Theta and Epsilon on speakers?

As far as I’m aware, most brainwave audios on youtube uses binaural beats and requires headphones for effectiveness.

So my question is if I can listen to theta, epsilon, or any brainwave audios on gumroad on speakers?


Works on mono phone speaker for me. Energetic programming. Try it.


Yes, speakers are effective. Sapien’s audios are not based on binaural beats. They embed Morphic Fields.

Hi! Can I listen to the sounds of Sapiens Medicine without the headphones of my laptop or phone speakers and do we need to drink water before and after the video?Thank you in advance.

[Samuel G] You don’t have to drink water. You can listen to it on the speakers or headphones. Both are just as effective.


Really? Hard fir me to believe it works on mono speakers which means it may also work on phone speakers?

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Yeah. The entrainment your getting is through the energetic programming not binaural.

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Delta track had binaural beats. A couple of tracks do actually. Some solfeggio frequencies. We alter them a bit though using audacity to differentiate the frequency from all the other channels use it. If we make a field on the base frequency with no alterations, that would mean anyone listening to the same binaural beat/frequency from any other channel, would get that field. And well, that’d be pretty messed up lol.


Very cool! Helps understanding how these audios work. Thank you!

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What about those that don’t have a frequency tone, @SammyG? Is the field embedded in the actual music then? Or in the ‘silence’ behind it?

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In the music itself. The music we have in our videos is all original. We sometimes reuse our own music but just alter parts of song (tone, pitch, speed, ext…) to make it unique enough from the other field.


So does that mean we can listen to the field at minimum conscious level hearing without looking for the “buzz/hum/frequency tone” in the background ? I was listening to the subconscious limit remover for a month but the sound was too loud it actually started ear damage so I started weaning off it then completely stopped. I never really understand what should we be listening to in the video for eg in the subconscious limit remover I was trying to listen to the constant background buzz/frequency tone
& in order to listen to the buzz I had to increase the volume, which in turn increased the volume of overlaying music, which in turn shattered my ears so I had to leave that field. Do you have any suggestions regarding this problem @anon6431808 @SammyG ??

Subconscious Limits Dissolver

That’s the more calmer version of the audio. I understand that the original is pretty chaotic lol. You can listen to our audios at the lowest volume possible and they will still work on you. You don’t have to focus on them for them to work. But if you do focus on the audio, it can be at very low volume, and you can still meditate on it and infuse yourself more intensely with the energy.

We generally attach the fields to all the sounds in our audios. The tones we add to them sometimes add a unique layer to them so we don’t affect the original and only affect our version of the audio. The reason why some of our new audios are just songs without tones is because… those are completely original songs. We own the sounds so we can just add the field to it. We don’t want to interfere with other people’s art by adding a field to it without their permission and it affect millions of people unknowingly.

The reason we also don’t just do tones anymore is because you’d be surprised how so many of these tones are ‘copyrighted’ as if people own then. We aren’t trying to play that game of ‘copyright strike’ tag anymore so we just create our own stuff. Also, some people complained about the tones. Said the sounds were too harsh or annoying. Then we got music, still got complaints lol. At this point, we realized we aren’t ever going to please everyone haha.

Well we’re going to keep doing what we’re doing. We like making music and adding fields to them. Makes the process more fun. And if we aren’t also having fun doing this stuff then what’s the point eh?Went on a long tangent there but I wanted to also address something I’ve heard many people make comments on (the songs).


New music is simply awesome! I can’t understand that someone is complaining about it. Even the tones don’t bother me, I found them sometimes even soothing, lol. Thank you for everything you are doing!


Like Novak said. The tones, music, everything is great. I actually love the different types of music you guys use and create for the fields. It’s awesome. Sometimes I’ll catch myself playing it just for the song lol. :joy:

But when it comes down to it as long as I’m getting the field I’m happy regardless of the rest.


Yes the new music are great… I didn’t know you guys made the music and it’s an original production! Awesome! :+1:

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Wow. You guys truly are legends.
And I love the music! Kinda misunderstood me there, I was just worried I was doing something wrong & was listening to the music for fun whence I should be listening to the “tone” or it won’t work. Now I know they are one & the same thing & listening to either is okay as you infuse the songs with fields. Thank you so much for clarifying!
Thank you again for these fields & your excellent work!


Oh, most of of that wasn’t directed to you lol. So no worries. Just felt like addressing that in general. Listening for fun is completely fine.

And moreso, we direct the music. So, I’m not gonna lie and say we make it, make it lol. We work with the producers to get the sounds a certain way and it’s real fun being part of the creative process.


@SammyG i was going to buy the epsilon brain wave state but I see its not for sale right now. Could i buy it directly ?

All of the brain wave fields have been combined into the Meditation Master NFT: