Tracks that are ok to loop for sleep or in general?

Was just looking to get some feedback or get a list going for tracks that may be looped for sleep or in general. Thank you

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A hypothetical Sleep Stack (list of audios that may help with preparing you for sleep and during sleep) is here.

Sweet Dreams is meant for use during sleep.
Lucid Dreaming can be looped while sleeping if you would like vivid or lucid dreams.
Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage can be looped while sleeping if desired.
Positive Energy can be looped while asleep for more pleasant dreams.

At the bottom of this article it mentions about audios being looped while asleep:

An extra trick you can do is leave a field on auto repeat all night beside your bed. As long as your conscious mind can sort of hear the field, it will still continue to work for you all night. If you have a field in an item, you could place it under your pillow. Having these fields work for you in your sleep will help make these changes happen at an even faster pace than you’d imagine. Although this works, sometimes the energies will not allow you to sleep. You can download the ListenOnRepeat app on android or iPhone and have the audio playing all night or create a playlist on youtube that has the same audio for the amount of time you’ll be asleep.


You can put it on low volume so you can barely hear it. Not sure if you would still hear that mosquito sound.
You only have to consciously hear the audios for them to work.

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Excuse me
Does it work if the volume of the speaker is only adjusted from 0 to 1 and I can’t hear it at all?

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Sit in a quiet room and find the volume you would just be able to hear it at if you listen intently.

That’s the lowest volume that’s recommended

Dreamweaver has said in the past as long as you can hear it somewhat

Others say they play it low in their pocket and they can’t hear it and it works fine

If it were me I would find that faint volume and then not worry if I can hear it or not after that. So if other noises in the room cover it that is fine, as long as I was able to hear it faintly in complete silence

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thank you so much

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Does anyone know if we can loop subconscious Limits dissolver for hours (or at least for 1h)?

(Let’s say that i want to use it while repeating autossugestions)

Should be fine for an hour, I would work up to more than that

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OK. That clears it. :grinning:
(it is safe to loop)
Thank You.