The Unexpected

Same just played it today and got some a nice boost in money today so my new combo will be: The Unexpected + Wealth Generation + Alchemical Revision of Wealth + Financial Protector.


That is my Abundance Stack as well!

  • Astrologically Inclined
  • Alchemical Revision of Wealth
  • Wealth Generation
  • Woven World Millions
  • Financial Protector
  • Probability Wave
  • The Unexpected

How you use PW in the middle/end of the stack?

I have it as first so i set the intention and then play the rest.

But ive been curious to try also just letting it play and whatever it picks up from my desires haha (i have it also in the money stack)

The only one i dont have is the Revision of Wealth, havent pulled the trigger because i feel Capital Governance is similar and im ok with itā€¦


I am not big on the specific order of tracks within a stack - esp. if they are not clearing/cleansing onesā€¦ I usually just put them in no specific order. After obsessing over specific orders for years lol, I now feel the specific order does not matter too much within the same session for complimentary audiosā€¦


I had this in my revision series playlist - which I never find the time to playā€¦so decided to move it to my morning stackā€¦

So many great audios, not enough time haha


Oh ya i agree.

I asked specifically about the PW because we suppose to set the intention while or then pay it thats why it caught my attention to know how you are working with it since its not the 1st one it means you dont set an intention, or do you focus while the whole stack plays?


The way I think (at least today lol) - my previous audios are the energetic intention - and Unexpected is the fruit of the intentions sent into space via the wave ā€¦


For real is like playing Bingo and see what balls fall in to make the series haha


Ahhh interesting!!

Thank you


My curiosity, Million Dollar is missing from the stack.


If I wanted abundance in general for life would this be the best option for me?

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Howā€™s it been going with this one?

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After having this for years, I finally had the chance to see its unexpected blessings ā€˜aloneā€™ (with so many luck fields sometimes itā€™s hard to pinpoint which is doing the work haha) Though I know they all work in synergy. As a sole field listened to (4x), and set an intention by throwing out a thought of,
What beautiful blessings am I going to receive today?

(1) I have received an unexpected call for a sendoff dinner. Mercury retro in place, so heard from a person whom I havenā€™t seen since November. :phone:

(2) In this remote island, I get stressed out when thinking of going out. Public transport is tricky to get; when I reached the main road - ā€˜to my surpriseā€™ plenty of rides are available, but one particular driver was from the same city I was born, and heā€™s lived from the town I stayed before. Talk about coincidences. :sparkles:

(3) Reaching the place, it was perfect timing - sunset! :sunrise:

View from a rooftop deck.

(4) After a great filling dinner and catch up, thinking how Iā€™ll go home, instantaneously a person came to me to offer a ride home. :star_struck:

Ahh, blessings after blessings, it felt like the day was just wrapped with all things Unexpected - aligning my luck from start to finish. :gift_heart: Gracias!

:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

unique combination of unexpected gifts, probability alteration and luck, some elements of the woven worlds system etc


I donā€™t know how it manifested into my world but patterns are starting to be noticeable, itā€™s like everything turns into my favor and something is ā€œinvitingā€ me to do things or to go to certain places. Iā€™m not gambling recently but last days I was gambling (without the money), just wondering what the results would be andā€¦ EVERYTIME it was right. I was planning to get back to the game soon but maybe itā€™ll be earlier than expected.



that picture :rofl::rofl:

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But no one can defeat ā€œMr Cleanā€, this car is incredibleā€¦