The Unexpected

After having this for years, I finally had the chance to see its unexpected blessings ‘alone’ (with so many luck fields sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint which is doing the work haha) Though I know they all work in synergy. As a sole field listened to (4x), and set an intention by throwing out a thought of,
What beautiful blessings am I going to receive today?

(1) I have received an unexpected call for a sendoff dinner. Mercury retro in place, so heard from a person whom I haven’t seen since November. :phone:

(2) In this remote island, I get stressed out when thinking of going out. Public transport is tricky to get; when I reached the main road - ‘to my surprise’ plenty of rides are available, but one particular driver was from the same city I was born, and he’s lived from the town I stayed before. Talk about coincidences. :sparkles:

(3) Reaching the place, it was perfect timing - sunset! :sunrise:

View from a rooftop deck.

(4) After a great filling dinner and catch up, thinking how I’ll go home, instantaneously a person came to me to offer a ride home. :star_struck:

Ahh, blessings after blessings, it felt like the day was just wrapped with all things Unexpected - aligning my luck from start to finish. :gift_heart: Gracias!

:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

unique combination of unexpected gifts, probability alteration and luck, some elements of the woven worlds system etc


I don’t know how it manifested into my world but patterns are starting to be noticeable, it’s like everything turns into my favor and something is “inviting” me to do things or to go to certain places. I’m not gambling recently but last days I was gambling (without the money), just wondering what the results would be and… EVERYTIME it was right. I was planning to get back to the game soon but maybe it’ll be earlier than expected.



that picture :rofl::rofl:


But no one can defeat “Mr Clean”, this car is incredible…


I just won a draw, there were 5 persons to win and 5000 participants.

The thing is, even before the wheel I was so confident in this NFT, believing about winning that I wrote in the chat “Don’t cry if I win guys :joy:”.

Just to actually winning, I’ll meet very famous singers, rappers and internet personalities.


What’s the best way to make use of this NFT? If I don’t have a tag, can I keep the Image on my Computer Screen whilst I do my Work and take it with me when I go out as Mobile Wallpaper? @ecaiii @Moshiro

I take the time to speak to my printed out NFTs (laminated), say my intention/s, connect with them, say gratitude, etc. As well as play the audio :headphones: :slightly_smiling_face:


Would you say this is the Ultimate Luck NFT?

I think that varies per individual preference.

Personally, this has given me open-ended blessings. :pray:
I like to put it in a stack of luck/abundance, I know they all work in synergy.
My experiments keep expanding as well, as per my intuition of which ones to pair, or play stand-alone.

Also, it depends on your need, some luck fields are very specific (ie Lucky wealth, etc)

Here’s a list of them all:


Hi, late answer because of life. To be honest, I’m using it very simply, nearly passively, believing everything good happening to me is deserved, when something really needs to be acquired, having a really strong and confident intention about winning, asking this NFT to manipulate the odds.

I went to the event mentioned above with a friend, there was a ticket to bring someone else but they told us this information very late, a lot of things happened this same day. I had no way to come back home, they canceled last trains, there was no other way but suddenly there was someone on Blablacar that was miraculously heading very late to my town all of a sudden, I can assure no one do that and after talking to this person, he told me he does it this like once a year.

I was resolved to sleep on the street as the last option and my friend proposed to sleep in his home but I had to go home absolutely that night so this Blablacar was necessary… Also being controlled in transport while losing my ticket, somehow the transport agent didn’t check me.

It could’ve been the worst day in a while but it didn’t go this way.


Someone send me the audio please :slight_smile:

do you have it by now?

No I don’t unfortunately

in your DM :)


Hello, could I have it too?


Since you are a new user @mbt you would need to provide proof of ownership that you own this NFT in question.


Oh, didn’t know about that, i don’t own it but never mind, I was wrong in thinking it was a free item


Hi there @mbt!

Here are some links that will help you navigate the forum: FAQ Collection for Newcomers - Welcome - Sapien Medicine

Welcome KY chalice peach


Thank you 🫡


You’re welcome, mbt. Enjoy the forum! :slight_smile: