The Smart Bacteria Slayer

I imagine if you have a genuine issue, if you went to the doctor for it it must have told you to take Amoxicilin for like 7-10-x days (usually). You might use that as a reference.
I don’t know about this field, but irl your shouldn’t use antibiotics without having a bacteria that is reactive to it, you shouldn’t overuse, and you shouldn’t underuse, lest you make your current bacteria stronger x you develop resistance to the antibiotic. The Art of War. The Art of War everywhere.

Am saying irl antibiotics shouldn’t be taken like gummy bears.


@zea Thank you.
Yeah, I know, but I observed that fields for stomach, intestinal areas help me breath better (is it odd?), that’s why I thought that it’s not a bad idea to try it (already did :sweat_smile:), so I can kill off the bad bacteria from the body (bacteria field also helped me breathe better; it seems that my breathing problems have multiple causes); is it better to stop?

Where it mainly deal with bacteria? inside or outside?

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Sorry, I don’t get this part (also, perhaps your question is not for me)?

No idea, ser :)

But yes, or makes a lot of sense that you would breathe better if intestines were better. I’m thinking gas, inflammation, dyspepsia, all sorts of fullness, which would put pressure on everything else. Maybe try a (colon) cleanse and/or whatever you were doing for the stomach and if that works, try to find the root cause (which of course could also be bacteria). Sure, some of us may have lost faith in the medical system, but it would still be pretty helpful to diagnose an issue. I personally don’t feel like I have the time and capacity to use too many fields just in case…


Wanted to @Desiree you Desiree, but it seems i have the speed of the internet explorer so…

Anyways it’s smart, and it’s bacteria, it’s just not fungi and not apocalyptic yet


Hmm. But if it helps you breathe better, logic says it actually acts upon something, so you might be on to something :slight_smile:
I suppose, keep an eye on it, maybe stop when it seems like effects have stopped. And yeah, see a doctor to find out what’s actually happening. :)

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lol i didn’t notice!!!

crush crush, my dreams are smashed

okay maybe we have part 2 in stock :pleading_face:


I’m sure the apocalyptic fungi slayer is in the making. He’s probably riding on tiamat, and has a sword of destiny in his hand.


I have done all they asked minus placing a long cable down my throat to check my internal areas, that one I could not stomach (the idea); they took samples from my neck, it was candida years ago, it does not appear anymore; I did all sorts of tests, blood tests, etc., it’s just that I’m currently broke, every single dollar (or euro or rather romanian lei/lion) counts. :sweat_smile: :moneybag::broken_heart:

I think so too.

Thank you. :pray:

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lol that reminds me when my best friend was helping to teach me how to drive i went in some parking lot after having driven in the street for a bit and i was putting on turning signals to switch lanes in the back of this business, there where some workers out in the back and my friend told me they just saw the best driver they’ve ever seen their whole entire lifes haha cuz i was putting on the turning signals on faded lanes in a empty lot lol


This is great, Thank you Captain this will help many!


Im very skeptical to using the bacteria fields, as i have spent a long time building up my friendly bacteria (i believe ). I probably need the field tho, but im scared to use it.


Just sayin…:wink:

(Nornally it is used to decrease bacterial restiance, google augementin)


This should pair well with the Gastrointestinal Specialist!!

I think so too!! Seems gentler than Apocalypse which felt more like brute force approach. This one is smart


i am allergic to almost all antibiotics on the market, for the antibiotics that i am not they are too weak to help so this is a life saver. thank you!!!


Yeah I completely understand. I was prescribed Antibiotics back to back by my dentist when I went through a bunch of dental treatments a few years ago. My guides were explicitly telling me to not consume all those medications. But, I decided to take them anyway and my digestive system was wrecked. Took 3 years to fix the gut.

Usually, Dream’s fields eliminate/minimize typical side-effects of the medications on which the fields are based. That said, you can perhaps wait for a few days, read newer testimonials and experiences and then decide if you want to use this field.


I think I have seen u drive actually

Dream driving instructor: no one is around


Hahahhahahaha :joy::sob::sob:


Maybe the “smart” aspect of the field has to do with the targeting of harmful bacteria and the avoidance those that are beneficial.