The Way of Integrity

Lol. My first reaction was “this man wants to wield the tao and a sword”. Then I thought “not so fast brain…”. And I went to google. Sure enough, this came up:



:heart_eyes: Daoism is lofty and hard to grasp (i know lol) interested too see where this one goes and i’d : +1 for more conceptual embodiements of the dao teachings. :muscle:


This is a beautiful concept! Thanks, @Captain_Nemo


Can someone please explain to me in simple words what this is doing and what “integrity” means in general? … is the opposite word “corruption”? … does integrity mean being committed/devoted to someone?
sorry for my ignorance


C.S. Lewis, “is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.” Integrity is a foundational moral virtue, and the bedrock upon which good character is built.

Acting with integrity means understanding, accepting, and choosing to live in accordance with one’s principles, which will include honesty, fairness, and decency. A person of integrity will consistently demonstrate good character by being free of corruption and hypocrisy.

Integrity is revealed when people act virtuously regardless of circumstance or consequences. This often requires moral courage. Indeed, integrity is the critical connection between ethics and moral action.

don’t be sorry for wanting to learn!!


nothing is really known about Lao Tzu but his name has become synonymous with the Tao Te Ching
he may have been born in hunan on the 24th of march in the year 604 bc.

these excerpts with commentary and insight are meant to helpfully guide you with the essence and energy of the Tao Te Ching
and ultimately the ideals of Lao Tzu.

the true person acts without striving and teaches without words in these words the idea is that a true person.
which we will take to mean as the idealized being we should strive to be is humble and teaches by example
the actions speak for themselves deny nothing to the ten thousand things nourish them without claiming authority
benefit them without demanding gratitude do the work then move on and the fruits of your labor will last forever.

here he espouses the ideals of non-attachment the journey towards the goal is sometimes more of the lesson than the
actual destination you stand to learn and grow in the process or journey rather than the end goal the true person governs by emptying the
heart of desire and filling the belly with food weakening ambitions and strengthening bones if the people are simple and free from
desire then the clever ones never dare to interfere.

here he shows that the right action is sometimes not what the ego desires on a spiritual path we tend to give up the material desires in this way the less we crave material
benefits the less those who control the distribution of material gains can take advantage of us.

the highest good is like water for water benefits the ten thousand things without striving it settles in places that people avoid and so is like the tao
bruce lee is once quoted by saying “be like water my friend” you can apply this to a wide variety of situations in life learn everything even the things left behind by others
like water if you can flow into those places discarded by others then you can also flow and settle in the exalted positions which are harder to reach.

help the people live
nourish the people
help them live yet lay no claim to them
benefit them
yet seek no gratitude
guide them
yet do not control them

this is called the hidden virtue

here the ideal person is shown to be an ideal leader who cares about the people around him
and does not control them the ideal person guides and sets an example by the very actions performed

both favor and disgrace bring fear great trouble comes from having a body

what is meant by
both favor and disgrace bring fear
favor leads to a fear of losing it
and disgrace leads to a fear of greater trouble

what is meant by
great trouble comes from having a body
the reason you have trouble is that you
are self-conscious
no trouble can befall a self-free person
surrender your self-interest
love others as much as you love yourself then you can be entrusted with all things under heaven.

this here is pretty self-explanatory and shows the ideal approach and mindset in the journey of understanding

empty everything out hold fast to your stillness even though all things are stirring together watch for the movement of return
the ten thousand things flourish and then each returns to the root from which it came returning to the root is stillness
through stillness each fulfills its destiny that which has fulfilled its destiny becomes part of the always so

to be aware of the always so is to awaken here stillness of the mind in meditation can help you connect and reach the always so state by curbing the ego in meditational
stillness we can really discover our own true purposes

the best leader is one whose existence is barely known by the people
next comes one whom they love and praise
next comes one they fear
next comes one they defy

here he espouses what an ideal leader
should be a person who isn’t in it for the fame
and glory but rather the upliftments of the people

if you do not trust enough you will not be trusted

a very simple line but profound
to gain trust you must also give trust

nothing under heaven is softer or more yielding than water
yet it has no equal for attacking things that are hard and stiff
nothing can withstand it everyone knows that the yielding
overcomes the stiff
and the soft
overcomes the hard

yet no one applies this knowledge

usually in general day-to-day life what happens when someone verbally attacks us the logical thing is to defend yourself
and yell back but trying to stop violence with violence is impossible
there is no winner in that situation
just ego satisfaction
but with great cost
a kind or understanding approach can
often defuse a situation

these words are some of the wisdom offered by lao tzu as he retired into the solitude of the mountains
leaving behind his ideas and teachings a legacy to guide us in our journey of understanding the tao

these words and ideas can help shape us into becoming a better person or rather a better version of ourselves
while it is commonly said nothing is perfect the constant refinement of our being helps to guide us towards something closer to that concept of perfection


These two parts especially, I needed to hear.:pray: Thank you. (Personal context: parenting two littles under 5 in this panoramic.)


Nourish them without claiming authority,
Benefit them without demanding gratitude,
Do the work, then move on.
And, the fruits of your labor will last forever.


Help the people live
Nourish the people
Help them live yet lay no claim to them.
Benefit them yet seek no gratitude.
Guide them yet do not control them.
This is called the hidden Virtue.


I love these myself.

almost feel hugged from the universe knowing of the good I’ve done in the past with no object but to help. actions I didn’t even perceive as helping just service.

highly recommend Gratitude for blessings because frankly we’re all blessed.

He doesn’t claim anything and stays lowkey, doesn’t moderate but leads through his actions and gifts/skills.

he doesn’t need to be named or tagged but it’s truly an honor to know someone of such pure heart and intentions.


@Zen @Lilo thank you both for your amazing posts!

You’ve made my morning! :pray: :pray: :pray:


Been using this and it has been releasing the self conscious version of my self, will update more


For some reason this works better than ego dissolution. as if 1.5 or 2.0. Feels like it covered things that one couldn’t. Will use both and see how it goes


I feel like this is one of the most important fields ever made. As far as for walking on the path of righteousness, Love, and ego dissolution. Thank you for this priceless gift, Captain! Think I’ll pair this with Become a Kinder Patient Person,Gratitude For Blessings, and Sword of Righteousness (as @Zen mentioned).


Is this field supposed to have someone talk in the background? Or am I tripping :eyes: this is my first time listening to it


Wot? A voice over?

What are you talking about Imogen? Is just music


huh? has it changed? Def has narration last I used it.


yes. and I love it…it feeds your consciousness with the concept verbally as it does it energetically.


Lol you guys :rofl:

Of course it has a voice over come on.

I was just teasing Imogen


Yea it has someone talking




Not to be the Dream Police (those who know, know) but isn’t that for Patreon subscribers?