I have a bigger realization now that time truly does go fast. Focus on what you want and to help with that just stay CONSISTENT on the audios for the goals you wish to achieve. Being on NoFap has given me this bigger realization. Since January 1st I have been PMO free. Where are we now? February 10th. Exactly a 40 day streak. To anyone out there who has an addiction, cut the cord with your addictions right away. Do not fall for the trap.
Everytime you fall for the trap you always feel regret of some sort. Please do yourselves a favor and stay on the path you desire to be on. Do not derail. Derailing delays and before you know it, a LOT of time will have passed. Hear me out. I am almost 26 and have been addicted to porn since I was 18. In these almost 8 years of addiction, my biggest streak of being PMO free is 50 days. Now here I am at 40 days. I had to FORCE myself to stop this once and for all and even watch videos as to why porn is bad and such.
To anyone who doesn’t want to read the whole thing, TLDR: Focus on your goals and focus on them like you have no time. That’s when you will start to act.