Thoughts about Sadhguru

For ones who have seen his videos what do u think about him?I personally admire his knowledge a lot.i would like to get dream comment too.

has some nasty rumors about him and his past

Yeah he murdered his own wife many say that though still I get considerable knowledge from him I don’t really delve into his past

nah just sayin, nasty rumors, who knows, maybe he trys to atone for his sins nor or whatever, but in the end truth will be found in oneself, he may be a help to find it tho

I dont watch him that much or didnt even bother to watch what he says, only heard the rumors, just sayin

I won’t comment about the man but “his” music band Sounds of Isha has some nice tracks that I enjoy listening.


His foundation and his help towards nature is more than enough.

Lol at rumors.

Dreamweaver is an indian soul-devouring vampire with an army of indian scammers,

According to “rumors”.


@noah I took that workshop too! I found it interesting. Did you take anymore?

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Sadly people call him fake even after doing so much for the humanity…

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Yes, it is sad. Sabotaging minds rule… “I’m not capable of doing what he/she does? Ok, so I’ll throw mud and destroy”. Imbecilic mentality.

I wasn’t going to comment, although my post about Sounds of Isha is quite self-explanatory: I don’t listen to “mystic music” which feels off to me. Plus, one has to know a little about Sadhguru in order to make the connection.

I sort of acted like a coward in my first post, in order not to be hurt in my feelings LOLLL, because I was reluctant to get any blowback to my comment (see egoic identification)… and angry at those rumors (I try not to talk much when I’m angry. I say try…). Then, Samurai came to the rescue. We even talked about my reluctance with KundaFest in another thread yesterday.

I generally don’t fear people’s reactions (included on this platform) or follow the herd for the sake of being accepted and appreciated by others. I mostly don’t give a dime, actually. Still, exceptions happen sometimes. After all, my motto is to strengthen myself through my fragilities and not only through vague sentences like “nobody’s perfect, neither am I”. Nope. More cash than that.

Blabla aside, in addition to what Samurai has said, I appreciate this man’s humor and his emphasis on gracefulness. I owe him some of the light that I managed to have during a confusing period of my life 5-6 years ago. Plus, I learned many useful tips from him, be it for my yoga practice or else… Learned in simple terms that I could understand easily as a mortal lol.



What made him stand out is when people asked him why Shiva allows the virus to destroy people.

His reply on how Shiva views all life as equal and doesnt discriminate is dope.

What makes your life worth more than others?

Nothing but your own, self-created worth.

Although I do notice at times when people ask him something , you can “sense” how he wants to go full ego-crushing mode on their ass, but then calms down and gives an answer that gives comfort with bits of hard truths sneaked in ;)


Same here… going through a difficult phase and only his wisdom took me out of that storm and this man Dreamweaver… i owe a lot to these great souls :heart:


Exactly. No one can give better explaination of things in such simple and sarcastic way like him… i wish once he comes to our city which is a place of shiva so that i can see him once :pray:


i feel like it’s just humanity and its tendency to polarize. what matters is if that person believes the lies being told about them or utilizes their energy towards their purpose.

‘haters gonna hate’, but their energy still swings your pendulum.

all my opinion.

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Yeah personally I could see that in the Joe session in which a person asks why women are not allowed in shani temple in india.Sadhguru nailed it there.


As Sadhguru explains it she went into mahasamadhi meaning her life energies became so intense/exuberant she left her physical body purposefully.
He also says we should neither believe or disbelieve him and i find that actually a smart thing to do, i do and did some practices he offered and i had very pleasent to exstatic experiences following his practises.
So i see and try out what he has to offer and cant deny to have some belief in him backed by my experiences but when it comes to things like mahasmadhi and the death of his wife i simply dont know shit but i won’t let rumors come into my way of openly receiving the world.
The Point is its quite easy to react to fears that come up when facing the unknown that which is not yet in our experience. (he also resonates very much with me its just a feeling for me dont rly know if theres more to it)
Much Love Baya