Suggestions for thyroid solutions
Please guys
Suggestions for thyroid solutions
Please guys
Using from 6 months but no USE
Along with monopause
Theres no audio specifically for Thyroid but as someone commented thats the one that can help all the endocrine system and that includes the thyroid.
I have a 14 years old Nephew that has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hes been listening to this list for 2 weeks now and almost immediately the symptoms have almost disappeared.
Ego dissolution what it does actually… Please explain in simple language
Ego dissolution and or Subconscious Limit Removal are like a most on any playlist.
Ego always wants to keep us in a negative sick low vibrational state. Listening to it before other audios keeps it ‘tamed’ while dissolving it over time, thus not getting in the way of your goals, healing etc.
thats a gross way of describing it but sure. however take it slow with ego dissolution
Maybe it’s like making your mind and your aura more suggestible to fields to better work on your energy and thus changing your energy to adjust to fields you use…so you have better and faster results.
It delivered the message in a simple way for her to understand So id say it works.
Plasma Protocol has it all
when you say thyroid, it also affect lungs, heart, kidneys, nervous system, brain…metabolism
you wanna be sure that all is healthy, then you need Plasma Protocol
Combo 1 or 2 or 3
OR all must listen 3 combos of plasma protocol
2 mainly for thyroid
all of at least Combo 1 & 2
Combo 1 and 2 which is in plasma protocol
Thanks bye
Subconscious Limit Removal and Ego Diss should actually work as they revert you to a purer state of being, allowing you to receive energy from your higher self without a thyroid issue!