It seems to me that discounting a message because you don’t like the messenger is foolish. So, instead of simply dismissing everything, let’s investigate the document that was linked and see what we find.
From the preface:
We suggest therefore, that each time you begin to read this material, take a quiet moment to go into the secret chamber of your heart to petition a personal experience with the Masters serving on the ray you are contemplating. Do not hesitate to ask for healing, for knowledge and for increased wisdom. As you read each chapter, you will feel the presence of the Masters and the vibration of that particular ray. This will give you the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with various ascended beings, enabling you to know them more deeply.
This forum is becoming more and more familiar with the concept of intercession, or communicating with higher beings to request aid, thanks to the fields that have been created to assist in connecting. This is exactly what the author is suggesting here - try to connect and seek aid from higher beings when trying to understand these energies. Seems like good advice.
From the forward:
At this time, I want to give you a short overview of the seven major rays. It would be very beneficial for each of you to focus each day on the energies of one of the seven major rays that flood the planet from Creator Source on that day. All energies of the seven rays flood the planet daily, but each day of the week, one of the rays becomes predominant.
Working with the seven rays in this manner will assist you, in a most profound way, to balance the energies of the seven rays in each one of your chakras throughout your life, and will bring you much greater balance and grace. In the process of ascension and enlightenment, all seven major rays and later on, the five Secret Rays, must be balanced and mastered in order to move on to greater wisdom and mastery in your cosmic future.
In Telos, we work much more effectively each day by amplifying in our hearts, our minds and our daily activities the specific energies of each day of the week. We invite you to experiment with this. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover how much more effectively the energies are amplified and how they assist you.
These concepts seem to resonate with, or follow similar patterns of, other well-known and readily observed occurrences. For example, planetary energies always exists, but according to certain cycles, their energies can be felt more strongly, and working with them when they are prominent is more effective. Why would the energies of the chakras be different? Interesting idea…
Sunday, the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, Illumination and the Mind of God
Focus on the Mind of God daily in all things, but specifically on Sunday. The Divine Mind will open your own mind to ever expanding Wisdom. True wisdom always comes from the mind of higher perspective and consciousness. As you merge this divine mind with your own, you begin to make decisions and conduct your life in ways that will bring you much ease and satisfaction.
I don’t think there’s any disagreement that wisdom comes from “the mind of higher perspective and consciousness”, which sounds like another way to describe the Higher Self…interesting and I wonder if that’s what is meant?
The final sentence seems to reinforce that idea, because the more you let go of the Ego and merge with the Higher Self, exactly what is described is what happens - decisions improve and life begins to just work out for the good more often.
Monday, the Royal Blue Ray of the Will of God
Focus on the Will of God for your very life through total surrender to that Divine Will, no matter what your present circumstances appear to be. This is the fastest way to gain your spiritual mastery and freedom. As you align with God’s Will, you will notice that your life will manifest more harmony. Bathe your mind, body and soul each day with that energy, and soon, you will reap its many benefits.
This isn’t even a New Age idea at all, but one common to just about every major world religion I can think of. The idea of submitting to Divinity and understanding that there is a plan greater than yourself, in which you have a role to play, is nearly common knowledge. Or, said in metaphorical terms, you can go farther if you row with the current than you can if you row against it. Makes sense.
Tuesday, the Rose-Pink Ray of Divine Love of God
Focus on the transforming and healing influence of the energies of Divine Love. Love is the glue that creates, transforms, heals and harmonizes all things. Take time in your life to breathe it in and merge with this Flame of Divine Love, the key to the power of multiplication and all good things you desire. As you merge with this Flame in a greater measure, limitations start dissolving and you become the master of your destiny.
Divine Love is just another way of saying Unconditional Love, and due to the various Unconditional Love audios that have been created, should be easier for all of us to understand. Love is a universal energy or force of creation - a power source that brings newness, expansion, and restoration. When pure love is applied to the hurts you carry that are holding you back, they begin to dissolve and forward progress is possible once again.
Wednesday, the Emerald Green Ray of the Divine Flame of Healing, Precipitation, and Abundance
Focus on the energies of divine healing in all aspects of your life. This is a balancing and soothing energy that will assist you to align the many distortions you have created in your lives. Invoke and visualize this radiant green liquid healing light blazing through all areas where transformation is needed. The Green Ray also governs the laws of abundance and prosperity. Also invoke the emerald green Flame to pave the way for the manifestation and precipitation of all your physical and spiritual desires.
This reads like a description of the energies of Nature, and reminds me of the Devic Intercession audio. Balancing, soothing, aligning - that sounds like being grounded. Also, the laws of nature are definitely that of abundance and prosperity - look at how much fruit a tree provides, and how many seeds that one tree can produce - abundance to be sure! Lastly, the idea that the energies of Nature give us a platform to manifest both physical and spiritual pursuits sounds exactly right. Without nature, the physical body cannot exist, and without the physical body, the spirit is without an anchor in 3D.
Thursday, the Golden Ray of the Resurrection Flame
Focus on the energies of this Flame for the resurrection and restoration of your inherited divinity. You are a divine being experiencing human life and learning from it. Because you have strayed in consciousness, your divinity has been veiled. As you invoke and merge with the purple and gold energies of the Resurrection Flame, you will start resurrecting all the gifts and attributes of your divinity. Along with the Violet Flame, this wondrous flame prepares you for the final ritual of Ascension, which is the main purpose for your many incarnations on this planet.
The idea that mankind at their core contains a Divine spark isn’t restricted to New Age beliefs either. Christians call themselves the children of God, science says all matter originated from one central point, those who meditate know that when the Ego is stripped away, what is left is the realization that there is no separation, there is only the All That Is, there is only Oneness, etc.
All sound like human attempts to explain the same idea explained here, inherited Divinity, or pieces of God behind a veil of forgetfulness experiencing life in a body. It would only make sense, if this really were true, that once we more and more remember the Divinity we carry within which we have forgotten, we will more and more gain new abilities. In a forum where we discuss creating fields of information with one’s mind to alter physical reality, believing this shouldn’t be a stretch at all.
Friday, the Pure Dazzling White Ray of Purity of the Ascension Flame
Ascension is the alchemical marriage or divine union of your human-self with your I AM Presence through the process of purification of all misqualification of God’s energy throughout your many incarnations. Focus on purifying and clearing all negativity, false beliefs, poor attitudes and habits blocking the manifestation of your spiritual mastery. Fill your auric field and every cell of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies with this pure-white dazzling Ascension Flame. In your meditation, do this with all the rays. It is essential for your spiritual progress.
This reads like a process that is well understood here - emotional release, trauma recovery, ego dissolution, etc. both for the present life and for all other lives the soul has experienced as well as connection and cooperation with the Higher Self, as a path of spiritual development and enlightenment. Pure white light is what’s always described in these processes, whether is crown chakra bursts, 5-MeO-DMT experiences, etc.
Saturday, the Penetrating Violet Ray of Transmutation and Freedom
On Saturday, focus on the many tones and frequencies of the Violet Ray which is most magical. The Violet Flame brings the frequency of change, alchemy, freedom from limitations, royalty, diplomacy, comfort and much more. As you fill your auric field and your heart with the wonders of this Flame, its frequency will start clearing from your life the obstacles and karma that are obstructing the way to the realization of your mastery. Use the Violet Fire as much as you can each day, but especially on Saturday when this ray is amplified in a greater way, and it will serve you well.
This sounds like many accounts of what people describe when their 3rd eye opens. New perception and understanding brings all kinds of change, including freedom from old patterns that were running on auto-pilot unawares. That’s what the violet flame sounds like to me, higher spiritual perception that brings all manner of new change to your consciousness, because once you’ve seen something, you can never unsee it - it changes you forever. Same idea as the ideal of royalty, those who understand and perceive most what is best for everyone should be the ones in charge - the royals (our history didn’t work out that way much tho, sadly)
I think I’ll stop here for now, as it’s been 2-3 hours that I’ve been thinking on this and typing out my reply, and I’m only on page 10 out of 200. Further on in the document, there’s lengthy discussions on the various cities in Inner Earth/Agartha, the beings that live there, and the various roles the serve as it relates to this 7 ray framework.
This info is much harder to verify, but that doesn’t make it anymore true or false, just a frontier that needs exploring. Maybe someone else in the forum more in tune with Agartha can constructively comment further, possibly guided by the Sapien audio for that purpose.
In closing, I’ll say one final thing, with an image to help illustrate the point. All humans have finite capacity to perceive - no one can see the whole picture, which is why we need to work together. I’d strongly encourage everyone to resist the urge to tell someone else they are wrong because what they claim is true is different than how you perceive it, and to be equally wary of anyone else acting in this manner. There are many facets in the jewel of truth.