca Destura4 years ago

Thankyou thankyou thankyou for all of you uploads you’re truley amazing LOVE you!!!
I wake up every morning now to something new from you basically and its like a gift everyday ahhh :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Static Q4 years ago (edited)

I do concessions at Sacramento Kings (NBA team) home games. I’m gonna make sure I listen to this before my shifts since there can be anywhere to 18,000 people in the arena. I’m gonna see how this influence the game. I usually have a pocket full of gemstones while I’m working anyways so I’m gonna have some fun with this. I get about 2-3 shifts a week so I’m gonna update my experiences often. They will also be detailed asf and I’m on this channel everyday so keep checking back often🖤


God Mode4 years ago

Share your experiences in the comments :)


Erina Fujino4 years ago (edited)

I visualized my knowledge and it was different. First time I see things aligned that way. The “dots” where horizontal instead of vertical and I could easily find solutions. I listened 10+ time in a raw because it felt good. I also had a spiritual revelation of some sort. A voice in my head asked me “why I was focusing on this ?”
It was an honest question and I realized that I was looking in the wrong corner. It makes me feel free.

Edit a few hours later: I never realized how “stuck” I was. I couldn’t accept to lose some things, I spent 2 years trying to turn a situation around. I don’t even care now, I don’t even want that best scenario. I was raised to behave a certain way and now I’m self-policing myself. My style, my personality come straight from a mold.
Conclusion: I feel SELF ACTUALIZED, healthy Morty style.
Let’s eat some crudite


Leo Rantanen4 years ago

Totally addiction… :heart: listening third time, just like winterbathing. Clear and pure inside :pray:


Leo Rantanen4 years ago

This energy is hitting my arms, crawling inside.


SummerSumShine4 years ago

These crystal energies are spectacular! This one REALLY HITS A HOMERUN TO THE STARS!!! Keep them coming! Please and thank you! Infinite love and gratitude! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


dh62hud8h2id8q4 years ago

I love those crystal frequencies. Keep them going it’s amazing. And thank you so much, you’re the best.


Hondo Escatoor4 years ago

So I was in a bit of a funk, prior to listening to this. By funk, I mean just stuck in some negative state which I was resisting and trying to figure out how to get out of.

So, when I started listening to this, I got this thought, but more like a voice inside my head that I could just shift. I listened to that voice and it said just shift to what you want which in this case, was abundance and I felt instant relief. I could see a pattern the voice was telling me to shift to in my mind’s eye. When I made the decision to choose abundance, it’s like the pattern downloaded itself into my being. I saw myself just take a step into that pattern and that’s when I felt the change.

I feel calm and more present and that everything is going to be ok. That’s my experience so far after one listen. Definitely out of this world.

Current fields I’m listening to are the homeostasis ones and taaffeite, but the only field I’ve listened to prior to this was the energy clearing by dream seeds so it couldn’t have been those. It’s pretty interesting stuff. The homeostasis ones definitely bring out a lot of the old negative stuff out of your system to be cleared.

Taaffeite one just makes me feel like I could get anything I want or everything will go my way. It feels good. I have also tried the Moldavite, which I felt in my heart chakra. That one helped in clearing stuff out for sure. It was very strong at first, so I had to ease my way into it. Anyways, that’s it for now, thanks again Dream Seeds! Keep them coming! Good stuff!


oly4 years ago

already feel it,less than one minute,u amazing sap


christopher b4 years ago

This is so interesting and amazing!


Tre Harden4 years ago

Keep these crystal energies coming! Love them!


Margarita N.4 years ago

This is powerful and liberating that’s how I feel it. Thank you Dream seeds :heart:


Boo4 years ago



This field gives me intense and vivid dreams + easyness in changing beliefs


May I ask how you do this?
Do you actively work on your beliefs while listening to the field?
Or dies this come automatically from the field?
How did you notice that you actually changed a belief because of this field?


Its like they change automatically to align with my goals. I loop this field at nights since about a week


"Crystals are materials made of atoms that are joined in a repeating lattice.

But then researchers discovered that another type of structure could exist, at least theoretically—quasicrystals. They are made of latticed atoms, like crystals, but do not repeat."

I wonder if this non-repeating structure is the reason it helps with shifting patterns such as beliefs?

Also it has an unusual five-fold symmetry, under X-Ray Diffraction they saw this. Does that shape look familiar?


I got more meaningful dreams last night.

I am (was) in conflict with a group of people irl, and in this dream I had a convo with their leader, in which we came to an agreement and explained each other why we cant be “friends” but are not enemies and that everyhing is ok between us.

Second Dream I saw some decisions and changes I made recently and felt kind of reinforcement that I made a good choice and I should stay on that path.

My experience so far, aside from dreams and belief changes is that this fiels makes me more “moldable” in a sense. More flexible.

But not the way Subconscious Limits Dissolver or Ego Dissolution does. More like remaining the same and changing at the same time, if that makes sense. Like “the building blocks” of my being are the same, only reaarange in new shapes.

I feel this field might be also a kind of a booster to other fields. More moldable = easier changed by fields. But I feel it boost psychological/life direction fields more than physical ones.

Curious to hear about your results


I have had the craziest experience with this audio. I looped this during a nap. I woke up and felt a difference but nothing crazy. However when I went to smoke weed with my bestfriend… as I got high it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. Reality slowed down and my thoughts were first racing and my energy body became the most sensitive it has ever been. When I woke up this morning reality and time has slowed down. My thoughts are crystal clear and I am fully in the present . Amazing experience.