Thor redux or Dominance and authority for attracting women?

I feel like those two are pretty similar bc Thor is quite dominant. How differently do y’all think the two would manifest in terms of being more dominant towards women (for attraction)?

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Think of the two alpha male types of Thor and Tony Stark. Thor is more the silent but strong type. He has more inherent power. Dominance and authority is more on the social end like Tony Stark.


do you think thesse tags have any effect on women? I loved the marvel movies and the artwork of the tags are really sublime :slight_smile:

Yes they have. A man who is in charge of himself is attractive to women, interestingly enough more so to more attractive women. Men on the other hand, confident ones can accept the fact that I am showing them respect while insecure ones lose their shit like “how dare that guy have self-respect”.

I agree. I was inspired to re-watch the original Thor and noticed more how much importance that hammer has to Thor. As I was carrying a nice picture of it at the time.

Wait… I just realized that might not have been what you meant. You mean if a woman wore it? I don’t know, I have wondered that myself. I bet it could help. Because again, it seems like confident women like my confidence. I think it’s not the confident women who feel a need to tear down a man’s self worth. So yeah, please tell us how it goes for you.


Yes i meant what if women wear these tags.
Im not sure what tag to purchase but they all seem really nice.

I have the weight loss which i gave to my friend at uni , and the social mastery which works wonders for me as far as speaking my mind goes (i am relatively shy). I honestly don’t like to be dominant but i think this could help to gain more respect in general from other women :slight_smile:

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Thor or Lion would both be good choices for you for what you are describing. I feel people should start with Lion. It’s more about that kind of strength you feel about yourself when you look inside. You know how certain interactions with people make you “check yourself”. They make you check how you really feel about yourself. Lion makes you solid there.

Thor is about that too but is more about what you put out into the world. That’s my experience with these.

If you wear Thor, keep this as a back-up plan, Mjolnir really brings out the “strong and silent” type in me. Which I love. But it’s a little too “silent” for the taste of some people. And I have to interact with the world. So the Throat Chakra track on Gumroad lets me have the best of both worlds. I get plenty of confidence but can still express myself clearly. There is something about self-certainty that makes it hard to speak to people you see as being committed to being wrong-headed.


Hi! I actually got my Thor tag for about a week now, and i’m a girl! I got to agree that it really gives you the strong but silence power! For me that’s great is actually very me beeing quiet socially but now i really fell that power! Is great! I’m gonna keep updating here!


Not sure why all these people are raging on Thor.

Ohhhh right. They boosted it … :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile:


Those who are furious with Thor are those who have “BOOST” the “MANDALA DE THOR” is not “Thor’s dogtag” …

There’s no rage.

:) I’m aware. It was a tongue-in-cheek joke.

Nevertheless, they boosted something that didn’t need boosting. ;)

I boosted the confidence, Dominance and Autorithy sigil 3 times in a month and the truth has been very heavy to use.

We gain the anxiety of wanting everything very quickly and here are the consequences. I get madder than normal LOL


Lol at Thor being “strong and silent”.

There’s a reason Berserkirs chose to worship Thor specifically, and not Odin :wink:

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Don’t make me fight you over this Chaos/Shaman/Roku whatever you might call yourself. By Thor’s Hammer, I will rain down on you so hard… :rofl: :rofl: :muscle: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rofl: :rofl:

Again these are the jokes people. Be sure to tip your waitors and waitresses

But I do have a theory as to whom becomes “strong and silent” and who becomes a “berserker”. Time will tell as more reports come in.


The only time I feel like a berzerker is while wearing Thor and Lion and listening to automated workout and physically working out at the same time. All of that together. Yeah I get kinda pumped up.

I’m still friendly to the locals though. Lol.


“Thor’s hammer”

Psshh, peasant… Its mjolnir ;D

And no he isnt strong and silent brah, its the 21st century with its cute souls, so Thor adapts and pretends to be nice.

He isnt, hes a wild mofo, although he has a good sense of humour, reminds me of a certain entity, hmm…


Lion is the real deal brah.

Thor has emotions, morals, codes.

Lion gives no fuks, I had the mandala on me today for fun , and every time people around me start panicing, its fukin hilarious.


I want to buy “Lion Dog Tag” or “Thor Dog Tag” but I remember that it has been 2 months since I bought “Best Path in Life” and it still hasn’t arrived and the emotion passes LOL​:rofl::rofl:


Dont be stupid.

Why do people overlook the second part of the lion tag…?

“Fields will work to grow, strenghten and nourish your confidence and self esteem on a conscious and SUBCONSCIOUS (!!!) level”.

And it only costs 50, get that one ffs.


I wonder how those two work together. That is kinda how I feel. No fucks and yet a code. Wait… Dexter? Ah shit. No I feel good though. I mean no fucks but in a good way cause I still care about things just not stupid things so much as before or things that don’t matter.

More than just a code though. It’s like I demand certain things of myself. Well, I guess that is a code.

Lion is really good for me though. I don’t want us to make stuff seem so scary that Dreamweaver comes back and nerfs it. Like, now it’s Lion Cub. Nooo.