Hey guys I want a audio that can help me open my third eye and decalcify my pineal gland like the one in the shop but I’m unable to purchase stuff so do you guys know any third eye audio that’s free that will work just as good , thank you
This is your best bet:
Pietersite seems to develop your third eye too:
There is pineal gland detox…
And Azurite also helps 3rd eye…
@anon17734191. Woah, those cards are powerful!
Ikr… (people will think we are advertising XD)
I realize now I sort of pitched the cards as kind of advertisement now that I read that back lol if you ever get the physical or digital deck it has amplifiers in it of 5x 10x 20x as well
Will use 20x on every card… fk the system!!
There’s a major organ purifier in the deck which I used that with… oh man felt like everything I ever consumed was coming out of me all at once in every which way more so then the full body detox Sapien has which is pretty powerful… that sounds gross in retrospect but you get the picture
In addition to the nice suggestions given here, Selenite may also help (it’s also in the Crystal Kingdom 2 album). For 3rd eye and also the Crown.
Hey @anon17734191 the card creator he has a YouTube channel I watch him channel in what I believe is a galactic entity as well if you wanna check that out Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings. I find it interesting plus every week he will do healings on his live chat for people for free
I already saw it… nice Higher self video