Is the subconscious mind a universal concept which applys to everything or is it individual for every being/ group of beings, for ex. human subconsciousnes is different from a dog, or human A subconscious is different from human B ?
Everything happening beneath and beyond the mind might be unique as per the individual. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come nor draw from the same place.
So I’ve been meditating on this for a long time and my experience so far. Note: this is just my digest according to everything I’ve done:
To begin with, “Subconsciouness” is different depending on the level of the soul’s (individual fragment of the whole) evolution and the one “equalizer” is the level of self awareness.
A gold fish has a lower self-awareness to an elephant that can paint pictures of it’s family and even write their name. Human is the “last level” in this world. That said…
If you every played a role playing game, think of your subconscious as the status points (strength, intelligence, etc) and skill point menus. The difference is that in games, they only give you “good” or helpful upgrades where as the Subconscious world (some call it the Causal plane) is non dualistic. If your subconscious has an “algorithm” that say [Be meek and shy in the experience called “Meet new people”] it will run that formula without judgement. So to change that you have to become the awareness/consciousnes that can affect those formulas.
Higher Self (The person that logs in the game and manages the character) > Stat menu (what you allow yourself to experience aka subconscious) > Playing the game (Conscious/Dualism life where you see those formulas play out).
Damn, thanks man, you just solved a question I had other than that.
I always asked myself if people with mental disabillities/illness/dysfunction for ex. autism, down syndrom and who knows whats out there could achieve this level of enlightement, but without awareness of oneself there cant be evolutionary progression which includes the soul as an individual, that does not mean that as humans they can’t get to be the higher self, but that means it will be much more harder for them to achieve that right?
Or maybe it’s just not in their cycle to do so…
Honestly, very often we judge those conditions as less favorable because we only know what we know. For all we know, some of them live in constant bliss (Down syndrome people are some of the happiest beings you can ever encounter for example) and that might be a vacation for their soul where as in a past life they did something has made them have that state for this life.
Consider also that we are co-creating, those people might be “taking one for the team” to helps others progress in their “Soul Evoluting”.
This is why I’ve learned that you just have to be grateful for your path and keep going. Know that everyone is on this rollercoaster ride, no one is better than others, and if you know a “secret” don’t act better than thou.
You either wake up enough to remember who you really are or you repeat the process until you do wake up.
I never thought about them being less benefited as me, as a Kid I had somebody in the family that has down syndrom and man, through him I learned much about people with syndroms and just the kindness these people have.
But I thought, does it matter if its your cycle to ascend or not ? Whats the point of free will and the ability to do so then haha if one cant even decide to ascend or not
But I am speaking of a point with very to little knowledge about the soul/cycles of life/ascending and everything else
But I get where you point it, some souls decided to be that specific person for others, or to take vacation, my ego/me thought it would be bad to be in that state tho, but as you say and as I understand now, its just perspective, for them it is vacation for me it is not a vacation to see them like that, but now I understand and I do not feel bad for them anymore, but happy or at least at peace to see these people
You’re lucky you got that experience then. That leaps you ahead from a lot of hard lessons I’ve had.
It’s similar to the “purpose” dichotomy. People convince themselves that they must “find” their purpose where in reality you can choose it (to a degree, influenced by consciousness).
You “Ascend” if it’s important to you. If you get women, money, status, you enjoy pleasure, and it doesn’t do it for you. You’ll begin to seek for more then the journey goes from doing a lot outside yourself to finding your answers inside.