Thoth The Scribe NFT

NFT are fields as in mandalas.
Their field is active only for people who bought them.
NFT is a blockchain mechanism by which you have a limited number copies of digital artwork.
Hope this helps, a search on the forum for “nft question” and “nft maker” will give you more in the depth information.


Thanks for reply how can I benefit from it means the one mentioned here about Thoth am i great admirer and follower of Thoth


You need to purchase the NFT from venly market or one of the forum members here who are an owner of the Thoth NFT

The field is intelligent and knows if you’re an owner of the NFT or not, once it knows, you benefit fully and can interact with the real Thoth

@Hero-King I’ll respond to you here to not cloud the thread

The mandala attunes you to this energy, the moment you buy it youre connected

It’s smart to carry around the mandala for at least a few days at least after which you won’t need to any more, but i recommend to look at it still for a few moments every so often either ways

Personally, i carry the mandala 24/7 still lol, haven’t printed out this one yet but i will soon when i get the chance

I have the mandala on my phone next to me on all night every night since release, connections been wonderful :)


Does NFT energy just works on me once I’ve purchased it or do I have to print it out and actively carry it around with me , as per say like a mandala ?


I just got around to looking at the Thoth nft. Well done, those of you on that team! I’m eager to read the testimonials of those of you lucky enough to have acquired such a gem!

Having said that, I would also like to say, I’m a huge fan of how you all did your write up. As I was admiring it, it occured to me that “of course the write up is excellent…he is Thoth, The Scribe, after all.” :roll_eyes:

More evidence of the veracity of the claim that ownership of Captains NFTs can be established well in advance of the actual purchase.

And no matter how many times I see that demonstrated here in the forum, I never get tired of it! :sparkles:

I can’t say this enough, WELL DONE! :two_hearts:


The Write Up is thanks to @Ugninis himself, the whole Group worked on it tho :slightly_smiling_face:


I suspected that was the case! He has an uncanny (in the sense of inimitable) style which shows up as that wonderful ability to suss out and present the most interesting details!

Thank you for clearing up the ambiguity! :sunglasses:


This feels amazing. I used to love all the movies in Egypt. Words, architecture and magical power.


First got this nft. I tried to introduce myself. The moment I kept saying ( thank you for coming into my life) and I saw huge man walking slowly toward me just gently coming at me and hearing me talking. I see his presence like very comforting yet strong. And his face is very bright. And has that glimmering of lights all over it. It’s very beautiful.

I can’t wait to explore more with him :slightly_smiling_face:

Another update.

He been taking me to this beautiful place. So much fruits and flowers. I see his throne is very big :sweat_smile: kinda shaking me a bit. But my ego was trying to scares me when he wanted me to show more stuff.

He gave me like a flowrly necklace :joy: it’s very beautiful. But I really need to get used to his energy because it is quite intense :sweat_smile:

And the last thing I asked for him. To lower my ego and removed any negativity that tries to manipulate me negatively. I feel so positive at the moment. It’s been an hour already. And I feel a rush of happiness energy just surrounding me.

It is definitely a good thing especially if you like to meditate.

I wasn’t meditate. I was conceptually communicate with him. While closing my eyes and laying on bed. Very beautiful.


I just want report small update.

Since I got this nft.

Lately for no reason my dad been acting weird to me
In a good way. It’s like when I use that attract love energy.

I did indeed asking Thoth himself to blessed me. I cried while I did. I saw him looking down at me :joy: but I kept crying anyway cause I was too emotional.

One thing that I said to him. ( bless me and help my situation) then hours later.

My dad asking me to go out and what more interesting he gave me small money that I can buy whatever I want. So I end up got two apples. :joy_cat:

Then the next morning he took me to my requested place. Which this lake.

Here the picture.

I only post two cause I don’t wanna spam :kissing_heart:


The minute you purchase it starts working for you. Carrying the mandala strengthens the connection and makes the integration easier. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong


A few days ago, I had the huge luck of having had the chance to aqcuire this NFT from a fellow forum member for a very generous amount.

@ the person who sold me this:
Thank you very much! :pray: :heart:

All in all, Thoth came into my life by a big surprise.
I was not particularly interested in this NFT and was not actively looking out for it. It feels as if Thoth has rather looked out for me by himself :open_mouth: :hugs:

Once the NFT was in my wallet, I felt a strong tingling on my Crown Chakra, as if something was done there. I also felt very uplifted and even had to laugh.

Then I introduced myself to Thoth and thanked him for allowing me to learn from his wisdom and that he was in my life now and that we would be friends from now on.

I have the impression that Thoth finds it interesting to work with someone from the 21st Century, where general information is more widely available than in Ancient Egypt. I also found this funny and told him that I already, at least, know who to read and write and that we can start working on some existing base and not from the ground up :grin:

I also conceptually sent him a picture of all the books that I have ever read throughout my whole life (over 1000), as well as all the research that I did in the many years on the internet and YouTube – probably because I wanted to demonstrate to him my willingness to acquire knowledge and understanding and that I would be a good student for him :pray:

Then yesterday, after finally having read the whole NFT description :grimacing: :sweat_smile:, I asked him to remove a certain thought form that I had created by myself and that was still attached to me and that I wanted to get rid of for a long time. And so far I have to say, that this thought form is really gone now, which is awesome :raised_hands:

Also, since having Thoth in my life, it feels as if conceptual downloads and understanding of things come easier to me than before. Very similar to Conceptual Realizations but more like an inner dialogue where I am being told of how stuff works.

Very excited on what more stuff I will learn in the next weeks.
I will definitely ask Thoth to help me make more energy sensitive.


Gratz on getting Thoth’s NFT and thanks for the testimonial. Gratitude goes a long way in our connection with deities. :slight_smile:


@JAAJ what a cool review bro !
I love how you talked to him like he was literally your teacher and showed him all the knowledge you had already acquired !
That part was so wholesome and unique :star_struck:

And wow the ability to remove a limiting belief form is honestly so game changing :game_die::spades:

Thanks for bringing life back to this thread ! :wink:


Loved the review(s)! Thoth is so cool really… When I got him, I felt such a chill vibe :)
Congrats @JAAJ on getting his NFT, and thanks for sharing how you work with him. I always love to read reviews where people share this, to learn more myself. I know @anon51280824 always shares details about how she works with the NFTs as well and I really appreciate you guys for this :pray:


Wow man that is a great idea with sharing your past knowledge with him! I also shower him with gratitude and give him the respect he deserves! I also consider myself one of his disciples, ( he pushed me to use that word I feel, what an honor lol)

Since owning this NFT, I have found it easier to “scribe” things. I actually asked for his help in sending a good farewell text to someone lol.
Also I ask for him to balance my chakras and infuse my meridians with mana from time to time.

This is a major aspect for me as well. Very well put! A few times now I’ve given a perspective to others they wouldn’t have thought of and I also surprised myself lol. So thank you God Thoth


Ever since Apollo’s release and Thoth has been coming in ever so happily and so strongly for me–the way he flawlessly is! I just got a couple NFTs printed out and got an extra print out of Thoth last night! The Guidance that he provides with his very laid back and cheerful presence… It feels like we have a layer of eyes that see beyond the instant moment, that has all the paths laid upfront and really has the luxury of choice.

It’s incredible… I love him so much and I can’t wait to see how his remerging presence plays out in the upcoming days!! :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Ps: explore a vastly new world with the Egyptian pantheon (and truly, all your NFTs) with the Stone of Destiny seamlessly awakening the energies and blending it all in. :blue_heart:


Once connection established, no need to look at mandala anymore correct? I find the outfit and abs too distracting to concentrate, lol. A weird problem, I know…


lol, you should take a look at the Dagda haha even more distracting!!

Just look at the eyes ma’am haha and yeah you can always call on the energies themselves, no need to see the abs :D


lol ok. I am too visual for my own good sometimes. Also those big orbs and the bright colors… haha. I think I will try closing my eyes and just energetically connecting next time.