The thing about 'Entities' & Curses

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any more info on salt? and any advice on what crystals to put in my room for healthy living area?

also, my roommate was half indian and he burned some desert sage in my room one time. He said he saw “the black” in one of my corners when he used his conch shell with burning sage walking around in there lol

forgiveness is the key I feel maybe you do not like your family. You can never see them again, but you can do like I do which is to pray for them. Sometimes simply being around them may cause more harm than good, but you should feel sorry for your brethren that are in this shared matrix experience of life whether its good or bad.

And also we should feel supremely blessed that we have these audios that can help us.

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“I do have a question for you guys though… what particularly makes it difficult to accept? Like, what gets in the mind and why your mind doesn’t allow you to?”

I personally believe particular issues like a failure, addiction, humiliation, past trauma or anything of these sort, are difficult to accept is due to these reasons:

  1. Fear of accepting:

I’ll explain this with an example. Consider you ( people in general ) are new to stock market. Now before you entered the market, you did all your preparations… But it didn’t go the way you want and you lost a certain amount of capital.
Now as a newbie to the market, one would obliviously panic if they lose their hard earned money/ life savings. Fear & Anxiety kicks in. The Second trade will go the same if you went into the trade with fear at the back of your mind ( To regain your lost capital ). It won’t stop and the downward spiral will continue.
This is just an example. The downward spiral effect happens the same with Addictions, continuous bad relationships, losing business and bad events in general. The pattern is hard to get over and reality will be, where the energy flows.

  1. Limiting beliefs: These events create a limiting belief that will be hard to get over. The concept here is not the limiting beliefs that we are fed to us by the society as we grow up, but the self limiting beliefs that we inherit from the bad situation that has happened.
    Example: I lost money because I was bad at trading. I lost my relationship because I was ugly or because I was fat. I didn’t perform well in my match because of my fitness. These limiting beliefs will pile up internally in subconscious as the bad events keep happening. The pattern will continue and reality will be, where the energy flows since we spend most time thinking about it (Limiting thoughts or Bad events).

  2. Acceptance itself: This is also a case. Many people will never accept that they have lost (They are now a loser ) or bad at something. This also stems from fear of accepting.

PS: English is not my first language. Kindly ignore grammatical mistakes. I’ll keep improving.
Also I don’t know how to tag a quote someone wrote in the forum.

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Well fellers, I wish you the best of luck on that journey. It’s a worthwhile one that you come out stronger, more wise and more weathered to work through life and whatever comes along the way. So I commend it and am glad you both believe in what you believe and are working towards it. It’s a worthwhile belief to have. I would love to be proven wrong.

It’s just up to this point, every single person that has said what you’ve said, has not managed to live this stress free life. Teachers, sages or just happy people in general have all still run into problems in lfie. Seriously, name me one human that has transcended problems. The only ones I can agree probably do are the people that isolate themselves from humanity and live on their own or with monks up in a mountain. The human game is a duality game; a dance of negativity and positivity.

And you mention dream’s fields and how using them can ensure you never have problems again but Dream is another person who hasn’t transcended problems either.

I just personally think this is an unrealistic expectation to set yourself up with that will more than likely lead to dissapointment. An expectation that can potentially hinder you ever possibly being at peace with yourself and life. I’ve made peace with the human game as is. So sure, bad things happen to me but I learn from them and get over them right away and just keep moving forward and focusing on what I love and makes me happy. That is peace in my opinion. Not avoiding bad things from happening to me but accepting them and allowing myself to grow from them and continue flowing.

But like I said, that’s just my perspective. Don’t want to discourage you from going along this path. It’s still a great one and I hope you guys prove me wrong.


symptomatic treatment

causal treatment

i see


After talking to @SammyG today, I decided to share some experience.

Entities in the past got to me. When I was 6 years old they would appear to me, trying to cause fear, disrupt my sleep, shake my bed. Hovering over my body and weird stuff like that lol.

As I got older that fear stayed with me, even though nothing really happened to me. In my own home I’d feel afraid, scared to sleep in my own house… For years and years.

Last year my family faced “physical” attack. Causing hospitalization. It was traumatizing, I spent my birthday having my bed shaken, being physically/forcefully woken up and what not, I even saw the spirit multiple times, watched my keyboard get typed on, heard the wall get banged on, etc. Everytime I went to the bathroom I’d sense the energy of the bum, and I saw it as well. Filled with pure dread and agony for weeks.

The fields didn’t work, I had the shields. Shielding 3.0 and more. The clearing didn’t work for me sadly. I used all those clearing fields.

The issue was my belief system. Entites are a reflection of how you are from within. They can show you what you need to work on. Because nothing outside worked, It had to come from within. Sammy taught about reshaping thought patterns by using malleable ego, so I did. He told us we have the power, we have to control things, take matters into our own hands. Everytime I’d see the spirit, I’d play malleable ego, then I’d accept it, send them love (they hate this), and then avoid fear. Reprogramming the way I react to it, I focused on changing the way I saw things, protecting my sovereignty at all costs. No longer letting it syphon me from entropic emotions. It left once I removed fear. Keep in mind this is from someone previously diagnosed with C-PTSD.

Fast forward to this year, I’ve had entities “try me” and I just laugh lol. I literally laugh, and geniunely laugh. I had to program this into myself. I’ve imagined conceptual black holes, pulled them in, and closed them. Then I don’t hear any more “noises” lol. I no longer get “afraid” of them. The LAST thing I ever want to do again in my LIFE is be afraid of them.

Realize you’re manifesting your realilty, their power and hold they have is up to you to break. You can nullify them. You have the power to no longer be a captive. Feel free to break from the game whenever you’re ready.


Thanks. But how do you “Just Observe?”. You mean, meditate and think of the bad things you have experienced? Or when you have a bad thought, just think oh well?

Sorry for being blunt, but, it’s easy when you have accomplished the dark times. But for those who are going through those times, it’s as helpful as saying to someone “just think positive “.

I sympathize with this greatly. I would think like this as well when I was in my dark period. How the hell am I supposed to be positive when everything around me and inside me is negative? How am I supposed to just observe myself when all that arises within me feels like poison?

2 things… 1, I’m sorry to say but those people were right. Yeah, that’s what I had to do. I observed the pain and felt it. I embraced it all the way. Let it be felt. Let myself cry. Let my mind think all the suicidal thoughts and craziness that was going on. Let it all go to the surface. I didn’t reject it or fight it either. And lo and behold, that energy would release. It doesn’t ever release for most people that try this because they fight the feeling.

They fight the discomfort. They sit and feel it and try to mentally avoid it. They hate it. And all that is doing is reinforcing these feelings to be ‘negative’ and not just a part of you. They are a part of you that you reject and because you reject, is constantly pushing against you.

2nd thing, we have fields. Fields that transform your way of thinking, that heal repressed traumas and so forth. We have it all and most of it… free. You don’t need NFTs or gumroad audios as majority of those NFTs and gumroads are a mix of free fields we have with special enhancements. But it really isn’t necessary.

So having these fields on while we embrace the energies/emotions/thoughts that come to the surface is a major help. Yes, it’s extremely difficult on our own when we are going through the worse but we actually have tools to assist in that difficult process. This helped me a lot over the years.

So yeah, lean into the negative feelings that arise in your mind. Think about the bad things. When the bad thought comes up, don’t avoid, lean into it. Because all you are doing is un-rejecting the energy, dissolving the weight of all the built up repression and reemerging that energy back into your being to make you more whole again.

Sounds counter intuitive. Sounds difficult. But it must be done. The inner work cannot be replaced. Our fields are insanely useful tools to help through the process but they can’t make you feel at peace with things you haven’t consciously made peace with.


i dunno if it’s my only experience but being in high vibration sometimes multiplies the amount of low vibration people that want to bring me to low vibration.

some guy started to harass me and physically attack me while i was standing on an event the other day, i was very centered and grounded (been meditating on SR for weeks) but this person kept leaning on me and physically incercept me and damaged my solar plexus with a hit with his hand.

low vibration seems like a parasite that wants to bring everything else to its level. if it’s someone in high vibe it wants it even more because it seems more pleasurable to it.

that’s why i try to be alone most of the time nowdays while working on myself.

being on public sometimes makes me an easy target if i’m not physically or mentally ready to fight back.


The more we think, fight and resist the negative feelings, the more “negative” events will keep looping in patterns. Energy flows where attention goes. In these cases, we can think positively, cope and move on (or) stay neutral to the negative event, observe and accept the things that have already happened as it is.

I usually stay neutral during bad events, acknowledging them and letting them pass without faking with positive thoughts. This also helps when you are in the process of raising vibration. The universe will definitely throw challenges at you to see if you can overcome them (It’s a test to see if we’re qualified to vibrate in a higher frequency!).


From my years of experience and knowledge, I agree with @SammyG .

Simply being positive is already a protection against these negative influences.

And that’s what they are — influences.

You can always take your power back by realizing you can.


Its natural. When darkness sees those with the light, it’s too bright and they have an impulse to destroy it.

It’s why many wise men kept quiet and stay hidden.

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i thought of a cool analogy for this lol

the morphic fields is like transportation. captain can design the transportation to take you to your destination as quick as a bullet train, but if you don’t consciously choose to hop off the train, you’ll loop back around the tracks to where you began. Be fearless when stepping off to this new destination, because you can be sure it is a safer place than before


Great analogy dude :+1:


Quite much yes, but far from absolute.

It’s always better to have solid shielding on and strong energy body.


After realizing this, I’m experiencing a phenomenal change in life

:muscle: :100:


I’m working on this bro! Realizing that I cannot do all the lifting without fields and fields cannot do all the heavy work without the inner work. Almost all my mental obstacles are removed at this point (because of heightened awareness). Excited to see how the life will unfold haha


I’m noticing a number of you guys doing the inner work more consistently and reaping the rewards for it. You guys know who you are, (ones who’ve been pming me) and it feels great to read that stuff. Keep at it. The spriitual journey is peaks and valleys. You might rise but will collapse again, only to find yourself working toward a greater peak. It’s neverending. But as you keep rising up those peaks, when you collapse, you collapse into more peaceful, lighter, resilient and higher vibrational states that are just your natural state of being.

Yeh, there is nothing to fear along the journey ahead when you have m16s, shotguns, bazookas, armies at your disposal and nuclear arsenal to tackle all your obstacles ahead. These fields should be motivation to push forward and do the inner work.

It’s not easy but it’s why you’re here. You’re here to learn, to grow and overcome that which is in your way. So move forward. But don’t expect fields to do the walking and climbing for you. Fields are the guiding sherpa carrying all the food and supplies to help you reach the peak of mount everest. That sherpa isn’t going to do the climbing for you though.

Doing the work means facing what you hate about yourself or the world and accepting that and integrating and letting go of it all. It’s hard work but why else are you here?


Yeah brother! I noticed the peaks are higher than before and the lowest point is fading away as I keep moving forward. Glad life has changed. I feel really good from within. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::pray:

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