The Sapien Mastery Webinar Pre-Talk (April 14)

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Official NFT Guidelines & Discussion

Questions: Is the practice of taking an off-day from fields/mandala/tag/nft even when one is not overwhelmed encouraged? (Like more effective in the long run), similar to workout like 5days on 2days off, 6 days on 1 day off. Or we just keep playing everyday if we have no symptoms of being overwhelmed?

If such practice is indeed preferred from an official standpoint, should we be completely off from the said rest day or some aura clearing or permanent physical field should be played on that rest day to continue the momentum of progress?

If one is using paid fields such as Kinetic Quasi Crystal or Quasi Kinetic Aura that are known to extend the effect time of fields beyond their original design, should there be any changes to rest day schedule?

I am asking because I don’t see this being mentioned in the official FAQ for those that does not feel overwhelmed and rest day is very common if not mandatory in just about every workout plan. Thank you.


Just one persons opinion but there is typically one day a week for me or one day out of ten where I feel I need a break and I take one. Lately I’ve shifted to a very small number of daily ones and I instead have a themed playlist for each day that is different. One day is intelligence fields. Another is Creativety. Another is physical shifting. And one is wealth. I try to line this up with the rhythms of my week. Friday is payday so I play wealth. Saturday I’m usually performing out as a musician so creativity. Sunday spiritual. Monday back to work so Intelligence.


Yeah I thought about taking a break but I feel I am greedy or whatever, like if I don’t do my wealth stack everyday my company would miss out on something, so I am seeking like some official opinion.

Yeah I think perhaps divine @Divine_Lotus may be able to move this discussion to a new thread and keep this thread on topic

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This is interesting but for that to happen you need to have access to the NFTs in some form or another right, unless you develop your psychic skills enough to imbibe every NFT into your body before you die?

@Divine_Lotus Yes agree to the move the discussion into a new thread

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Can one person submit an nft solo then buy 10 copies?

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Absolutely yes,
Hasn’t that happened in the past ?



Wanted to know if this was acceptable lol

Is this 100% confirmed?

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I would have to confirm, I am not 100% about it.

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Hey, some questions, topics, I consider worthy of discussion:

What do u think is the most effective way to work with nft fields when u have tens of them? (Meditations, communications, etc)
How to increase the fields absorption as much as possible?
What is something that can help significantly increase results and wasn’t properly discussed yet?
What to do when nothing seems to matter after all?
How to become better aware of fields, what they do to you, etc?
What ways of effective communication with servitors would u recommend?
What do u think might be common reasons why many people just struggle to get certain physical results? (Aside of genetics, improper nutrition, sleep, lifestyle, subconscious blockages, low energy sensitivity and absorption)

Looking forward to the webinar and discussion!


Will the link for the webinar be posted here?? or where do we buy the tickets for it?


How do you work or connect with an NFT or any Mandala, if you are not psychic or energy sensitive?

Staring at it or carrying it around does not feel like it’s enough. And some of them do need to be interacted with, it doesn’t feel right to just ask without giving. So how am I supposed do know what they want if the NFT/Mandala looks just like a regular picture to me?

If I can recall correctly, on Q&A SammyG said that to connect with an NFT that is a mandala you have to put your attention to it or imagine its image.

Same with audios, put your conscious attention to the sound.

Personally I find easier to connect with audios than images. But that is just me.


Thanks, but I’m more interested in finding out how to interact with NFTs & Mandalas that ‘need’ to be interacted with.

Like how to interact with the “real” “beings” that have their own ideas and opinions if one is not psychic or energy sensitive

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Please make the video available asap after the webinar :smiley:

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When exactly will be the seminar?

Next Friday. Setting it up for registration.


Where’s the signup link

Not sure a webinar would be of much use to such people

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