Has anyone tried the Wolf Experience by Dream Seeds? It calms you down so much like no other audios from Sapien or Dream has done that for me before. I was just wondering how long do the effects last per se because I do know that it’s temporary and not permanent
I can’t wait to try all of those from Dream seeds. I haven’t had the time to listen to those yet, but as soon as I’m able to I will…I want to try the alien one too and plenty of other ones…what else have you noticed from that audio?
Well, I’ve noticed that it completely erases all my negative thoughts. I’m more in control of my actions. My sense of smell, and vision have also improved and I felt very focused after playing it. And physically, I felt stronger. My lower back was hurting today and had no appetite to eat earlier. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not but after playing it, I was finally able to eat a good meal. Definitely try it out when you get the chance. You don’t be disappointed. I’m going to try out the Alien one now. Heard great things about that also
Damn, thanks! You’ve inspired me now…Your vision got way more clearer? Sounds like an amazing experience over all!
Yes, more clearer after playing the audio. Lmk how it works out for you when you try it out. Good luck!
How many times did you listen to it to see differences in your vision? Thanks…
Just once. It’s pretty long and effective. If you don’t feel any effects from one listen, then definitely shoot for 2
Listened to this a while back…
Felt my teeth and wanted to bite and chew something…
Very cool audio !
they are permanent as long as you change your old habits and have control on what you think of yourself, while different things happen to you. for example I listened to forgiveness audio for 3 months. so I forgave myself and others. does it make me not face any challenges in my life? does it make others not bothering me anymore? no, I should change the way I look to different things. I guess I listened to Dragon experience more than 2 months. may be 3. it gave me power of having more control in my life, as if I am the boss!! try Silva method and every night remind yourself whatever you’d like. you should program ( or reprogram) your mind.
@El_Capitan_Nemo Captain, could you put this on Patreon please. Would love to take my mp3 player out into the woods with this on.
Just revisited this one and I forgot how awesome it is. Just a sense of calm and self assurance.