The Social Bonder

Wait… can i even share?

yes it works for those close to us. give it a go, a healthy attachment style is key to a healthy relationship


Aight thank you. Yes there are some things we can improve on together with these fields. Just wish my family would be open to these fields. But i think a lot of forum members have this issue


Thats cool! I always thought it only worked foe immediate family

well don’t necessarily take my word as gospel, its not confirmed but i’d say the field works by sensing the intention. if you mean well and they are as close as family then it should work


Will this field benefit from the new Artemis boosters?

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Finally got this one during the current sale :)

Hope it helps me overcome my social tendency to isolate myself where my brain tells me that they (friends, coworker, etc) don’t want me to joint their group and that I don’t belong


Keep us posted. We’re rooting for you @Noel_Hawk! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I can Tell you that this helped me overcome the Feeling of such irrational thoughts, for example that close people have bad Feelings or thoughts towards me and that i cant trust them. Of course i does not make one blind but just these irrational thoughts go away which made me more comfortable in social settings

I believe that it will definetely help you in that regard


i can say that my neurotic thinking has lessened more than ever, even as i approach my final senior exams (would be very stressful usually). this is because i feel less of a need to uphold my social persona. it is such a relief to let it go. the energy that is focused on proving myself is refocused towards authentic curiosity and excitement.

it is gradual, since the insecure/avoidant attachment circuitry is firmly rooted. as the new circuitry overtakes in strength, the insecure/avoidant circuitry will fade in relevance, like an atrophying muscle, and you will become free! yippee


i’d suggest to detach from all bonds that were created through insecure/avoidant attachment.

while using social bonder move on from past friendships that are based on it. avoid family members who created insecure/avoidant circuits for a while, or see them as little as possible, because they will actively fuel it in all ways.

after a while you’ll be able to create new secure bonds with new people and relate to people with secure attachment like yours.

people with inscure/avoidant attachment will not be able to relate to you anymore.

it will be like talking two different languages.


Any shy people that use this, any results? Thanks.

It’s not solution in itself without effort made but starting conversations and talking to people is much easier with this, natural


Prolonged use of this field made me stop being a lurker on this forum. :sweat_smile:


bruh, same


I was reading a book and came across something that made me think of this field

Would this help with developing a more outward expression rather than internal? @DR_MANHATTAN


The missing infographic has been added


Which book is this and what’s it about ?

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The book is called fear of intimacy and tbh I don’t know what it’s really about, but that pic was from a page that I was skimming through.

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