Three purifiers

Thanks brother dream! Get well soon and thanks for this ! This is a dream itself, covids really made such negative impact on health on the long run :heart:




Still resting and healing but just making things slowly and training myself again.

Take all the time you need to rest and heal dear Dream. In the meantime we wish you the best!

This new field is splendid, practical and useful.


Thank youuuuu @Captain_Nemo awesome :sunglasses: & growy 🫶:sparkles::smiley_cat: Get well sone and take your time . :heart:
Wish You Much Health And ALL The Blessings. :pray:


With the current fields we can greatly improve our health, our daily life and our spiritual evolution :blush:

Rest well Dream and I wish you a speedy recovery!!


Thank you for this gem, Captain!

Happy to hear you’re getting better. Please take good care of yourself! :heart:


Thank you so much Dreamweaver. :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Thank you so much dream, It’s amazing the things you do even while resting. You really are a wonderful person🙏


Thank you for this amazing creation Dream :heart: your generosity and work ethic are unmatched!

Please take the proper time to rest and may you heal soon :fire:


Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are always challenging. Nowadays, this is even more so.

Ask people their opinion of this, this track that you regard as your new favorite heart healthy mood music. Don’t explain Morphic fields—just say you kind of feel something with this heart healthy mood music and you’re just trying to see if there’s a “something” to it by checking with them. Ask them to be open (people like to be open) As a rule, people are open to vague somethings, and they are flattered to be asked for an opinion. Next, just tell them where you found it. At worst, they will have listened to something that’s good for them, and know where they can find more.


Thanks Dream!

Shortening my playlist like this became a weird dopamine producing thing for me


thank you! please be well very soon!


Thanks a lot, dream! This one has me dancing.


Not just you.


Woah thank You :blue_heart:🩵 :green_heart:


You’re the man Dream, truly thanks a lot!


Very nice, thank you.

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Now that would be a really cool field,
“The Pure Essence of Dreamweaver”!

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So of course whether i need or think i need a field if its something new i wanna try it, specially the last ones since they are like the new babies for Captain, and making the effort pushing himself to be fully up again for us.

Last night i was like ok lets play it.

Again… i didnt know i needed it.

And this reminded me that sadly a lot of times we get accustomed to function at a certain level that we deem as “fine” but its not.

It was only through and after looping this field a good 5 times that i was like Oh… My God, so this is how trully deeply clean breathing feels like?!

Plus the mental clarity was dope too

Its too soon to say it, but even if i can withstand a lot (LOT lol) of fields throughout the day without feeling overwhelmed, i do feel a bit “heavy/full” like my entire body is topped with energy by the end of the day, not bad that i need grounding. Just full.

Which is how i felt last night (business as usual i thought)

But then i played this one and it was like grounding ALL my body from head to toe, all systems.(not the energetic ones tho but body systems) A nice restart empowering the systems without sweeping away the other fields energy. Which i could clearly feel.

To me particularly this field (if i continue feeling this) could be the best one to end my days.

Because its on my chest where i feel the fields energy meeting and expanding from there once they get through my aura, so when i feel overwhelmed or saturated with energies i feel my chest a bit clogged.

So that was the 1st thing i noticed, not just much better breathing but the area unclogged from excess of energy.

Then if you have noticed, i am one that uses/takes care of/ closely watches the blood and the lymphatic system because to me they are key in assisting the perfect rapid distribution of the energies, besides the energy systems themselves even if all the energy systems are intrinsically intertwined with them, if you dont have a good blood/lymph with good flow… you dont get the same results from fields *wink wink

And since i am obsessed with those 2 i know how they feel when flowing nicely, which was clear last night after this.

And the anti cancer one also sweeps away all the weak cells in the body

Really good field as first impression


Thank you very much Luna for the great and interesting review.