The Totem Bundle

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The totem bundles contains a wide amount of totemic animals.

This is crafted in a way to provide their blessings protection and benefits to you life and surrounding.


from Sapien Medicine YouTube Community Post :arrow_heading_down:

Totem animals, often stemming from various indigenous cultures, particularly Native American traditions, are believed to be spiritual guides or symbols that provide insight, teach life lessons, and reflect certain traits or characteristics. Each animal totem embodies unique qualities and offers different lessons or insights.

  • The Boar: Symbolizes courage, assertiveness, and the willingness to fight for what is right. The boar encourages you to face your problems head-on with bravery and strength.

  • The Coyote: Often known as the trickster in Native American traditions, the coyote teaches us to expect the unexpected and find balance between wisdom and playfulness. It also reminds us to learn from our mistakes.

  • The Buffalo: Represents abundance, stability, strength, and generosity. It is a sacred sign, reminding you to seek harmony and gratitude and to share your abundance with others.

  • The Deer: Symbolizes gentleness, intuition, and sensitivity. The deer encourages you to be vigilant and to pay attention to the subtle whispers within. It’s a reminder to approach situations with grace and to use the power of gentleness to move through life.

  • The Dolphin: Associated with playfulness, harmony, and intelligence. Dolphins are also messengers of peace and are known to promote protection as well as cooperation within a community.

  • The Eagle: Represents freedom, perspective, and transcendence. The eagle is a symbol of higher vision and strength, encouraging you to rise above the mundane to achieve a greater understanding of your spiritual path.

  • The Wolf: Symbolizes loyalty, guardianship, and spirit. Wolves teach us to trust our instincts and to value our personal space. They remind us of the importance of social connections and the balance between independence and being part of a community.

Incorporating the wisdom and traits of these totem animals can provide guidance, insight, and inspiration in various aspects of life, encouraging individuals to live in harmony with themselves, others, and the natural world.


7 As the Gems, 7 as the Colours 7 as the Herbs


Beautiful number :white_heart:


Thank you Dream


:eyes: Thank you Dream…


From the Mystic-tarot-reader GPT

The animals listed are rich in symbolism and are often regarded as totems in various cultures. Here’s a brief spiritual meaning for each:

The Boar: Symbolizes courage, assertiveness, and the willingness to fight for what is right. The boar encourages you to face your problems head-on with bravery and strength.

The Coyote: Often known as the trickster in Native American traditions, the coyote teaches us to expect the unexpected and find balance between wisdom and playfulness. It also reminds us to learn from our mistakes.

The Buffalo: Represents abundance, stability, strength, and generosity. It is a sacred sign, reminding you to seek harmony and gratitude and to share your abundance with others.

The Deer: Symbolizes gentleness, intuition, and sensitivity. The deer encourages you to be vigilant and to pay attention to the subtle whispers within. It’s a reminder to approach situations with grace and to use the power of gentleness to move through life.

The Dolphin: Associated with playfulness, harmony, and intelligence. Dolphins are also messengers of peace and are known to promote protection as well as cooperation within a community.

The Eagle: Represents freedom, perspective, and transcendence. The eagle is a symbol of higher vision and strength, encouraging you to rise above the mundane to achieve a greater understanding of your spiritual path.

The Wolf: Symbolizes loyalty, guardianship, and spirit. Wolves teach us to trust our instincts and to value our personal space. They remind us of the importance of social connections and the balance between independence and being part of a community.

Each of these totems carries with it a profound connection to the natural world and can serve as a guide for spiritual growth and introspection.


Is there a way to know your own totem animal?



This is awesome! Thank you.


From Native American Totem Animals & Their Meanings – Legends of America

Animal Image Traits
Boar/Pig A very powerful totem – prosperity, spiritual strength, organized, balanced complacency and activity, fearless.
Trickster, intelligence, stealth, wisdom and folly, guile, innocence, skill.
Buffalo Sacredness, life, great strength, abundance, gratitude, consistency, blessings, stability.
Deer Compassion, peace, intellectual, gentle, caring, kind, subtlety, gracefulness, femininity, gentleness, innocence, and selling adventure.
Dolphin Kind, salvation, wisdom, happiness, playfulness, prudent, capable of deep emotion, and happy.
Eagle Divine spirit, sacrifice, connection to creator, intelligence, renewal, courage, illumination of spirit, healing, creation, freedom, and risk-taker.
Wolf Loyalty, perseverance, success, intuition, spirit, appetite for freedom, can be a loner.

Awesome! Thank you for this, perhaps it’s even a closer description to the actual concept and energy carried by those fields!


:man_shrugging: Your guess is as good as mine.

I honestly have a theory that fields are just as much about what Dream intends as what we interpret and that it’s a relatively new development in his process. Which is why, still just my theory, he’s stopped explaining what the fields do specifically unless they’re designed to follow a biological process exclusively.

Or he just got annoyed with descriptions and some of our forum nonsense xD “Hey Dream, is this field also secretly an ad-hoc servitor?!” “Sure, whatever you say.”


Thank You!
Im going to spam the hell out of Eagle!


I imagine there is like a source code that He, or maybe someone who is very advanced in the path can observe in detail.

Nevertheless we enjoy the goodness of this, which it is great


Check OP for updated links.


I believe everything I’ve seen on it is the same as spirit guides. It’s a knowing and/or repeated encounters during meditation. Of course, there’s guided meditations GALORE and you could always divine it.


Thank You Very Much, Captain! :pray:

I need to find out what totem I have lol.

By the descriptions offered by @GamiroCFC and @mrpixeltech, it sounds/seems like wolf is mine (maybe).

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Thank you Dream!

They usually appears in dreams… or at least in my experience


Snakes have appeared innumerable times into my dreams…
Ouch lol.

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Your totem animal, the Magical Liopleurodon!


Thank you Captain :nerd_face:


Sometimes they appear to teach or help you with something specific, or a current situation. One has to discern if it is a temporary totem for that specific situation or if it is a totem that always accompanies you.