The Smart Cord Cutter Field

Im listening to that stack in the day then i play soul core and Capital Governance

But thats because im mostly feeling that things being erased from my past that i needed were related to my career etc

Im actually going to give a better longer review so u can see what i mean and maybe you can find what extra or after you would need.

I feel like every case is different, i added soul core because it makes me feel anchored and strong after having been vacuumed of said… “memories”


If possible, care to explain these “disadvantages”? Also interested to have any input on what the main difference from this and the former field is? Thanks :pray:t2:

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Hello, sorry for the very late answer. I’ve just noticed your tag. I don’t know if you’re still around but the disadvantage I mentioned was only from a personal perspective (not related to the field). Some cords may be stubborn and getting rid of them may be debilitating at first. When I say personal perspective, it’s also because back then (when using Etheric Cord Cutter v1 for the first times), I was focusing on a specific person, so there was some driven energy toward them. Maybe they felt it and “replied” on an energetic level. Independently from the field as well, I guess. And that first field’s description is indeed mentioning some possible painful experience.

Then it went fine and easier, especially after adding Soul Core Restoration, Clear All Negative Energy, Repel Negativity, and such. To complement and add extra protection. That said, you don’t risk any negative thing by using version 1 alone on a longer run. On the contrary.

I don’t have the second/paid option yet but even judging from the description alone, it already comes with extra protective elements (including the persuasion sent to the other person so that they don’t sustain the cords). So you should be fine.


Hello Bronyraur!
No probs, still around here, thanks for answering.
After now having tried the field I resonate with your input and to what you referred to as ‘disadvantages’. :pray:t2:

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My Higher Self (Higher Self NFT :smirk:) pushed my to acquire this.

I am now looping it and deleting all cords to all the people from my past that I want to let go completely.

Also cutting ALL the cords to ALL the women from my past and from porn to whom I ever masturbated to, had sex with or obsessed about.

:loud_sound: -------- :scissors:
:mage:-------------------- :dancing_women:

As I am typing this, already some energy is coming back to me.
Cut the ropes and fly beautiful butterfly.


use photos… works alittle better…look up my post in the smart fields topic. good luck!!!


@JAAJ even my higher self is telling me to go get this field instead of VoT next.


Cutting cords would essentially allow for easier “upgrade” leave what no longer serves behind and carry forward.

Like a mental reprogram but with etheric cords.


The three Crucible audios followed by this Cord Cutter do wonder!!


No, you have connections to places and things.


The Etheric Cord Cutter is the second audio that has been an absolute power weapon in optimizing self-alignment. I can only imagine the Smart field with targeted cord cutting will be an absolute godsend.

Have effectively been diving into my consultancy work with clients and using the etheric cord cutter to reduce entanglement. South Node Libra tendencies, need that backup to keep me centered.

Looking forward to trying the smart cord cutter soon!


Apologies if this has already been answered but has anyone used this not necessarily for people, but to cut cords with certain events or feelings around a certain trigger?

For instance I’m just going to make something up if someone had a fear of ladders because once they fell off of one could they use this field and think of the time they fell off with the intention of “cutting the cords of fear and trauma” related to this event?

Or say, if someone experienced lots of rejection in their romantic life, could they listen to this to “cut the cords of pain” or whatever negative thing they experienced related to events like these?

I really like crucible of the past, I feel like that is great too - I just wonder if this field can be used in a more targeted way.


Based on the definition of Etheric cords, this would be entirely possible considering it’s also a smart field.


Looking super jacked there man :speak_no_evil:


As I evaluate the order of future purchases, I would love to know about folks who used:

Curse/Spell Removal
Etheric Cord Cutter
Grand Jealous Reflective Shield
Booted Bhoots

And then upgraded to the Smart Cord Cutter.

How much additional benefit did you see?


I don’t understand. This field is now gone to. It was there yesterday. I was literally going to buy it TODAY. Great…

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Makes no difference. Goes back to gumroad

Spiritual audios getting removed too? @SammyG How do I know you wont delete whats on my wishlist?

Like I legit wasn’t expecting this to happen THIS soon. I don’t know. I’m feeling bummed out now.