The Zen Lion

I created my Zen Lion five days ago and felt so much energy getting imbued into the item so chose. First time I felt such a surge of energy during the creation process. Even the fine hairs on my knuckles began standing up haha
All in all, the creation process felt super fast. I didn’t even have to wait 20 minutes.

Wearing the item really gives me this sense of feeling shielded and protected. I was in a new country and I exploring the capital there. I felt safe and at peace, as if nothing can touch me, despite the entirely new environment.

I had been sick with a cold past week but all remaining symptoms disappeared within 24h and I felt so much energy that I decided to go back to the gym. This part was blowing my mind because I had taken a two week break from the gym which usually results in reducing weights and starting to work my way back to my original average in weights. This time however I was even able to increase my weight by 40%!
For legs it was even more! :exploding_head:
Recovery also feels much faster. Will report back with more experience in the next couple weeks.

Next up I want to test if I can establish better communication with my Lion and what kind of boosts it gives me in other areas of my life. So far I love the immediate effects and can’t wait to explore this more!


I think I’m going to get myself a lion too after reading your sharing :weary: just nice I bought a set of “talismans” (the cloth ones that tourists buy) in Xi’An China, based on the nine sons of the dragon. Going to create the lion on the Suanni talisman later, which will be my first new gen servitor too since the shark tooth necklace I just ordered and can only touch when I’m done with this week’s travelling. Fingers crossed since I don’t have astral sight and never could clearly communicate with the old servitor nfts.

Edit: The creation is done in just one play of the Audio. I have my audios on loop so I could tell the difference, it felt “heavy/dense” or substantial during the first play of the audio but as it went to the second play/loop it felt empty. As for how it goes I’ll need more time with this but it definitely “feels more” than past servitors, first contact wise. (I did ask Tiamat to bless this creation though with her audio first then the lion’s audio, then another play of her audio after. Having more ideas to experiment with by viewing this new one time use servitor creation as something like a birthing process, for the lion I think if you have Sekhmet she can bless the process as well since the lion element matches.)

Edit 2: it’s 2:41am and I don’t feel tired at all despite being out since 9am. Cant sleep and got to wake up early for a morning train :no_mouth:


I’m really looking forward to getting this servitor and teaching him some additional abilities :star_struck:.

I ordered a tungsten pendant that came with a titanium chain. I would have liked the pendant to be in 316L stainless steel, but it does not exist in this version. Tungsten is an extremely hard metal, it does not oxidize and is scratch resistant. For some time now, it has been used in jewelry for its qualities.

Like diamond, the downside is that it can break if dropped on a hard surface.

I take the object that will host the Zen lion very seriously. He will follow me all my life!!! A very long life!!!

The basic skills of this servitor as well as the abilities to add are incredible and will allow you to do crazy things :exploding_head::heart_eyes: ⚕. Superpowers!!!

I will also be able to heal people, manipulate and interact with surrounding energies.


My hotel room got an unwelcome “guest” last night when the door chain started making a lot of noise, at an increasing speed and loudness until I turned on back all the lights in the room lol. Was surprisingly calmer than expected (though I was still quick to grab my lion’s vessel beside my bed for added reassurance). Anyways first time experiencing this sort of “interesting” hotel event while travelling and staying alone :joy:. Asked my lion to get rid of everything negative in the room, though I’m not sure if it could actually proactively eliminate them or just deter them from me? @Dreamweaver


So i wanted to wait a week before i can give a full review. i’ll start by saying i have been wearing this Lion Zen Tag to work everyday. i have noticed a shift in my moods where little annoying things that used to bother me like being stuck in car traffic/running late for work and annoying coworkers are no longer a nuisance to me. It’s like my mind has shifted to a more relaxed and calm attitude kinda like The Zen Lion. Now my attitude is like “if i’m late for work it’s not the end of the world” And " i don’t give a shit what my coworker says about me". The zen like quality of the Lion has been giving me a sense of peace lately .


Hi, To create a new servitor is:

1.- Hold the object in my hand and say “In this object I want to create the new servitor.”

2.- Place, put the object near the speaker of my smartphone for 20 minutes and it’s all right?

Thank you

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You got it right. But you don’t need to play it for 20 minutes because The 20 minutes is how long it takes to get it activate and ready for use. You only have to play it once to the new servitor and set your intentions / Although some users claim it’s best to play it 2-3 times when you first activate your servitor.

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My Zen Lion is such a bro.

Very chill energy when I put it on. I find it best to put it on at the end of a hard day. Great for relaxing and recharging. I get a health boost and strength boost when I put it on, too.

I will say that my Zen Lion is super big on work/life balance - so he might not be the best partner for hardcore productivity. He seems to encourage taking a breather and looking after mental and physical health.


I decided to install Zen Lion on pendant of twisted sage !!


better on energy neutral material. you have only one try so…


You think did not work?
I all ready installed @Sarumann33

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i say better, if you are with the creature than it is okay. i dont want to make you unsure. if you made it work with it and see.

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@Sarumann33 is anyone could check for me if my servitor is there?

is there,chill.

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Thank you for checking out :relaxed: truly appreciate it @Sarumann33 :hibiscus:

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Hooping with the Zen Lion is too fun. I used to walk in the gym nervous/anxious, especially when I see certain people there. Now a days I just pull up and get straight to it, not a care in the world lol. Honestly, I wouldn’t fully attribute this to the Zen Lion since I’ve been working w a lot of fields and also been just going hard for myself lately. But one thing I can fully attribute to the servitor is a massive increase in vitality and stamina. I fr don’t get tired on the court anymore. I played Pat Bev type defense the whole run :joy:

My servitor is still stock btw, no abilities… can’t even imagine playing w something like Overclocker.


Can we add on 1 item 1 servitor and later add one more so in 1 item is two servitors.

I personally wouldn’t recommend it. You can do something like place each servitor on a crystal and wire wrap them together into one pendant instead.


The Zen Lion is the servitor I picked and I have no regrets.

Firstly, I’m new to servitors and have never worked with such in the past. I was hesitant to go for it because I feared that my communication wasn’t optimal or that I didn’t feel anything.

Well, almost two weeks with the Zen Lion and I’m so happy with it, I can definitely feel it when I’m wearing it and it’s so subtle but at the same time so obvious when the “suit” is on.

The most striking effect for me is on social settings; imagine a lion walking in his territory with confidence, decision and assertiveness, knowing that every other animal (in this case other people) has great respect for you.

The Zen aspect is what I like the most; I’ve been very chill, present, connected with my body and with an underlying sense of peace. The effects continue a bit even when not wearing it.

I have to say that in the first days there were some moments where I had to take it off because I felt that my system was overloaded with this new energy and just needed to go slower with it to integrate it properly. Looking forward to get some of the extra abilities and keep working with it!


I am planning to get this one for my daughter who is 7. I have ordered a nice peaceful lion face engraved pendant for her and plan to let her activate the servitor.

I have not worked much with servitors and plan to get phoenix for myself shortly soon.

Any cautions for letting children have it?