The Spear of Destiny

:point_right: :point_left:


So I couldnt keep myself from using it.I meditated to it and this is what intuitively come to me:
-Feeling power to control myself and do what needs to be done,not procrastinating
-I felt suddenly energy rushing from lower dantien to my root,I know it makes no sense(was sitting in a chair)
-I felt power to take control of my life,but that this audio isnt like archetype audios which give u temporary effect,but this one needs daily usage and will give subtle but accumulative stroooong results
-Didnt exactly feel wholiness but I guess u cant expect too much from one listening before bed
-I intuitively feel this one incrases willpower in sense u will do what u know u should,when u should and u will stop getting in ur own way.
Well that is it for now,I cant wait to write more experiences and possibly add to my beginnes guide to fields,this one could be on par with Ojas.Also to clarifu all that I said could be misinterpretation and it could be result of other things I am using.
@Maoshan_Wanderer could u maybe explain this lower dantien(from belly button area downwards rush)
PS:This nneeds to be combined with Reverse Devil Tarot for super duper mega effect


Ready for the adventure !
My name is


My name is



In the wise word of Tia Dalma - " a touch of destiny "

Let the good times roll ;)


I so like video and visual representation of the video generally.
Especially those vitrails in church, light coming from them, inner of monastery, atmosphere of christianity in there… imho very holy beautiful


Perhaps there will be more legendary artifacts :slight_smile:
Holy Grail


Holy grail would be so dope :pray::heart:

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Damn I don’t know what this is good for but it sounds so cool :D
I love these ideas

I’ll have a session with this in the evening and see!


We will see what it does eventually but for now it is probably one of my most favourite audio and I just want to have it on non-stop.


could a religion series coming as a symbol of religions power…influence & protection of each

I think it could be rather religion artifacts and expression of their archetypes
We will see

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yes the archetypes of each religion

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Some features like Reach for the Stars?


Ah, this :heart_eyes:

This feels amazing.


From Youtube, “Divine Glory” :star2:


I am still testing this field but it seems to me like I am having some signs that I am on right track.
I don’t know how to better explain, whenever I thought about something what is important to me I feel this presence like something will help me and it’s here with me and for me, via signs.

I am saying I am still testing this but there are a lot coincidences that I didn’t encounter before really.

Let say one of example, I even today saw one incredible post on fb which is not usual for me to see on fb, and to be honest, never saw stories like this, how some dude atheist encounter literally with Jesus Christ in flesh and body when he was 15 years old or something, his story is very vivid one.

It’s just one of examples. Since I am listening this, and this is 2nd day of listening, I am telling you, there are so many strange good coincidences and signs, and I think it has connections with this field. I mean, no doubt.

I hope I’m not exaggerating, sorry if I sound like that.


Thank you for all you do! We are blessed.
May you be showered back with blessings infinitely. :pray::heart:


I dont want to stop playing this.

That is all. So holy :heart::heart::heart:

I shared it with my sisters and Mom they are very religious and they said they absolutely loved it, they felt safe, calm like a breeze of love touching them. (Their words) i told them to play it twice and then tell me what they felt. They dont know english so they didnt know what it was :blush:

When i told them they got all emotional and played it again and cried.

They said they will play it every day when praying.


archetype audios which give u temporary effect

Would you say that the effects of certain archetype audios could be permanent, such as pure moonlight or the reverse devil?

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