Theoretic worrying about NFTs

This is similar to the use of spells and magical words in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. I like this take.


I really do love some of your posts. There are some things that took me a while to better understand, but when finding agreement, I would think you are quite right. E.g. ego, self-love, unconscious → conscious, higher vibe, higher self connection.

Part of the irony is how big of a difference we feel/perceive about earth and being on this planet. I know you have expressed that you really don’t want to be here in this game.

What I initially was going to reply with was the thought that, mastering or becoming very adept at time/space, i.e. no longer participating from that frame of reference, could significantly reduce the number of incarnations,…or at least the experience of them. E.g. the numbers won’t matter. But it might be easier to go through the incarnations…up to you I guess.

I really don’t know what lessons you need to be learning. My projection, somewhat defaults to not being attached to a certain point-of-view, belief. Like however annoying, or low vibe earth can be, to accept that view and let it pass through. No longer being with it. Again, it is my projection. Maybe the lesson for you is to grow the awareness of how low-vibe and garbage-like earth can be. Spread that through utter feeling, and tenacity of doing so…until enough people have realized a similar level, and then its no longer needed. The experience of that.

Ahh sorry about that last paragraph, a little ‘stream of consciousness.’ Want to support you in connecting with your higher self. Not that it’s needed, just the thought.

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