Tip to loop audio with your phone screen closed

I tried to make a tips page and nobody saw it. I discovered an app called Musi allowing me to loop audio without ads, whilst my phone is off. Basically YT Premium for free and gives the channel views still.

Beware though, there is an autoplay feature, which can only be dealt with by making a playlist


Thanks for this. Btw, do you know any app to loop an MP3 file I have on my phone. I got some patreon files on my Google Drive

If you have Android, get Pi Music Player. It’s a great app, very easy to use and allows you to loop a single song without having to create a playlist. Several music apps have this, but not all do so it’s hard to find which do since it’s considered a minor feature


The money Sapien makes from ads is very marginal. It would be better for you and Sapien if you support him on patreon and buy stuff from his stores.

Not to mention that many of the companies that advertise through youtube are malicious convincing you to buy something you do not need by infiltrating your subconcious. In addition it seems that Google in general is engaged in suspicious activities like mining your data for advertising revenue. After all that is how Google and by consequence Youtube makes much of its money. I remember reading that Google deflects suspicion by claiming it is a technology company not an advertising company.

Well that was a tangent, but support Sapien through patreon and buying his stuff.


I just have to figure out a way to loop his audio through my phone, hopefully one of the media players mentioned above works

In vlc and most players you just click this:

Where you see the orange marking is where you loop, on the screenshot I got the whole playlist on loop if you have a little one inside or around you got the current song in loop.

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Thanks for the recommendation Jango! I just downloaded it and it works perfectly! For anyone wondering, you need to download f-droid on your phone first. NewPipe feels even better than youtube and videos load much faster for some reason.


Great suggestion with Newpipe. For desktop, I’ll recommend Freetube tho.

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But doesn’t newpipe play the audios through webM & M4A while video via Mpeg 4, does that not effect the frequency or the quality? Hey @SammyG, can you please enlighten us with your input on this, thanks!

Have you gotten any results /progress while exclusively listening via newpipe

But doesn’t newpipe play the audios through webM & M4A while video via Mpeg 4, does that not effect the frequency or the quality?

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I have YouTube premium and it doesn’t show any ads.

Is that bad for Sapien Medicine?

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No, I don’t think so, because they might get a bit of the premium revenues


Musicolet is the best

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Im looking for audio loop player that I can make list of different audios to each loop 2/3 time !

Any suggestions ?.

I have android

Tnx :tulip:

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Use vlc media player.