ive heard a rumor that the fields work even if the volume is set to 0,
that on youtube its possible to lower the volume all the way down and still get
the morphic field effects just no music/tone. Can anyone verify this?
I play the volume at like 5% while I sleep. With a fan that drowns that out. And earplugs in. And a pillow wrapped around my head. It still seems to be working.
I can’t comment on the 0%. I haven’t tried that.
The 0% wont work.
Me too! Works fine!
The morphic field takes over whatever energy there is:
ESPECIALLY Scalar Light (such as laser)
You name it.
The items are neither.
If you use one of my bifilar coil plates, you get scalar EMF (weak EMF, high scalar). Your computer generates a shitload of EMF. Cell phone less. Light could be your screen or even the flashlight on your phone. Or play a video on the phone and stick a laser on the screen, pointing it at a person or pic to direct the energy. Or just shine a simple laser pointer (must be a real laser though, those focused LEDs from flea market or the dollar store aren’t laser, although they do function as a carrier for fields) right on your screen while the video is playing and see an increase in energy.
Hi there! I use the audios only on my smartphone on 0.
Your conscious mind has to be able to hear it, but you set it really low yeah
okay thats cool ill guesss ill try to use it without any volume! thanks take care ,
0% volume wont work…