The Squanderer

Yes I am the squanderer. I have this kind of habit. Do you know what audios/field to listen to reduce this kind of habit? Thank you

Definitions of squanderer. a recklessly extravagant consumer . synonyms: prodigal, profligate. types: scattergood, spend-all, spender, spendthrift. someone who spends money prodigally.


Inner power from dreamseed


I think that falls under compulsion/ impulsivity . Correct me if I am wrong of course but before I list the emotional/cognitive health some are:

Capital Governance
Cone of Power
Navigator of Awe- during midst of said urges
Armor of L&G
Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence - > if your spending is coming out of a place of sadness/ a way to get dopamine - this is the much more healthier route - compassion/ love to self etc
Overcome Any Addiction
The Tower of Power

New Perspectives
Shamanic Medicine Blend
My Personal & Emotional Supporter

And the neurochemical ones …maybe

And not field related but
During an urge
Find a way to move yourself into a private space and with b o credit cards are ability to buy around ask
What is it that’s causing this turmoil within you



Try to keep the least amount of $$$ with you 24/7. Move some money from checking to savings perhaps

Consider professional help

You got this xo


Knight/Warrior Mindset (Paid)
Unstoppable Willpower
Inner Strength 1.0

Nullify Negative- first thing in the a.m.
OCD Help- if due to a compulsion

If due to a compulsion also listen to physical and emotional healing audios (these are free):
Amygdala Healing
Trauma Release and Healing
Emotional Release


PTSD or Stellate Ganglion
The Retrainer


Shamanic Medicine Blend (Paid)
Emotional Release


PHMC- as listed above


some good suggestions above but surprised noone brought up the topic of self love ( as to orient him )

so appart from the suggestions above :
any self love / self esteem / raising your vibration field


Brain growth work.

You’ll get smarter, you’ll control your impulses (PFC area), your priorities will change and you’ll be more mature, more “self-contained”.

But also, you need to have another source of fun. Blowing your money is like smoking weed and other escapism stuff. If you just stop squandering, you’ll shift to something else.
If you had genuine fun and healthy expectations about your future, you wouldn’t be craving products. Find some fun.

Self-love will help a lot, but if you’re not happy, you’ll jump on something else

Also, if you have the money, throw it up


Out of subject. I like your wojak picture


Thank you my lord :slight_smile:

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