Thoughts on Downloads from the Nine by Matias Flury

Have been drawn to this book, and about a quarter in but already beginning to feel some energy working with my body. Would love to know if anyone else has heard about this book and their experiences or thoughts on it.

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Whenever deciding whether or not to trust a non-corporeal entity, I feel more caution should be used than when deciding whether or not to trust a physically present one. I think a great deal of caution should be exercised when deciding to trust a physical person. That’s when you can take the time to judge the message, truth, intent, and consistencies or inconsistencies in their words, actions, facial expressions, and tone of voice. You have less information to go on when judging an invisible person, so please use even more caution.

Also, the degree of caution called for is dependent on how sensitive, vulnerable or valuable the thing with which you are deciding to trust them with is. I’m not sure there is a more sensitive or valuable thing than your spirit, heart and beliefs because everything else of value in your life flows out from these.

If you are more apt, willing and ready to trust the 9 or any other entity than you are a next door neighbor whom you barely know or think you know even though you only have a surface level relationship with them while they could be a completely different person to their family or to anyone they have power over, or in a dependent situation, then taking a step back and taking some time to re-evaluate your criteria for trust is called for in my opinion.

Came back to add some more.

Anyone who wants something from you, even if at your expense and to their benefit will often and easily present themselves as a friend and present what they are doing as for your good. This is fairly easy for humans to do. It’s far easier for a much more intelligent spirit to do. It can take some time to review the true effects of a person’s actions and words before beginning to discern their intent. It can take much more time and retrospective thinking to discern the real results of an entity. It’s easy for their effects to seem of benefit to you at the beginning, and for even a long time after.

This dynamic is amplified for anyone who is in need or has a strong desire. It’s easier to see what you want to see when there is even a little bit of desperation to see it. Many people fit this category.